I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 880 Conflict between monarch and minister

Zhao Zongquan ascended the throne as emperor, respected Empress Ci Shengguangxian as empress dowager, and changed her reign title to Zhiping.

When an official ascended the throne, he naturally opened up favors, recruited talents, and rewarded meritorious officials. Gu Tingye naturally became the commander of the capital in front of the palace, and became a second-rank official. He was promoted faster than Li Zhan. It was like a meteoric rise. He became a new noble of the dynasty, and other generals of Yuzhou also received many rewards and promotions. For a time, the power of Yuzhou increased greatly in Bianjing, and the interest disputes with the founding Wuxun Group of Bianjing became more and more serious, leading to several conflicts.

In order to ease the relationship between the two parties, the official betrothed the daughter of the British Duke, the leader of Bianjing's founding martial arts group, to Shen Congxing, the newly promoted uncle-in-law. As expected, this move greatly eased the conflict between the founding martial arts group and the newly promoted martial arts group. As for Gu Tingye Especially because he was born in the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion and was from Yuzhou, he was highly regarded, and he seemed to be the first person in martial arts in the future.

As for the civil servants, the official family did not make many adjustments. The reason is very simple. In this dynasty, the civil servants are noble and the military is weak. In addition, the official family is new to the country, so he can easily intervene anywhere.

However, the officials are not a vegetarian. They first moved the Empress Dowager Cao out and let her listen to the affairs behind the curtain to stabilize the government. Then they reused the Grand Prime Minister Han Qi and formed an alliance with him to completely win over her and win over the forces in the DPRK. One group suppressed another group, gradually dividing them, and soon they took initial control of the government and were considered to have great power.

Li Zhan still maintained his neutral position and did not express any attitude. He just took advantage of the rebellion of King Yan to write a letter to rectify the millions of forbidden troops in Bianjing, inspect the military camps, screen out the old and weak, investigate and deal with empty pay, and reduce the army. , revitalizing military preparedness is in line with the officials’ expectations.

In less than half a month, the official family wanted to give his biological father, King Xianshu, an imperial title and honor him as Emperor Kao. This immediately aroused fierce opposition from Empress Dowager Cao and the court officials, and the conflict intensified, which was called the "Pu Yi" incident.

If there are those who object to something, there will naturally be those who agree. Regarding the issue of King Xianshu's pursuit of the imperial examination, it is no exception. I don't know what Han Qi thought. He actually agreed to the official's proposal and became a vanguard to suppress it. The courtiers expressed their opinions and actively worked for King Xianshu to pursue the imperial examination.

For the first time, Li Zhan clearly stated his attitude and position in the court.

Li Zhan bowed and saluted, without waiting for the official to speak, he straightened up, with clear eyes and majestic eyes, he looked at the civil and military officials of the court, especially the Grand Prime Minister Han Qi, and reprimanded him with great dissatisfaction.

"The late emperor established the official family as his heir, and it is also recorded in the royal family genealogy. In this way, the official family can legitimately inherit the great treasure and ascend the throne as the emperor."

"Excuse me, Sir, is there anything wrong in what I said?"

Han Qi saw that Li Zhan was upright and did not dare to quibble. He nodded in agreement. He was also a Confucian scholar from the imperial examination and did not dare to talk nonsense about orthodox issues.

Seeing this, Li Zhan became even more aggressive. He took two steps towards the official's house and forced him.

"Since the official family has been adopted by the late emperor and inherited the late emperor's family business, how can we still recognize King Xianshu as our father, add the title of emperor, and respect him as Huang Kao? Wouldn't that mess up the rules of human ethics, and wouldn't the official family become a Someone who got the position of injustice?"

All the ministers nodded, agreeing very much with what Li Zhan said. Han Qi looked at Li Zhan with a pale face, but for some reason he did not dare to argue.

The officials were shocked and angry, with anger in their eyes. They glanced at Queen Mother Cao who was nodding frequently behind her, and then at Li Zhan who was standing proudly. They could only announce that the court was dismissed and the matter would be discussed later.

In the Hall of Wende, the official swept away the memorials on the desk, slapped the table angrily, and shouted angrily.

"What exactly does Li Zhan want to do? Why does he object to my naming my biological father?"

Han Qi looked at the angry officials, and actually agreed with Li Zhan's words. He didn't agree with the officials doing this, but he had no choice but to compromise in order to stabilize the government. He hoped that the dispute over names could be put aside for the time being. Put the focus on military and national affairs.

"Calm down the officials' anger. Mr. Li is not targeting the officials. It's just that the battle over the Imperial Examination is of great importance!"

Gu Tingye also persuaded.

"Officials, Xianggong Li was just angry for a moment, Rong Chen went to persuade him!"

In fact, although the official was angry, he also knew that what he did was not honest. He had just recognized the late emperor as his father and inherited the throne. Before his butt was hot, he turned his back and refused to recognize his father. He wanted to respect his biological father as the emperor. If this thing hadn't happened to him, he would have definitely objected. It would be unreasonable for him to adopt someone else as his heir, inherit the family property, and then adopt the family property back again.

The official's anger subsided, he sat on the chair, sighed and said with a guilty conscience.

"I also understand that I am going too far in this matter, but King Xianshu is my biological father after all. As a son, he naturally wants to show some filial piety. This is also a bit of my selfishness! Zhonghuai, please discuss this matter with Mr. Li Let’s talk about it so that there won’t be any bad blood between the king and his ministers!”

Seeing this, Han Qi couldn't bear to persuade the officials anymore, so he could only make up his mind to see the matter calm down as soon as possible, so as not to delay other government affairs.

Gu Tingye was a perceptual person, and believed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what the official did, and that it was an act of filial piety. He was a little disapproving of Li Zhan's objection to the matter, but after hearing what the official said, he nodded in agreement.

Gu Tingye walked out of the palace gate and went straight to Li Zhan's house, came to the study and sat down to say hello.

"Ziqing, you are not an impulsive person. Why are you so fiercely opposed to the officials honoring King Xian Shu as the emperor today?"

Li Zhan glanced at Gu Tingye, who was pretending to be confused, and said righteously.

"Since ancient times, the only way to gain the throne is for a son to inherit his father's legacy. If the official family respects King Shu as the emperor and no longer respects the emperor as his father, then it means that the throne is not in a right place. Aren't you afraid of causing chaos in the world?"

Gu Tingye's expression was shaky, and he was a little poor in words. He was also a scholar, and he had passed the imperial examination, so he naturally knew the principles of human ethics. At this time, no matter how sincere the officials said, they were untenable in theory, and he was the party at fault. .

After all, Gu Tingye and Li Zhan were good friends. It was only after he returned to the Gu Mansion that he found out that after Gu Yankai's death, Li Zhan had been running for him and begging his elder brother Gu Tingyu to retain his ethnic origin, thus preserving his hope for studying in the imperial examination in the future. , even though he was greatly favored, he didn't want to see Li Zhan and the official family getting into trouble, so he advised him.

"This is mixed with the fight between the officials and the Queen Mother, so why should you get involved?"

Li Zhan naturally knew that this matter was not only a dispute over the imperial examination, but also a power struggle between the Queen Mother and the officials. However, after all, the late emperor was very kind to him, so he had to come forward and speak a few words of justice for the late emperor.

"The late Emperor was so kind that I had to do it, and you don't have to persuade me. I will not participate in the power struggle between the officials and the Queen Mother, but the battle for the imperial examination concerns the late Emperor, and I will never compromise!"

Gu Tingye looked at Li Zhan who insisted on his own opinion, and admired his principles in his heart. Seeing that Li Zhan promised not to fall to the Queen Mother, it was a big gain, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

Thank you to fellow Mengyoujin V and Miss for their rewards, and for your encouragement and support! ! ! Today I continue with six chapters. It’s a bit too tiring to update 12,000 words every day. I reluctantly wrote it today. I updated more than 200,000 words in 17 days. It’s really hard for me. Please support me! !

Finally, I saw people saying that if so many chapters are updated every day, it would be best to post one chapter every few hours and stagger the time. Should I do the same? ? ?

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