I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 93 Achieving the goal

"Although I am very grateful for Jiraiya-senpai's respect, I still have no intention of becoming a disciple. And as long as I experience the senjutsu and sage mode of Mt. Myoboku, I will be sure to create my own unique senjutsu and sage mode. There is absolutely no need to study!" Neji thanked Jiraiya for his kindness, but still refused, confidently saying that he could create senjutsu on his own. If it had been the period when he had just awakened, when Neji was in constant panic, if Jiraiya had proposed to accept a disciple, Neji might have readily agreed, but now that Neji has stood at the top of the ninja world, it is impossible. Then go and worship Jiraiya as your teacher.

"My own sage mode?" Jiraiya took a deep look at the confident Ningci and did not open his mouth again to accept Ningci as his disciple.

"Since you are so confident, let me see it for you!"

"Look, little Hyuga, this is the highest secret of Mt. Myoboku, the sage mode!" Jiraiya did not become angry because of Neci's rejection, and was still willing to show off the sage mode he had perfected.

"My sage mode is still very immature and I cannot transform into sage mode independently, so I need to summon the two sages from Mt. Myoboku to work together to succeed!" Jiraiya brought his right hand to his mouth and gently bit his finger. , wiped the blood from his fingers to the corners of his eyes, this was to summon the psychic beast through the blood contract.

"During the process of summoning the sage mode, I need to use both hands to form seals, and I need to hold them for a long time. During this time, my hands cannot be separated." Jiraiya unreservedly used his sage seals. He told Neji about his technical shortcomings.

"This is a huge favor!" Neji looked at the man in front of him, feeling a little moved by the man's trust and love for him, but at the same time a little annoyed. If he had known that he would directly ask for a deal, what would Jiraiya do now? Without any request, he showed his trump cards to Neji without reservation. It can be said that he entrusted his wealth and life to Neji. If Neji was a person with evil intentions, it would be enough to cause irreparable damage to Jiraiya. trauma.

"The sage mode practice in Miaomu Mountain requires the help of toad oil to improve one's ability to perceive natural chakra, and then through meditation practice, one can improve one's inner state, and then combine natural chakra and one's own chakra and spiritual power in the same way. Only when the proportions are mixed together can the sage chakra be synthesized in the body. This process is dangerous. If you are not careful, you will be petrified and turned into a sculpture!" Jiraiya ignored Neji's entanglement and continued to practice the sage mode wholeheartedly. All the knowledge and taboos of Jiraiya were told to Neji. Although Jiraiya's face was painted with ugly eye shadow, the white hair on his head was no longer smooth, and even the bumps on his nose that looked like a toad's back began to appear, Neji still I feel that I am overwhelmed by Jiraiya's style. This is a true hero. He has his own magnanimity and charm. He will not be obscured by the so-called appearance. His openness and freedom are unique to Jiraiya. A hero. Also, truly a heroic figure.

Two psychic beasts, toads, which were not considered big in the ninja world, appeared on Jiraiya's shoulders. His hands began to glow, the red eyeshadow on his face became more complicated, and scattered bumps appeared on his nose. , the whole person seems to be a toad that has become a spirit.

Neji was not surprised by Jiraiya's appearance. Myobokuyama's senjutsu was originally tailor-made for toads. In addition, Jiraiya was not familiar with the east and west sage modes, so it was understandable that some characteristics of toads appeared. of.

"Little Jiraiya, you should also use the sage mode to transform alone. You can't always rely on us!" The toad on Jiraiya's shoulder opened his mouth and nagged Jiraiya. It was obvious that the relationship between the two was very close. close.

"Shima-sennin, Fukasaku-sennin, my practice is still not good enough, that's why I bother you two every time!" Jiraiya scratched his head in embarrassment, like a child acting coquettishly to its parents.

"Forget it, you kid, why did you summon us this time?" Fukasaku Sennin sighed helplessly and asked Jiraiya the purpose of summoning them this time.

"That's it. I just want to show my sage mode to my juniors to open their eyes. There's nothing else. If you two still have something to do, you can go back directly!" Jiraiya said softer and softer. , looking at the two immortals who were a little angry, I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

"Bang! Just for such a trivial matter!" The two immortals Shima and Fukasaku punched Jiraiya directly in the face, and their whole faces were squeezed together. Then the two immortals turned into smoke and returned directly to Miaomu Mountain.

"Wow, it hurts!" Jiraiya covered his face tightly with his hands, then released it and rubbed it vigorously. His cheeks were obviously red and swollen, making him look a little ridiculous.

"Is this the sage mode?" Neji recalled carefully. He had just used his mental power to carefully observe the changes in Jiraiya's physical condition that had been scanned, and fell into thinking.

"Senjutsu Chakra? It's a bit like the neutralization of natural chakra and one's own chakra. It should be because one's own body cannot adapt to the violence of natural chakra at first, so it needs to be neutralized with chakra, and then use the spirit With careful control, there is Sage Chakra that is more violent than Chakra, but calmer than natural Chakra. As long as people continue to use Sage Mode, they should be able to reduce the proportion of their own Chakra and increase the proportion of natural Chakra in the later period. If you know how to use natural chakra in the end, you should be a real sage at this time!" Neji gradually clarified his thoughts about sage mode, and suddenly understood that even if he created his own sage mode, he would still be able to achieve what he imagined. It still takes a certain amount of time to reach the immortal state. This is to allow the body to adapt to the natural chakra. You can't rush it and can only rely on time.

"But it's enough time! Three years at most is enough!" Ningci secretly calculated the time he needed, and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. He could still afford to wait for this time, and there was no need to rush for quick success. . After all, it will be three years before the ninja world really opens, and as far as Neji's strength is concerned, there is no opponent. Even if Uchiha Madara is resurrected with the strength of his heyday, it will be difficult to threaten him as Six Paths Madara. With Neji's strength, as long as Neji spends three years with peace of mind, and waits for the right time, he can naturally achieve his goal easily, and then use his own strength to fulfill his dreams and promises, and change the status quo of the shinobi world. , realize the integration of ninjas and civilians, and realize the true meaning of peace in the ninja world.

"Thank you, Jiraiya-senpai. Let me help you take care of your injury!" Neji came back to his senses and looked at Jiraiya who had turned into a pig head. He felt a little sorry and quickly stepped forward to use medical ninjutsu to treat Jiraiya. The wounds on the face are healed.

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