I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 857 Polo Club

Time passed and it was time for an outing. A horse racing meeting was held at the Earl of Yongchang's Mansion, and Li Zhan and Hualan were invited to attend.

Hualan thought about letting her younger brothers and sisters go to play, so she told Mrs. Sheng and Wang Ruofu about it. Lin Sushuang found out about it somehow, and she begged Sheng Hong and insisted on telling Mo Lan and Sheng Changfeng came in.

Wang Ruofu lost his temper over this and kept complaining to Hua Lan. He shouldn't have exposed this matter. He should have told himself that he had just taken Ru Lan and Chang Bai quietly. Now Lin Sushuang, a little bitch, knew about it. It’s okay to take Sheng Minglan with me, but I have to take Sheng Molan with me to climb a high branch.

Hualan looked at her angry mother and could only comfort her.

"Mother, just plan for Minglan. After all, she was raised in front of her grandmother. Officials naturally want to be close to Minglan, not like Lancha!"

When Wang Ruofu heard this, he also agreed with his face. Indeed, Mrs. Sheng was the most respected elder to Li Zhan. Minglan was raised by the old lady. For the sake of Mrs. Sheng's happiness, Li Zhan would definitely do the same. Minglan will not be left behind.

"What you said is right, but I just get angry when I think about that little bitch Lin Sushuang, who gave them an advantage!"

Hua Lan looked at her mother who was still aggrieved and felt helpless. Since she had agreed, just let her complain.

The Earl's Palace of Yongchang was also a hero in the founding of the People's Republic of China. It has many industries and fields in Bianjing and has a profound heritage. The polo field is held at the foot of a mountain in the suburbs of Bianjing.

Li Zhan and his wife came here with several members of the Sheng family, and all they saw were powerful families, including the Duke of Qi, the Marquis of Ningyuan, the British Duke, Mrs. Yu's family, and other famous families, too numerous to count.

On the polo field, Yu Yanhong, dressed in red, rode a horse and ran wildly. She swung the polo club in her hand and scored directly. Her heroic appearance was not inferior to that of a man, which attracted bursts of cheers.

In the Song Dynasty, polo was also known as "Daqiu", "Jiju", and "Jiwan". It is a sport that involves riding on a horse and hitting the ball with a stick. Polo has been recorded in the Han Dynasty of my country. Cao Zhi's "Famous Capital Chapter" describes the situation of polo playing at that time: "Continuous riding and hitting Ju soil, with endless skill and skill". Polo was popular in the Tang, Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties, but began to decline in the Qing Dynasty. Polo is roughly the size of an adult's fist. Polo is made of wood or leather. Points are scored when hitting the ball like a goal. It is not only an aristocratic sport for princes and generals, but also a competitive activity in the military. "Liangzhi of the Song Dynasty" records: "Daquo is a drama in the army." It can be seen that polo is popular in the military. During this dynasty, women's polo also developed greatly. A palace women's polo team was even established in the palace, and performances were organized for the common people to watch during festivals.

Li Zhan said hello to Mrs. Wu of the Earl's Mansion of Yongchang, and left Hua Lan to socialize among the ladies, while he came to Gu Tingye who was changing cups.

In the entire polo field, Li Zhan knew many people and said hello to them all. Some of these people were officials' children and had no friendship with him. Some of them were also colleagues, but they were all quite different in age from him. He I don’t want to come forward either. He could only stay with Gu Tingye, whom he knew well.

Qi Heng chatted with Liang Han and did not come forward. He seemed to know that Li Zhan didn't like him very much, so besides following Sheng Minglan with his eyes, he only said hello to Li Zhan. They exchanged pleasantries.

Minglan seemed to be a little bored staying in Sheng Mansion. She obviously started to have fun when she came out today. She found her best friend, Yu Yanran from Mrs. Yu's family. The two little sisters seemed to have not seen each other for many days, so they hugged each other directly. Together, we discussed the current situation.

Sheng Changbai and Sheng Changfeng found some familiar young masters to chat with them. Only Sheng Molan didn't know what was going on, so she actually got in front of Qi Heng and Liang Han and talked about poetry and songs with them, which made Li Zhan look straight. He frowned, but it was not easy to reprimand her in public.

Li Zhan sat down next to Gu Tingye, and without being polite, he directly picked up the wine bottle, filled a glass, touched it with Gu Tingye, and drank it all in one gulp.

Sitting on the other side of Gu Tingye was a beautiful and handsome woman. Li Zhan took a look and recognized that it was Wei Xingshou, whom he had met once before.

Wei Xingshou said in surprise to Li Zhan.

"I didn't expect that after four years, I would still be able to see Mr. Li. Oh, it's not Mr. Li!"

Li Zhan nodded slightly and greeted Wei Xingshou, who looked surprised.

"Long time no see, Miss Wei!"

Li Zhan smiled, nodded, and said nothing more. Instead, he looked at the somewhat decadent Gu Tingye and asked curiously.

"What's wrong with you, why are you so decadent?"

Gu Tingye raised his head and swallowed the wine in the glass with a look of lament on his face.

"I'm not my old man. He keeps arguing with me all day long about my affairs outside the house. He insists on bringing Sister Tuan Ge Rong back to the house to raise him, but he is unwilling to accept Mannia!"

Li Zhan picked up the fruit on the table and took a bite, then filled a glass again. He looked at the frowning Gu Tingye and tried to persuade him.

"You guys and Gu Hou still quarrel when they meet like this, why can't you keep your head down?"

Gu Tingye looked at Li Zhan with an unhappy face, raised his hand and patted Li Zhan on the shoulder, saying hatefully.

"I don't want to be like this, but every time I meet him, he hits and scolds me, and I have a tough temper. It's hard not to quarrel!"

Li Zhan pushed Gu Tingye's hand away, picked up the wine glass, touched it with Gu Tingye again, and took a slow sip. He looked at Hualan, the youngest among the ladies, and felt relieved when he saw that she was not uncomfortable with it. said.

"Every parent in the world, Gu Hou is very concerned about your affairs. Some time ago, because of your failure, Gu Hou even visited me and begged me once to let me enter the palace to intercede for you. It is considered a courtesy of the official and he will give this The matter has been revealed!"

Gu Tingye has already learned about this matter and is preparing for the imperial examination in two years' time. He has no complaints against Gu Hou in his heart. However, the father and son have different horoscopes and will inevitably quarrel whenever they meet.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Gu Tingye's eyes, he raised his glass, looked at Li Zhan, and said with gratitude.

"Speaking of this, I haven't thanked you yet. If it weren't for your help, my life would be over!"

Gu Tingye finished speaking with emotion and took a gulp. He was really grateful to Li Zhan in his heart. His eldest brother snitched on him and almost ruined him. Now it was an outsider who helped to intercede and asked for grace for him. How could he not let it go? he sighed.

"Why are you so polite to me? After all, we are considered master brothers!"

Gu Tingye laughed when he heard this, looked at Li Zhan's slender and well-proportioned body with no trace of martial arts practice, and asked curiously.

"Have you really practiced my martial arts?"

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