I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 836: Cheap Master Gu Yankai

Sheng Hong listened to Li Zhan's Versailles speech with envy on his face, stopped his chopsticks, and persuaded.

"You are so lucky that you don't know how lucky you are. The officials in the capital are noble and noble. They are one level higher than the officials in other places. Now His Majesty intends to let you take charge of the Secretariat Department. You must seize the opportunity!"

Li Zhan knew that Sheng Hong was an official politician and did not have any lofty ambitions. He did not talk to him about his ambition to seal the wolf and live in Xu, so he just smiled and nodded.

Sheng Minglan saw a flash of arrogance and helplessness in Li Zhan's eyes, as if his ambition was hard to achieve, and her heart moved, and she understood that the eldest brother-in-law in front of her, who was rising through the ranks, was not an official fan like her father. He had great ambitions in his heart and was unwilling to do so. In the officialdom, people are just like dogs, blindly trying to make ends meet.

Li Zhan seemed to have noticed Sheng Minglan's attention, smiled gently at him and said something.

"You can have more contact with your eldest sister in the future. She has followed me in Bianjing all these years and has no relatives around her. She is very depressed!"

When Mrs. Sheng saw this, she understood that Li Zhan was taking good care of Minglan for her own sake. Otherwise, Hualan had her biological sister Rulan, so there would be no need for Minglan's company, so she quickly agreed on Minglan's behalf.

Minglan also knew about Li Zhan's good intentions. Although she had made up her mind to be cautious in the Sheng Mansion and was willing to be a transparent person and would not interact with Hualan more, she still replied respectfully.

"Minglan thanks my eldest brother-in-law for taking care of me!"

Li Zhan saw at a glance that Sheng Minglan didn't take it seriously at all, so he had to say it again.

"If you encounter any difficulties in the future and need help from my elder brother-in-law, just ask. Grandma is old after all, and it is not convenient for you to solve some things!"

Minglan nodded obediently. She understood Li Zhan's kindness. If she really encountered difficulties, she would not trouble Li Zhan.

Mrs. Sheng also noticed Minglan's unfamiliarity with Li Zhan, and secretly remembered it in her heart, planning to wait until Li Zhan returned to give Minglan some advice.

The night was like water, with silvery light pouring out. After having dinner at Wei Ruixuan, Li Zhan and his wife drove out of Sheng Mansion and returned to their home.

Three months have passed in a flash, and Li Zhan has now taken up the post of Secretary Superintendent. Although he is already the chief officer of the Secretary's Department, the Secretary's Department is not a busy yamen, so it is relatively clean. Every day, Li Zhan spends his free time reading. There are more than 80,000 volumes of original and duplicate books in the three libraries of Chongwen Academy. He also selected rare collections to build a secret pavilion and set up a separate "Inner Tibetan Treasury" to further expand the collection of books. .

Most of these 80,000 volumes of books were read by Li Zhan in his previous lives. There were only some lost classics that Li Zhan had never seen, but they were quickly read by him.

Today, Li Zhan can confidently say that he knows every volume of Chongwen Academy's books by heart, memorizing them backwards and forwards, and he is like a walking library.

Every time an official wanted to look up the contents of a classic, Li Zhan opened his mouth and recited it, which surprised the official. They admired his knowledge even more and took him with him everywhere, almost treating him as one of their own. His secretary was the envy of the courtiers outside.

Because he had read all the collections of Chongwen Academy, Li Zhan had nothing to do. He wrote to the officials to sort out Chongwen's books, compiled the "General Catalog of Chongwen", and recorded four series of books, namely "Taiping Yulan" and "Taiping Guang". "Ji", "Wenyuan Yinghua" and "Cefu Yuangui". Among them, "Taiping Yulan" is a comprehensive series; "Taiping Guangji" is a novel series, mainly covering myths and legends of past dynasties; "Wenyuan Yinghua" is a literary series, covering hundreds of years of poetry; "Cefu Yuan" "Turtle" is a political series. The first 500 volumes are about the deeds of emperors, and the last 500 volumes are about the deeds of ministers.

Officials attach great importance to this. Since ancient times, emperors have pursued martial arts and martial arts. In the Song Dynasty, there was no martial arts and could only pursue martial arts. What Li Zhan proposed was exactly the kind of martial arts that could make the official family famous in history, so the officials called A group of erudite people were recruited to assist Chongwen Academy in compiling four series of books, and Li Zhan naturally became the person in charge of the compilation.

In this regard, the princes of the court are also extremely supportive. This is a major event in the literary world. They are all scholars, so they will naturally not object. Moreover, "Cefu Yuangui" contains the deeds of ancient and modern officials, which is also very tempting to them. Scholars What he pursues is not to leave his name in history, so for a while, Li Zhan became a favorite, and ministers continued to express their closeness to him.

On this day, Li Zhan was about to return to the palace from the palace, but he was suddenly stopped by someone. Li Zhan turned around and saw that it was Gu Yankai, the commander of the palace in front of the palace, his nominal master.

Because Li Zhan's status was very different from that of Ningyuan Marquis Gu Yankai at the beginning, he did not have any contact with him. Later, when he became famous, Gu Yankai could not save his face, and he did not want to be called master and disciple anymore. , so the two of them were just acquaintances, without any interaction, and they were considered strangers.

Even so, Li Zhan finally learned the martial arts inheritance from Gu Yankai's family, and the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion was kind to him. Li Zhan quickly turned back and trotted up to Gu Yankai, looking at him eagerly with a polite expression. asked.

"I don't know if Gu Hou needs Li's help for anything, but it doesn't matter!"

Li Zhan was worried that he would not have a chance to repay the favor to Ningyuan Houfu. When he saw Gu Yankai taking the initiative to speak, he was so active that even Ningyuan Hou was startled.

Gu Yankai happened to be returning home at this time, and the two of them talked while walking.

"Master Li, I heard that the Sheng Mansion invited Mr. Zhuang. This is true!"

Mr. Zhuang is a famous teacher in the world. He has taught no less than a hundred Jinshi. He is very famous in the official circles and has some connections with the Sheng Mansion. Therefore, Sheng Hong went through great hardships to invite Mr. Zhuang to teach his children in Fuzhong Hall.

Li Zhan rolled his eyes and understood what Gu Yankai was asking for. Gu Tingyu of the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion was suffering from serious diseases and was likely to die young, and only Gu Tingye and Gu Tingwei were left. Gu Tingye had a notorious reputation in his early years. He went to the streets, but for some reason he suddenly changed his ways, made progress in his studies, and passed the imperial examination. Now he is studying hard for the imperial examination, and there is a lack of famous teachers, so Gu Yankai heard that the Sheng Mansion invited Mr. Zhuang, and wanted Gu Tingye to study at the Sheng Family Academy. , and have a bright future in the future.

"It's true at this time, Mr. Zhuang has already settled in Sheng Mansion!"

A trace of joy flashed between Gu Yankai's eyebrows, and then he said to Li Zhan with a wry smile.

"You have also heard about the traitor in my family. Now that he is willing to make progress, I always have to take care of him, so I want to send him to Sheng Mansion to study. I wonder if Mr. Li is willing to help?"

Li Zhan didn't care, this little thing was just a piece of cake for him, and Gu Tingye and Sheng Changbai were also good friends. When Gu Tingye went to Yangzhou to inherit his grandfather's property, there was a dispute, but Sheng Hong became a notary and helped him regain it. As a result, he got to know Sheng Changbai and became close friends.

"Don't worry, Lord Gu. This matter is not difficult at all. I will visit my father-in-law tonight and I will reply to you tomorrow!"

There have been quite a few family members who have given rewards in the past two days. I would like to thank book friends 160821232155728, Taiji, 20210809091215620, 20210107174605428 for their rewards. Thank you very much for your encouragement and support! ! !

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