I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 96 Konoha Collapse Plan (3)

"I've already told you, what you do has no effect on me!" Neji was a little disdainful of Naruto's cookie-cutter opening strategy of multiple shadow clone techniques. This approach not only showed Naruto's In addition to the astonishing amount of chakra, for experts, this will waste their own chakra, which is not conducive to long-term combat and is a waste of their own strength.

"It doesn't matter to you, as long as I can defeat you!" Naruto retorted loudly. With a wave of his hand, all the shadow clones rushed towards Ningji. Some shadow clones rushed towards Ningji head-on, and some shadow clones jumped. In the air, some circled directly behind, and densely packed Naruto surrounded Neji.

"You really don't have a long memory!" Neji did not use the soft fist stance this time. Naruto really needs to be dealt with. Neji thought it would be better to use the steel fist taijutsu to teach Naruto a lesson. After all, it is better to hit with fists. It hurts enough, he wants Naruto to remember the lesson this time, and wants Naruto to understand why the flowers are so red!

Naruto's right fist hit Neji's face directly. Neji was secretly angry. He didn't hit people in the face, but Naruto, this kid, specifically attacked the face.

Neji turned his head slightly and dodged Naruto's fist. He clenched his left hand into a fist and struck forward. He twisted his waist to exert force and kicked his right foot back. His whole body seemed to be parallel to the ground. The two shadow clones, one in front and one behind, were directly hit. Explosion, his left hand propped up on the ground, his feet lifted off the ground, and he slashed down, "Bang, bang!" and kicked Naruto's shadow clone out again.

Neji straightened his body and looked at the shadow clones that were constantly surrounding him. He became a little impatient. His speed soared and he punched wildly with his fists. The air was burning, like red peacock tail feathers spreading out. It was extremely gorgeous.

"Toward the peacock!" Mike Kay's exclamation sounded from behind Kakashi.

"What is a peacock?" Kakashi squinted at Mike Kay who came to him, and asked Mike Kay with some doubts.

"Facing Peacock is a unique move of my Eight Gate Dunjia when opening the six gates. It uses extremely fast physical skills to explode the air and produce flames, which are as gorgeous as a peacock spreading its wings!" Mike Kay's face was full of surprise, like Kaka. Xi explained the principle of peacocking and the conditions required.

"That's it!" Kakashi nodded and replied calmly, showing an expression of sudden realization.

"You don't understand at all. What I'm saying is that this move towards the peacock requires six of the eight gates to be opened before it can be used. Otherwise, the human body cannot meet the requirements for using this move!" Mike Kay looked at Kakashi. With a confused expression, he immediately became violent. He grabbed Kakashi's clothes tightly with both hands and shook Kakashi's body vigorously. Kakashi was fluttering back and forth like a fallen leaf in the wind.

"Oh, that's it!" Kakashi still rolled his dead eyes with a listless expression, not reacting at all to Mike Kay's good words.

"Why are you so calm? Do you know what this means?" Mike Kay let go of Kakashi dejectedly, his hands drooped weakly, and he looked at Kakashi feebly.

"Isn't this what it should be? With Neji's talent and ability, isn't everything he does normal?" Kakashi said with a natural expression that was not surprising, full of recognition for Neji.

"That's right, it's true. Kakashi, you are worthy of being my lifelong rival!" Mike Kay suddenly realized and scratched his head. He was so easily convinced by Kakashi's theory. It was really a matter of his own persistence. No.

"Bang bang bang!" Naruto's shadow clones were constantly being blown away by Neji. Neji's figure was almost invisible to the naked eye. Naruto didn't even have time to react. Almost all the shadow clones were scattered. .

"Damn it, how could it be so fast? There's absolutely nothing we can do, we can't even see him!" Naruto stood there, motionless, shaking his head and looking left and right in the field, but still couldn't find Neji.

"Where?" The sweat from Naruto's forehead slowly dripped and entered his eyes. However, Naruto did not even dare to blink. He could only endure the discomfort caused by the sweat. His eyes were already red. It was obvious that Neji The pressure on Naruto was so great that Naruto couldn't even hear the noise outside the field, and his ears were filled with the sound of his own violent heartbeat.

"Dong dong dong!" His heart beat like a drum. Naruto watched all the shadow clones disappear, and still couldn't find Ningji's figure. In desperation, Naruto could only keep turning his body and head. Looking for Ningji's figure, hoping to find something.

It's a pity that Naruto's actions were useless. Even though Naruto turned his body around, he still didn't find Ningji. This made Naruto a little confused as to where Ningji was when there was no one.

"Come out! Coward, if you can, fight with open arms and swords. Don't hide!" Naruto had no choice but to shout, constantly calling for Neji, hoping to stimulate Neji to sacrifice himself.

"Naruto, he's behind you!" Sakura shouted loudly to remind Naruto as she watched Naruto keep turning his body and head like a headless fly.

"Behind?" Naruto quickly turned around, but there was still no sign of Neji.

"Where is there?" Naruto didn't find anything and could only ask Sakura in confusion.

"He's still behind you!" Sakura continued.

It turned out that Neji had been hanging behind Naruto using his own speed. No matter how Naruto turned around, Neji had been hanging behind Naruto and teasing him.

Naruto knew that Sakura would not lie to him, which meant that Neji was indeed behind him. This time, he swung his elbow backwards and hit Neji without even knowing his body or head. Unfortunately, this speed was too fast for Neji. His eyes were as slow as a snail, and he easily dodged the attack without causing even a little trouble.

Neji looked at Naruto who was dripping with sweat and anxious, and suddenly felt bored. The difference in strength between himself and Naruto was really too big, and there was no fun in fighting at all. He didn't want to delay it any longer, so he suddenly appeared in front of Naruto. In front of the person.

"Ah!" Naruto was startled by the sudden appearance of Neji in front of him, and unconsciously took a few steps back. His feet unconsciously stumbled together, and he stumbled to sit on the ground.

Neji didn't be polite anymore and punched Naruto in the face. Naruto's nosebleed suddenly. It was like a dye shop was opened on his face. All the blue, purple, red and black were visible. The blue and black were swelling, and the purple were red. blood.

Naruto received such a heavy punch that stars appeared in his eyes and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"It's over, can we announce the result?" Neji looked at Genma Shiranui on the sidelines and asked politely about the result of the game.

"Of course, Hyuga Neji wins!" Shiranui Genma directly announced Neji's victory, glanced at Naruto who was unconscious on the ground, and waved for the medical ninja to come on and treat Naruto.

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