I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 853 Gu Yankai’s request

Not to mention how the Sheng Mansion celebrated Sheng Changbai's success in the imperial examination. There are some proud people in the world, but there are also frustrated ones.

The Duke of Qi's Mansion and the Marquis of Ningyuan's Mansion were heartbroken over their son's failure. Both Duke Guo of Qi and Gu Hou went to the examiner to ask why their sons failed the exam.

Qi Heng's failure was due to lack of knowledge. Although his articles were colorful, he lacked strength and strength. He still needed to practice hard, and he was expected to pass the next imperial examination.

After hearing this reply, Duke Guo of Qi felt a little disappointed, but he was not disappointed. After all, Qi Heng was still young, and it was his first time to take the scientific examination. It was common sense to fail. After all, there are more than thousands of scholars in the world. There are a few people who can succeed in one fell swoop. All they need to do is go back to Qi Heng to supervise and ask him to study hard and take the exam next time.

But Ningyuan Hou Gu Yankai's mood was completely different from that of Qi Guogong.

Gu Tingye's article is magnificent and wonderful. It stands to reason that it should be on the list and should not be off the list.

After Gu Yankai's repeated pleas, the examiner told Gu Yankai the truth with a cautious look.

"Gu Hou, the young master of your family made a reckless mistake. He once complained about Yang Wuduan's injustice, complained that the officials were unfair, and said that the key was too cruel and cruel to Yang Wuduan. I don't know how the officials found out about this, and they are very angry!"

The examiner glanced at Gu Yankai, whose face was already dark, pointed at it, and whispered again.

"Gu Hou, your young master was actually already on the list, but the officials personally removed him. They even told him to take the exam again after he is fifty, just like Yang Wuduan!"

Gu Yankai's face turned pale and his body swayed. He couldn't bear the blow. He suppressed the anger in his heart, smiled awkwardly, bowed to the examiner, and thanked him.

"Thank you, sir. Quanzi acted recklessly and made you laugh!"

Gu Yankai angrily walked back home. Angrily, he dragged Gu Tingye out of the room, who was hungover because of his failure. He threw Gu Tingye on the cold floor and hit Gu Tingye hard with the wooden stick in his hand. .

Gu Tingye dodged away in pain, looked at Gu Yankai angrily, and said angrily.

"Why did you hit me for no reason?"

Gu Yankai looked at his unruly son and became even more angry. He waved a wooden stick in his hand and cursed at Gu Tingye. During the fight between the two, Gu Tingye finally figured out the reason.

Gu Tingye took a vigorous step, dodged the blow from Gu Yankai, and then shouted to Gu Yankai.

"I only mentioned this matter in front of my eldest brother. Now that the officials know it, it must be my eldest brother who tipped me off!"

When Gu Yankai heard the words, the stick in his hand suddenly stopped, and his figure suddenly became rickety. His face was full of loss and sadness. There was no need to confront Gu Tingyu about this matter. Gu Yan had already believed Gu Tingye's words happily, and the brothers were fighting. How can one not feel heartbroken when flesh and blood kill each other?

Gu Tingye looked at his father who was stunned on the spot, and then angrily left the Hou Mansion and returned to his outer house.

Gu Tingye was so dejected that he drank wine to soothe his sorrows in the outer house. He complained to Aunt Chang about the injustice done to him by everyone in the Gu family, and cried out that he was sorry for his mother and grandfather. He was extremely sad.

Although Gu Yankai knew that it was his eldest son who caused Gu Tingye to fail the examination and had no hope of taking the imperial examination in this life, he could not blame Gu Tingyu because Gu Tingyu was weak and could not bear any punishment at all. The palms and backs of his hands were full of flesh. Gu Yankai could not I can only pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Gu Yankai felt that if Gu Tingye really ended up like Yang Wutuan and could only take the scientific examination after he was fifty, then he would be too cruel to Gu Tingye and there would be no future for him. Worried in his heart, he thought about it. , still could not sit still and remain indifferent, so he had to ask others to intercede for Gu Tingye.

Li Zhan looked at Gu Yankai who was waiting for him at the gate of the mansion, his eyes flickered slightly, his expression remained unchanged, he walked to Gu Yankai's side, bowed his hands and asked.

"Uncle, are you waiting for me? Please come and talk to me!"

The two entered Li Zhan's mansion together. The host and guest sat separately, and the servants served fragrant tea.

Gu Yankai showed a smile and greeted Li Zhan affectionately, with an extremely polite tone.

"Ziqing, I don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for anything. Please ask for help!"

Li Zhan nodded, put down the tea cup, looked at Gu Yankai who looked embarrassed, and said.

"Uncle, it doesn't matter, Ziqing will do his best!"

Gu Yankai showed a hint of fatigue, sighed, and said sadly.

"The rebellious son of my family was bold, made rude remarks, and defended Yang for no reason. This made the officials furious and knocked him off the gold list, ending his path to the imperial examination!"

A flash of understanding flashed in Li Zhan's eyes. He had an impression of this matter. Gu Tingyu was probably afraid that Gu Tingye would succeed and inherit the title of Marquis of Ningyuan, so he acted preemptively and cut off Gu Tingye's future. This was extremely cruel. If not Gu Tingye will have another chance in the future, and his future in this life will be ruined.

"What does uncle mean?"

Li Zhan looked at Gu Yankai with some uncertainty, trying to figure out what Gu Yankai meant.

Gu Yankai was embarrassed to reveal his intention. He looked at Li Zhan nervously and asked with difficulty.

"As an official, the traitor deserves this honor, but can you please ask Ziqing to ask His Majesty for grace and forgive this traitor, don't ruin his future, and give him a chance to change his ways?"

Li Zhan looked at Gu Yankai who looked expectant, frowned slightly, picked up the tea cup again and took a sip, thought for a moment, and said to Gu Yankai with some embarrassment.

"Uncle, I can only say that you can go to the official family and help Zhong Huai give a few words, but I can't guarantee the official family's final decision!"

Li Zhan was actually quite confident that the official would change his mind, but the helper must not overstate his words. Naturally, everyone is happy when things are done, but if things don't work out, it's easy to become resentful.

Gu Yankai quickly stood up with a grateful look on his face and smiled.

"Where is Ziqing? As long as you are willing to help, I will be grateful. As for the final result, the traitor deserves it!"

Li Zhan nodded and said.

"In that case, I won't delay and will go into the palace to pay homage to the officials now!"

Gu Yankai bowed and saluted Li Zhan, but Li Zhan quickly stopped him and then gave up.

"In that case, please leave it to Ziqing!"

In Wende Hall, Li Zhan stood in the hall, looked at the housekeeper who was sitting upright, and said sincerely.

"The official family is a benevolent king, and Gu Tingye is also a noble. The official family also praised him when he was a child and rewarded him with a gun. Now, why should the official family care about him as a child? The minister still invites him to The officials will be benevolent and give him small punishments and big warnings. Let him be spared this time and don't ruin his future future!"

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