I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 843 In the Hall of Wende

The Song Dynasty stipulated that only officials of the third rank or above could wear purple in their official uniforms. At this stage, they were already senior officials in the court. They played an important role in the officialdom and could influence the formulation of national policies. They were the real decision-makers.

When Mrs. Sheng heard the news, she was also excited. The difference between third-grade and fourth-grade officials seemed to be only one level, but it was a natural chasm. How many people worked hard all their lives and could only serve as fourth-grade officials. It was a lifelong regret. .

Since it was related to Li Zhan's future, she didn't want to ruin Li Zhan's good deeds, so she could only put aside the matter of Li Zhan taking concubines for the time being, and thought about it and said to Li Zhan.

"In that case, let's give it up for now!"

Old Mrs. Sheng thought of what Li Zhan said about taking care of her body again. She paused and turned to Hua Lan and said.

"I have a best friend who comes from a family of royal doctors and is best at treating women's bodies. I will write to her later and invite her to come to my house to treat you!"

Hua Lan thanked her grandmother and said the matter was over. Li Zhan didn't want to stay any longer and took Hua Lan back to his home.

The crowd dispersed, Shou'an Hall returned to calm, and only Sheng Minglan and Mrs. Sheng remained.

Mrs. Sheng looked at Sheng Minglan, who had been silent, and said.

"You, eldest sister, are so lucky to have met such a caring official like Zhan'er!"

Mrs. Sheng was very aware of Li Zhan's thoughts. She didn't know that although the so-called promotion was true, it had nothing to do with taking concubines. It was just because Li Zhan didn't want it, so she didn't want to force it. She could only follow the instructions. Li Zhan said that he would ask Mrs. He to help Hua Lan adjust her body and see the effect.

Although Sheng Minglan was cautious in front of others, she was still willing to open up her heart in front of her grandmother who loved her. Thinking about what Li Zhan did just now, she said with some envy.

"Big sister, that is a blessing that I cultivated in my previous life!"

Mrs. Sheng glanced at Sheng Minglan, who had an envious look in her eyes, and said something meaningful.

"It is indeed a blessing obtained through cultivation, so we should cherish it even more!"

After Mrs. Sheng finished speaking, she didn't wait for Sheng Minglan's reaction, and returned to the back bedroom to rest. She spent a lot of energy on Li Zhan's concubine today, so she was a little tired and wanted to take a nap.

Sheng Minglan watched her grandmother rest, and stared blankly at the bright sunshine outside the hall, feeling happy in her heart and murmuring to herself.

"A pair of people from generation to generation compete for education and ecstasy. If they miss each other but don't fall in love with each other, who will be the spring? It's easy to beg for blood on the blue bridge, but it's hard to run through the blue sea for medicine. If you can visit each other and drink Oxford, you will forget your poverty."

This song "Spring in the Painting Hall" was recited by Sheng Minglan when she heard Gu Tingye talking about her eldest brother-in-law in school. She said that it was an old work of the eldest brother-in-law three years ago. Now it seems that this eldest brother-in-law has not disappointed after all. , Sure enough, we have become a pair of people for a lifetime.

Sheng Minglan looked at the bright sunshine and shouted loudly: "Xiao Tao, the sun is just right today. Take out my painting tools, I want to paint!"

"Got it, miss!"

A cheerful female voice sounded, and a burly maid came out and came to Sheng Minglan. She put the things she was carrying in front of Sheng Minglan and stood aside quietly looking at her young lady. Painting.

In the carriage, Li Zhan hugged Sheng Hualan, looked at Hualan's haggard face, and comforted her with pity.

"I have wronged you today. Go back and have a good rest. Don't worry, I will take care of everything!"

Hualan leaned in the official's arms, feeling a little sweet, but also a little guilty and uneasy. Listening to the comforting voice coming from her ears, she timidly raised her eyes and glanced at Li Zhan, and said hesitantly.

"My lord, my grandmother is right this time. Why don't you just listen to your grandmother's words and take a concubine to inherit the incense of the Li family!"

Li Zhan gently patted Sheng Hualan on the shoulder, smiled and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about this, we are still young and we will have children eventually!"

Li Zhan was proficient in medical skills. How could he not know that there was no problem between them at all? Hua Lan was not pregnant. At first, it was because he intended to prevent pregnancy and was worried that Hua Lan would cause too much harm to her when she was young. When Hua Lan became an adult, she was just It was purely a matter of probability, so he was not in a hurry.

Hualan wanted to say something more, but was kissed directly on the lips by Li Zhan. She couldn't say anything for a while and collapsed directly into Li Zhan's arms. All the anxiety and worry in her heart were kissed by this kiss. It has to disappear, there will be no other thoughts, just let it be.

In the Imperial Palace, Wende Hall, the night had dimmed at this time. The official was sitting on the dragon chair, looking at Li Zhan sitting at the bottom, and asked with a headache.

"I heard that the Sheng family wanted to take a concubine for you, but you refused?"

"I didn't expect that even you, the official family, knew about it!"

Li Zhan, who was wearing a purple robe at this time, had been promoted to Yushi Zhongcheng and became a third-rank court official, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

With a smile in the corners of his eyes, the official looked at the young and talented young man in his prime, with a hint of envy in his eyes, and said unhurriedly.

"There is no impermeable wall in this world. What's more, if you have been married for three years and have nothing to do, you will naturally become the focus of others' discussion!"

"What's more, your grandmother in the Sheng Mansion didn't do anything at all. She inquired about many concubines of other families and wanted to take a concubine for you with both talent and beauty. Rumors of this matter have long been spread! "

Li Zhan was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Mrs. Sheng had already planned this. He thought she had just had this idea and hadn't taken any action yet. Now it seems that the grandmother clearly wanted to kill first and then show off. In the end, she may have considered herself. The attitude was resolute, so I gave up.

Li Zhan had no choice but to smile bitterly. Seeing some of the officials who were gloating about his misfortune, he was not restrained and replied directly.

"Grandma loves me very much and is afraid that my Li family will lose its incest, so she does this and makes the officials laugh!"

The official didn't laugh at Li Zhan, he rubbed his brows rather melancholy and said with a tired look.

"I'm a little envious of you. Someone is worrying about the incense of your Li family!"

Li Zhan looked at the officials with heavy hearts and sighed in his heart. This holy emperor, because he has no children, is always forced by the ministers to establish a throne every day. He is very depressed. Even if it is delayed again and again, he still cannot stop. moment.

After all, Li Zhan couldn't bear the fact that the official who valued him very much was unhappy, so he could only explain.

"The officials need to be more open-minded. The Grand Prime Minister and the others are also worried about the country and have no selfish motives. They are not deliberately forcing His Majesty!"

At this time, the official family was like the old man next door. Without the majesty of ruling the world, he was just a lonely old man with a sad expression. It was not that the official family did not have a son, but the successive deaths of his sons had hit him hard and he had long since died. He held out hope, but now he has been unwilling to agree to establish a prince, but he was somewhat resistant to the pressure of the Grand Prime Minister and the others, and had a rebellious mentality.

"I know, I'm just a little unwilling!"

I got up at 4:30 to update, I really worked hard!

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