I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 957 Yasheng Article

"Hey, beautiful article!"

Ji Changyue looked at the colorful auspicious clouds above the Gongyuan, which were as brilliant as brocade. She couldn't help but let out a sound of surprise. There was someone in the Gongyuan who could compare with Xie Wenyuan, a great master of literature and art. It was really beyond Ji's imagination. Chang Yue was unexpected.

Emperor Qian was also slightly moved and looked to the sky in surprise. This time the eight immortals really gathered together to show off their magical powers.

In the examination room of Gongyuan, eight-year-old Fangyuan put down the pure fox pen in his hand, looked up at the spiritual atmosphere under the sky, and couldn't help but think to himself.

"Although Xie Wenyuan is a great master of literature, I will not lose to him! His spirit is integrated into the words, and every word is bright, like a candle in the sky. The spirit of every word of my article is like a cluster of flowers, as brilliant as a brocade. It does not belong to him. Literary talent.”

Fangyuan's face was full of energy, and his brows were filled with the light of wisdom, making him look confident of victory.

"Moreover, Xie Wenyuan participated in the examination this time in order to use his articles to persuade Emperor Qian. Although his literary talent is as good as mine, he will definitely not be liked by Emperor Qian. In this examination, I will definitely win the first place and become the number one scholar. , the world's noble families and nine thousand sons are all mediocre in talent, so I must be the only one to be the most popular in the world's articles!"

Li Shenguang had a vague suspicion about Yang Qian's knowledge, and his demeanor became much more respectful. He was a true scholar-official, and he naturally admired people with profound knowledge and said respectfully.

"Your Majesty has a sharp eye, I admire you!"

Yang Qian looked at Fangyuan's beautiful article and frowned secretly. Fangyuan was a chess piece secretly cultivated by Meng Shenji. He might be the leader of Taishangdao in the future. If Fangyuan wins the championship in this conference, it will really make everyone Qian's face was dull, and he was thinking secretly in his heart.

"It seems that it would be better for Hong Yi to become the number one scholar. Xie Wenyuan represents a family of officials who participated in this examination in the hope that the imperial court would give up the New Deal and not implement the policy of paying grain to both officials and gentry. And Fangyuan is a descendant of Taishang Taoism, and also Although Hong Yi is unruly and daring with evil intentions, after all, there is no influence behind him, and his background is relatively clean, so even if he becomes the number one scholar, it is acceptable!"

In Hong Yi's examination room, looking at the "Confucius said" son on the paper, Hong Yi smiled slightly, put the pen on the paper, and wrote the two words "Everyone"!

Then, he changed his pen and said, "A common man can be a teacher for hundreds of generations, and one word can be a law for the world!"

The tone is majestic and leaps off the page. Suddenly, the words burst out and shine brightly.

"A saint is a teacher for all generations. Every word and deed is the law of the world, and is respected and followed by future generations. This is a saint, this is the 'Confucius said', the holy way..."

After Hong Yi solved the problem by saying that "an ordinary man can be a teacher for hundreds of generations, and a single word can be the law of the world", suddenly, literary thoughts surged, and he seemed to have grasped the spirit and momentum of the ancient "philosophers"! Their greatness!

A teacher of all ages, every word and deed is a law respected by the world.

How else can one use the language to admire such a person? To worship him?

While writing and writing, Hong Yi's spirit felt his understanding and respect for the holy way of the ancient "philosophers". His spiritual temperament and various thoughts were slowly condensed and did not spread out.

However, gradually, gradually, the words in his writing were flying, and every word seemed to resonate with the "students" worshiping in the temple.

Every time Hong Yi wrote a word, it was like a spiritual baptism for his soul thoughts, and he fell into an extremely subtle state. Although his own hands were writing the article, it seemed that all the saints were writing the article. Tell yourself your holy way, and you are just a recorder who watches. Suddenly, he felt that his article seemed to be coming to an end, and he suddenly picked up the pen.

Boom! A huge and unparalleled energy suddenly rushed into the sky!

The moment Hong Yi finished writing, buzzing, buzzing, the tablets and statues of the "Confucius" enshrined in the temple began to tremble violently! The trembling voice resounded throughout the Gongyuan.

Yang Qian frowned and looked at the statues of the philosophers opposite, and cast his eyes towards the place of origin. Looking at the smiling saints standing on the bridge on the other side, he couldn't help but complain, these medieval scholars fought for Hong Yi, the last emperor. The saint Yi Zi really spared no effort to instill his remaining spiritual will into Hong Yi through the resonance of the article, told him the knowledge of the Tao, and helped him write the article "A Hundred Saints Can Ming Together", which is truly the best in the world. The most competent atmosphere team used his status as a saint as a stepping stone for Hong Yi to elevate him to the position of sub-sage.

Yang Qian secretly complained about the ancient saints, all of whom have been dead for many years, but they are still stirring up troubles, trying to make Confucianism the largest sect in the world, and even suppressing the imperial power. It is really annoying, if it is not the other side Above the Golden Bridge are all the remaining shadows of the spirit and will of the disciples. He must teach them a lesson so that they can calm down and not meddle in this world carelessly.

However, no matter what happened, this article "Hundred Saints Qi Ming" was written by Hong Yi's hand and had attracted everyone's attention. It was difficult for him to tell the hidden truth and he shook his head helplessly.

"Hundred Saints are chanting together! How is it possible! Whose article is this? It is in line with the holy way! That will lead to hundreds of saints chanting together! What kind of article is this? I want to see it!"

Li Shenguang raised his head suddenly, stared at the sky and saw the huge Wen Qi that bloomed with thousands of rays of light, and exclaimed in disbelief.

In the examination room, Hong Xuanji, who was sitting peacefully, suddenly stood up, looking through the room and staring at the literary spirit in the void, with a look of disbelief on his face.

At the same time, in the distant Fenghua Tower, Emperor Qian Yang Pan and Ji Changyue were suddenly shocked. They stood up and looked in the direction of Gongyuan.

"Hundred saints chime in unison! Whose article is this? Impossible, impossible! These statues of gods have been enshrined for generations and have a trace of divine power. Although they have no consciousness, they have their own reasons. Only the spirit of the article is close to Only by understanding the holy way will it resonate with them!"

Fangyuan stopped writing, lost focus, and almost dropped a drop of ink on the test paper, but luckily he caught it with his hand. But his literary thoughts have been interrupted, and it is difficult to write beautiful articles anymore.

"How is it possible for a hundred saints to sing together? How is this possible? Such a situation will never happen! In the past dynasties, in the imperial examinations, such a situation has only happened if the writing style is extremely pure and the cultivation is extremely profound. All of them are great Confucian saints, with powerful Only with a spirit that resonates with the holy way can one be recognized by the Hundred Saints! Anyone who is recognized by the Hundred Saints, even the emperor has to admit that he is the number one scholar in the new science! Who is it? How can there be such a person in the world? The energy and spirit are gathered in the words, causing hundreds of saints to sing in unison..."

Fangyuan's immature face was full of disbelief. He was gnashing his teeth and had a ferocious expression on his face, filled with resentment and deep jealousy, as if his beloved thing had been taken away.

In fact, his things were indeed robbed, which was his huge reputation as the number one scholar in the imperial examination! This reputation is immeasurable, both in the court and among the people.

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