I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 829 Xiao Li explores the beauty

All the scholars sat at the desk and were shocked. In the past, the examination questions were basically based on poems and poems. However, in the imperial examination, the poems and poems test was actually a drawback, because most scholars were faced with poetry. When answering exam questions, you can only answer some flattering poems and poems, which cannot test the true level of a scholar at all. In order to balance this problem, Renzong thought for a long time before coming up with these ten test questions, in order to select some capable talents and entrust them with important tasks.

All the scholars scratched their heads and scratched their heads, thinking hard, and sweat broke out on their foreheads.

These ten questions are very different from poetry. They are not just to test the literary talents of the scholars, but mainly to test the actual abilities of the scholars. Because these ten questions are all about civil affairs, you want to test these How will scholars solve these common problems among the people, because as long as a scholar passes the examination, he will definitely become an official in the court. If he only has literary talent but no ability to do things, then he is destined to be a mediocre person. Renzong's ten questions are mainly asked from three aspects: classics and meanings, current affairs, and cases. They are also combined with the current national conditions, people's sentiments and other actual conditions. It is an exceptional screening system.

Even Li Zhan spent a lot of effort to answer the ten questions. Li Zhan moved his sore wrist, put down the brush full of ink, and waited for the ink on the paper to dry. Just handed in the first paper.

As soon as Li Zhan handed in the paper, he immediately aroused the nervousness of other scholars. Some of them accidentally dropped ink on the answer sheet by making a mistake with the brush in their hands, with a look of annoyance on their faces.

The official was stunned when he saw that the young scholar answered all the questions so quickly. These questions were all difficult questions that he had pondered over for several days before he came up with them. Even if he was asked to answer them himself, he would not be able to do so. It's almost done.

The official waved to the internal officials beside him. The eunuch nodded and walked to Li Zhan's side. He put away Li Zhan's answer sheet and handed it to Emperor Renzong respectfully.

The official nodded when he saw that the scroll had strict rules and strong European regular script. He was a person who loved calligraphy. Seeing Li Zhan's good calligraphy, it naturally made his impression a lot better.

Li Zhan's regular script training was attributed to Ouyang Xun. In the early Tang Dynasty, Ouyang Xun was one of the four masters of regular script. His writing power was steep and his structure was unique. Later generations called him "European style", and he was known as "the first regular script in the Tang Dynasty". His representative work is "Jiucheng Palace Liquan Ming".

The official continued to look at Li Zhan's answer sheet, and kept studying the solutions proposed by Li Zhan, frowning from time to time. After reading it once, he seemed not to understand it, so he picked it up and read it again, and unknowingly he saw it. Two hours have passed. During this period, there were not many scholars who submitted their papers, but the officials were still immersed in Li Zhan's answers and did not want to look up.

After all the scholars handed in their papers and answered their questions, they were led by the Imperial Guards to the side hall and waited. After the officials came to their senses and comforted and encouraged everyone, the scholars were able to leave the palace and go home, waiting for the emperor. List posted.

Time passed in a blink of an eye. On the day when the imperial list was posted, even Li Zhan had to wait outside the palace, because in the evening the newly promoted imperial examination scholars had to enter the palace to thank the officials, and the officials would also be at the imperial palace. A banquet was held in Qionglin Garden to celebrate the scholars, which was called "Qionglin Banquet". From then on, these scholars were all disciples of the emperor.

Wen Tianxiang once participated in the Qionglin Banquet, and described the grand occasion in poems, and wrote the "Poem of Gonghe at the Qionglin Banquet given by the Emperor".

"Following the imperial edict, I was newly promoted to an official position and came back to look up to the sky.

The clouds form a cover of five-color talisman flags, and thousands of officials wear rings.

The Yanxi coincides with the Cow Girl Festival, and the light of the Luan Zhang shines on the wall.

He presented poems to Chen Yayu and ministers, but Geng Ge's mood was still there. "

Li Zhan listened to the sound of singing the song. This was because the palace specially found someone with a loud voice to sing the song.

When he got to the first place in the second class, Li Zhan didn't hear his name. Manager Zhou's face beside him was already a little ugly. He carefully looked at Li Zhan's face. He saw that Li Zhan still had no fluctuations. He couldn't help but There was a thought in my heart, couldn't this young master be on the first-class list?

"Third place in the first class, Yangzhou Li Zhan!"

With a "boom", Manager Zhou felt a rush of blood rushing to his head. He grabbed the stranger beside him and shouted with excitement.

"My young cousin has won the title of Tanhua Lang, he has won the title of Tanhua Lang!"

Originally, the person who was caught next to him still had an angry look on his face, and he dared to yell at Manager Zhou. After hearing these words, his expression quickly changed, and he congratulated Manager Zhou, and couldn't help but look at him. Li Zhan, who was next to Manager Zhou, looked at Li Zhan with a glint in his eyes. He was originally the manager of a powerful family, and he wanted to catch his son-in-law. When he saw that Tanhua Lang was beside him, and he was young, promising, and handsome, he immediately felt happy. .

Just when the steward was about to call the people in the mansion to take Li Zhan back to the mansion, he saw that Li Zhan had disappeared into the crowd. He couldn't help but feel annoyed, so he could only grab steward Zhou beside him and asked again and again.

"Which family are you from? Have you ever married your cousin?"

Manager Zhou was originally curious about why Li Zhan suddenly disappeared. When he heard this man's question, he was suddenly startled. He remembered the good show of catching his son-in-law under the imperial court. He was startled and remembered the previous entrustment of the master. This young master was going to marry the eldest lady in his family. How could he leave it to an outsider? He immediately struggled. Before the other party could react, he had already got into the crowd and rushed towards the mansion.

When Li Zhan returned to his mansion, he felt a little confused. He was quite confident and thought that he should get the first prize. But for some reason, he only got the title of Tan Hua Lang, which puzzled him.

Wende Hall, located on the west side of the main hall, was the main place where the officials of this dynasty handled government affairs. The officials sat on the dragon throne, looked at the ministers below, rubbed their brows with a headache, and explained helplessly.

"My dear Sirs, Li Zhan from Yangzhou did indeed answer the best questions in the palace examination. He pointed out the current ills and was very targeted. I also like his answers very much. But after all, he is still young. If he wins the first prize, he will be too high-profile. On the contrary, he will It’s not good for him!”

Han Qi walked out of the queue holding a wat board and retorted to the officials.

"Official, I don't agree with your approach. Since Yangzhou Li Zhan is superior in skills, he should be ranked first. As the saying goes, age does not matter in ambition. Li Zhan has real talent and knowledge and should not be treated unfairly!"

The civil servants in the queue below came out one after another and protested to the officials.

"I think what Mr. Han Daxian said is true. Please think again!"

The official looked at the ministers who were out of the queue, and felt depressed in his heart. He was really doing Li Zhan's good, and thought that he was too young to be too sharp, so he was placed in the first, third, and third place. Who would have thought that this move would lead to a stabbing There was a hornet's nest, causing ministers to protest and object.

In fact, Han Qi and others did not really stand up for Li Zhan. They did it because the officials violated the fairness of the imperial examination and touched the sensitive nerves of the civil service group. They did not want the results of the imperial examination to be changed according to the subjective wishes of the officials in the future. It was a conflict between the scholar-bureaucrat group and the imperial power.

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