I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 870 The Sheng Mansion catches an adulterer

After a full month, Sheng Minglan saw that the time was ripe, and Mo Lan and the others also relaxed their vigilance, and then began to plan to close the net.

Minglan deliberately mentioned in front of Ru Lan that Yun Cai often went out to do shopping during this period, and when he saw her again, she actually ignored her at all and just focused on going out of the house.

When Ru Lan heard this, she also agreed again and again. She remembered that she had seen Yun Cai several times and ignored her when calling her, but she didn't think much about it at the time. Now it seems that the people in Lin Qige are probably not doing good things. Ru Lan feels He caught Lin Sushuang's hand.

Ru Lan couldn't wait to return to Wei Ruixuan and told Wang Ruofu about the incident.

Wang Ruofu was also very curious about what Lin Qige was doing. He asked Liu's mother to pay attention to this matter and put it aside. Her biggest concern now was Ru Lan's marriage. She was busy asking if there was a suitable and good family for Ru Lan's. Take a look.

At noon, Mother Liu returned to the Sheng Mansion with a frightened look on her face. She ran towards Wei Ruixuan in a hurry. She even accidentally knocked on the steps. Not caring about her scratched palms, she immediately stood up and continued walking towards the house. go.

Wang Ruofu looked at the embarrassed and frightened mother Liu and asked with concern.

"If you are an elderly person, why would you still fall? Look at your palms bleeding, why don't you quickly bandage them and apply some medicine!"

Mother Liu glanced at the blood on her palms, turned around and closed the door tightly.

Wang Ruofu's heart sank when he saw Liu's mother being so gloomy. He had a bad premonition and asked nervously.

"But something big happened?"

Mother Liu got in front of Wang Ruofu in two or three steps, bent down slightly, and came close to Wang Ruofu's ear. She covered it with her palm and reported in a low voice.

"I followed that girl Yun Cai today and discovered a shocking disaster!"

"Then that girl from Yun Cai is actually Mo Lan from Lin Qige. I followed her all the way to Yuqing Temple and saw her and Liang Han entering the same room and doing something cowardly!"

Wang Ruofu couldn't sit firmly, fell down on the bench, and sat on the ground. Mother Liu was startled and quickly helped her up.

Wang Ruofu didn't care about the pain in his body. He grabbed Mama Liu's arm with his palm and asked anxiously.

"This is no joke, can you see clearly?"

Mother Liu looked at her eldest lady seriously, helped her to the bench, and then swore.

"How could I say such nonsense? It's absolutely true. I saw it with my own eyes!"

Wang Ruofu suddenly felt as if his energy had been drained, he became limp and his voice became a little weaker. asked quietly.

"This matter is not trivial. Have you ever mentioned it to others?"

Mother Liu is also an old man in the house, so she naturally knows the importance, so she shook her head quickly and said.

"Madam, how dare I tell others this kind of thing? It would be a disaster!"

Wang Ruofu nodded, feeling a little relieved, and then ordered.

"Take me to see it quickly. I need to verify it first, otherwise I still can't believe it!"

Mother Liu nodded quickly, left the room, prepared the carriage, and went to Yuqing Temple with Wang Ruofu.

Wang Ruofu heard the conversation between Mo Lan and Liang Han coming from the room. He had no chance to take any chances anymore. His face turned pale and his eyes were filled with frightening light. He wanted to rush in and catch the rapist, but he held back. When she got down, she knew that this matter was too big and she couldn't handle it alone. Only Sheng Hong, the head of the family, could handle it.

Wang Ruofu and Liu's mother returned to the house without making any announcement, but waited anxiously for Sheng Hong to return to the house so that they could discuss with him what to do about this matter.

As soon as Sheng Hong returned to the mansion, Wang Ruofu invited him back to Wei Ruixuan and sent away all the servants, leaving only Liu's mother alone to tell Sheng Hong the matter.

Sheng Hong was furious and didn't want to believe that Mo Lan would do such a shameless thing.

Seeing that Sheng Hong didn't believe it, Wang Ruofu said with a cry.

"How could I talk nonsense about such a big thing? What good would it do to me? Hua Lan is pregnant now, and Ru Lan has reached the age of marriage. How could I make a fuss about such a thing?"

Sheng Hong's expression changed. He also knew that Wang Ruofu attached great importance to Hua Lan and Ru Lan's affairs. He would not mess with such a major matter that would damage the reputation of the daughter of the Sheng family. He quickly recruited some of his confidants and people. Wang Ruofu rushed to Yuqing Temple.

When Sheng Hong saw the disheveled Mo Lan and Liang Han with his own eyes, his heart was filled with despair, as if he were mourning for his heir. He ordered people to seal the room, gave Mo Lan a hard slap in the face, and escorted him back to the house, and brought Wei back to the house. Ruixuan.

In Lin Qi Pavilion, Sheng Hong looked at Lin Sushuang who was kneeling on the ground, his face covered with frost. He stared at Lin Sushuang and said disappointedly.

"Do you really want to let Mo Lan climb a high tree? You actually instigated her to have an affair with Liang Han. Do you know that if the matter is exposed, the century-old reputation of my Sheng family will be completely ruined!"

Lin Sushuang refused to admit her mistake, looked at Sheng Hong with a proud look and smiled.

"Who told you to be partial? Does Mo Lan only deserve to marry a poor scholar?"

This was the first time that Sheng Hong saw Lin Sushuang with such an appearance. She was completely gone from the gentleness and fragility of the past, only resentment and madness remained.

"What's wrong with the poor scholar? When Hua Lan married Zi Qing, didn't he also have nothing?"

"Didn't Hua Lan have the same hard life as him for several years? Now he is not as noble. Who dares to look down upon him?!"

A trace of jealousy flashed in Lin Sushuang's eyes, and she shouted hysterically.

"Li Zhan is very powerful. He has become a third-rank official at a young age. He is several ranks higher than you, Hong Lang. But there are many Li Zhans in the world. Can Wen Yanjing become the second Li Zhan? "

Sheng Hong was dumbfounded. Even if he was optimistic about Wen Yanjing's future career, it would be as good as his own at best. Being able to become an official in a third- or fourth-grade position would be a blessing. Where can I become the second Li Zhan?

Lin Sushuang said even more proudly.

"Although I don't like Li Zhan, I have to admire him. Even if you marry Mo Lan to Li Zhan as your concubine, I think it will be much better than marrying Mo Lan to Wen Yanjing!"

Sheng Hong couldn't believe that these words came from the mouth of Bai Lianhua in his heart. A question that was pressing in his heart came to his mind and he asked curiously.

"If you were still a poor scholar back then, wouldn't you have followed me?"

Lin Sushuang glanced at Sheng Hong sarcastically, not bothering to answer this silly question with an obvious answer.

Sheng Hong was completely disappointed in his heart, tears rolled out of his eyes, and he was very sad. After all, he had paid the wrong person with his true feelings. He had been deceived by this woman for more than 20 years, and he said with hatred.

"You are so shameless!"

Lin Sushuang sneered and asked shamelessly.

"When you and I were living in secret, why didn't you think about the word shame?"

Sheng Hong was furious, slapped Lin Sushuang on the face, and turned around to leave.

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