I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 841 Hua Lan agrees

A trace of tears flashed in Wang Ruofu's eyes. Even if he felt aggrieved towards Hua Lan, for the sake of Ru Lan, he had to agree with the idea of ​​Mrs. Sheng and the officials to take concubines for Li Zhan, because these days, women It's so unfair. If Li Zhan doesn't take a concubine even though he has no children, then Hua Lan will probably be disgusted to death by the spitting stars from the outside world.

Childlessness and jealousy are the seven sins, which are enough reasons for Li Zhan to divorce his wife.

Childless, that is, the wife cannot give birth to children, the reason is "peerless". In traditional China, the continuation of the family is considered to be the most important purpose of marriage, so the wife's inability to give birth to children makes the marriage meaningless. Take the "Laws of the Tang Dynasty" as an example: if the wife is over fifty and has no children, she can be raised by concubines. Based on this, Shuyi believes that there are no children under forty-nine, and they have not been born together. With the gradual maturity of the traditional Chinese "monogamy and multiple concubines" system, the number of divorces due to childlessness has greatly reduced.

Jealousy means that the wife is very jealous. The reason is "chaosing the family", which means that the wife's fierce jealousy will cause family discord. Many opinions believe that a wife's jealousy of her husband's concubinage is harmful to the continuation of the family.

Now that the discussion was settled, Mrs. Sheng and Sheng Hong planned to invite Li Zhan and his wife back to the Sheng Mansion to discuss the matter.

Wei Ruixuan, Wang Ruofu's bedroom. Wang Ruofu looked at his beaming daughter and felt a lot of unbearability in his heart. However, he thought that his youngest daughter was not yet married, so he had to bite the bullet and do Hualan's ideological work.

As Sheng Hualan's mother, it would be best for Wang Ruofu to personally handle this matter. After all, Mrs. Sheng is separated from Hualan by a layer, and Sheng Hong, as a man, is not suitable to get involved in her son-in-law's backyard affairs, so Wang Ruofu Even if you don't want to, you must be ruthless and explain the stakes to your daughter clearly.

"Mom, is there something important that calls us home so urgently?"

Sheng Hualan was dressed in a rich attire, with an orchid-style gold hairpin on her head. This was a pattern designed by Li Zhan himself and entrusted to the master craftsman who was the supervisor of the palace to make it. It is the craftsmanship of the palace. It is gorgeous and elegant. Hualan is very Love it, very precious on weekdays.

Although Hualan has been married to Li Zhan for three years, there are no rules set by her parents-in-law, and Li Zhan is not a very rule-abiding person, so Hualan lives a more relaxed and happy life than when she was a married woman. She does not seem to have any change, and her complexion is rosy. Fair and flawless, her appearance is like that of a twenty-eight-year-old girl. She lives a very happy life and is very grateful to her grandmother who made the arrangements for her and Li Zhan's marriage.

Wang Ruofu also knew that his daughter had been very happy in the past three years after her marriage, but today this happiness had to be interrupted by him. He couldn't bear it. He lowered his head, not daring to look into his daughter's clear eyes, and kept holding the handkerchief in his hand. , the voice is very low and the words in the mouth are unclear, making it difficult to hear clearly.

"Wuji. Concubine Li Zhan!"

Hualan laughed out loud all of a sudden. She really couldn't hear what her mother was saying, so she couldn't help laughing. She felt that her mother was strange today. She walked up to her mother, her teeth were like rhinoceros, With a slender eyebrow, a charming smile, beautiful eyes, and slender fingers, he put it on Wang Ruofu's shoulder and asked curiously.

"Mother, what on earth are you talking about, I can't hear you clearly!"

Wang Ruofu felt his daughter's hand on his shoulder, and felt a slight sense of heaviness. He also knew that there was no point in dragging it on any longer. He raised his head suddenly, his eyes widened, looking at his daughter's surprised face, and bit He gritted his teeth and said in a voice that seemed to float out from between his teeth.

"I mean, your grandmother thinks that you have been married for three years and have not given birth to a son or a half for Li Zhan. For the sake of the incense of the Li family, you want to take a concubine for Li Zhan. Let me advise you!"

The bright smile on Sheng Hualan's face suddenly froze, as if time had been suspended. Hualan's eyes were gradually filled with mist, and she looked at her mother with a sad face. Her fingers could not help but tremble, and even gradually His body also trembled slightly, and he froze in place. The light in his bright eyes gradually disappeared and became dull, allowing the big tears to fall from the corners of his eyes.

Wang Ruofu looked at his daughter who was unresponsive for a moment, and suddenly panicked. He stood up quickly, pressed Hua Lan on the seat, held Sheng Hualan's weak shoulder with one hand, and patted Hua Lan gently with the other. Lan's face was calling softly.

"Hua Lan, don't scare mother. Wake up. If something happens to you, how will I explain to Zhan'er!"

Maybe it was the worry and maternal love in Wang Ruofu's words, or maybe it was Wang Ruofu mentioning Li Zhan. In short, Sheng Hualan's eyes lit up instantly, and she reacted, letting out a low cry from her mouth, and lying on Wang Ruofu's side. In Fu's arms, he kept crying.

"Mother, what should I do? What should I do in the future?!"

The cries broke Wang Ruofu's heart to pieces. This was the flesh that crawled out of her belly. It was the treasure in her heart. Now he had shattered her happiness with his own hands. How could Wang Ruofu not be sad? , but this matter is not a small matter. If one of them is not handled well, Hualan and Rulan will both suffer.

Wang Ruofu kept patting his daughter who was crying and out of breath, and comforted her softly.

"Hua Lan, I understand that you don't want Zhan'er to take a concubine. It can be seen that Li Zhan has loved you very much in the past three years and has held you in his hands. You must be very happy, but you can't just think about yourself, but also Think about it for him, Li Zhan is the third generation of the Li family, you can't let his family die, right?"

Sheng Hualan's body stiffened and her crying stopped. She slowly raised her head and looked at her solemn mother, with tears on her face and red eyes. Her body was still twitching because she had cried so hard just now. , the body can't stop for a while.

Sheng Hualan reached out and wiped her tears with a handkerchief, cleared up her sadness, pretended to be strong, and said firmly to Wang Ruofu.

"Grandma is right. In fact, I should have persuaded officials to take concubines a long time ago. It's just that I am greedy for the officials' favor and have never been willing to take concubines for them. But it has been three years now. I shouldn't let officials have no concubines. Son, it’s time to put this matter on the agenda!”

Wang Ruofu looked at his daughter who was pretending to be strong with sadness in her eyes, and nodded happily, knowing that although she was sad, she had not lost her mind at last and could distinguish the seriousness of things and know the pros and cons.

Wang Ruofu looked at his daughter who was gradually regaining her composure, nodded and said to her.

"Now that you have thought it through, let's go to Shou'an Hall together. Your grandmother and father are still waiting for news from you before they can tell their son-in-law about this!"

Sheng Hualan nodded, stood up, and tidied up his appearance. It seemed that nothing happened, but the touching smile in his eyes disappeared after all, leaving only a trace of determination.

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