I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 827 Ambition

When Li Zhan returned to the mansion, the old servants of Sheng Mansion were still waiting for him. When they saw him returning home, they closed the door and locked it and began to rest.

This old servant is an old man from the Sheng Mansion. His surname is Zhou. He followed Sheng Hong during the imperial examination. He is very familiar with many of the methods in the imperial examination. He can save Li Zhan a lot of trouble. It was Mrs. Sheng who carefully selected him. He is a careful person, just to save Li Zhan from worrying about preparing for the exam.

Li Zhan is also very satisfied with Manager Zhou. He knows how to advance and retreat, knows how to measure, and does not rely on his elders in front of him. He can be regarded as a responsible person. Of course, Mrs. Sheng will not treat him badly and gave him a guarantee. As long as he can take care of him, Good Li Zhan, he will promote his son to be the steward of Shengfu's kitchen in the future. This is a fat job. He is responsible for the daily purchasing of Shengfu. As long as he touches him a little bit, it will be all oil and water.

Ever since Li Zhan had a gathering with fellow villagers in the brothel, he had closed the door to thank guests, kept reading every day, studied hard all day long, and prepared for the provincial examination with all his strength. Time passed by like a white horse passing by. The day for the provincial examination will soon arrive.

Li Zhan had breakfast early under the care of Manager Zhou, and then rode the carriage slowly towards Gongyuan. When there were still a few intersections away from Gongyuan, the carriage was already moving forward. There were all kinds of people in front of it. The carriage and the crowd gathered, all of them were relatives who were escorting his son in. Li Zhan had no choice but to get out of the carriage, picked up the things that steward Zhou had prepared for him, and walked towards the Gongyuan alone.

Walking on the road leading to the court, Li Zhan heard all the earnest instructions on the way. Parents hope that their children will succeed, and today's provincial examination is definitely the biggest opportunity to change their destiny.

After passing a strict inspection, Li Zhan successfully entered the Gongyuan and walked towards his examination room. Li Zhan took a look around. The environment was not bad. At least it was not close to the toilet and there was no smell. Although the space was small, it was already in the Gongyuan. I got a good position, it was a good start, and I got a good fortune.

After the inspection was completed and the Gongyuan was locked, the examination papers began to be distributed. The provincial examination was divided into four sessions. The exam papers for the first session are being distributed now.

Li Zhan did not rush to read the test papers, but calmed down, closed his eyes and rested his mind. He had plenty of time. He got up a little early today and was not in good spirits. He needed to refresh himself and it was not too late to answer.

Li Zhan closed his eyes for half an hour and then opened the examination paper and looked at the questions.

The first test was policy theory, with a total of five questions, namely: "The reason why Yu used the method of opening water", "Repairing the abolition of officials and promoting the people", "The system of the emperor's six armies", "The army has been suspended for a long time and the country is in trouble" , "The reasons why the wanderers in Guanlong minted money privately and the soldiers in Jianghuai and Cao committed theft".

After all, Li Zhan is an old monster who has experienced many lives and has also been involved in officialdom. He knows these government affairs very well. He writes as soon as he starts writing without stopping at all. He answered five questions in less than two hours.

Li Zhan's exam was also smooth sailing. The next three exams were: the second exam included one article: "The Theory of Loyalty in Punishments and Rewards"; the third exam included one article each of poetry and fu. Fourth, Tie Jing, Mo Yi: "The Analects" ten Tie, "Spring and Autumn" or "Book of Rites" Mo Yi Dao.

After three days of exams, Li Zhan was exhausted. He packed up all his belongings, followed others out of the Gongyuan, boarded the carriage that steward Zhou had set up, and walked towards the Sheng Mansion.

After returning to the mansion, I ate the meal that Manager Zhou had prepared a long time ago, and then went back to the bedroom to rest.

Li Zhan woke up again and it was three o'clock in the morning. He had a sumptuous lunch and stretched out his muscles, finally venting the depression of the past three days.

Li Zhan and his classmates gathered together again, talked about the content of the exam, and discussed how they did in the exam. Only Li Zhan was alone in the corner, drinking wine, eating sumptuous meals on the table, and He didn't get involved, and everyone else knew his temperament, so it wasn't a surprise.

As for discussing the details of the answer with Li Zhan, everyone shook their heads and did not want to be abused. They knew Li Zhan's talent and naturally did not want to hear the content of Li Zhan's answer for fear of being hit. They would be even more hurt during the time when the results were released. torment.

At this time, they did not go to the brothel, but to Fanlou, the most famous restaurant in Bianjing City.

Fanlou, formerly known as Baifanlou, was the first of the 72 restaurants in Tokyo during the Northern Song Dynasty. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the restaurants in Bianjing City were prosperous and famous all over the world. Fan Tower attracted countless wealthy businessmen, princes, princes, literati and poets to come here to play and have banquets. However, the most talked about is the romantic affair between Song Huizong and Li Shishi drinking and having fun in Fanlou. Huizong of the Song Dynasty was proficient in all kinds of poetry, calligraphy and painting. Li Shishi was a famous singing girl in Tokyo, and her singing skills were the best in Washi opera. The two artists discussed art and had frequent contacts. In the sixth year of Xuanhe, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty registered Li Shishi as the wife of Yingguo. There is a special throne in the Fan Tower to serve Song Huizong and Li Shishi.

Li Zhan tasted Fan Lou's delicacies, and one of the assorted shrimp dishes was very satisfying to his taste. He couldn't help but nod his head with satisfaction.

In my ears, I could hear the musicians playing music and singing in the building accompanying me to add to the fun. These people who play the flute, play the ruan, sing, and juggle are called "qianqian". Their emergence is due to the fierce competition environment in catering.

"The singing and dancing in the Liang Garden are full of romance, and the wine is like a knife to cut off the sorrow. I recall the joys of peace, and I went to the Fan Tower late at night with the lights on." It describes the scene of the Fan Tower, which shows how famous the Fan Tower is.

Li Zhan and others were chatting with each other, and they were becoming more and more contented. Everyone kept giving pointers. Regardless of ancient and modern times, it was in line with their status as newcomers to the political world.

When the banquet was over and everything was in a mess, Li Zhan did not leave. He just drank a few drinks quietly, looking at the prosperous scene in front of him, thinking that a few decades later, this prosperous Bianjing would be trampled by Dajin's cavalry. For the sake of the ruins, there was a rage in his heart, a cold murderous intent on his face, and his ambition became firm again.

Back then, Mrs. Sheng asked Li Zhan what his ambition was. Li Zhan only answered that he would inherit his father's last wish, be named on the gold medal list, and have a large family name. However, he never mentioned that he had a bigger ambition, which was to become a general and become a prime minister, and to be sealed as a wolf. Xu.

Feng Langjuxu refers to the Western Han Dynasty general Huo Qubing who climbed Langjuxu Mountain to build an altar to worship heaven in order to achieve success. It comes from "Hanshu Biography of Huo Qubing". Later, Fenglangjuxu became one of the highest honors for military generals in the Chinese nation.

The Song Dynasty was the only dynasty that perished at the hands of foreign enemies. The reason was that it lost the Sixteenth State of Yanyun, and without the natural and dangerous terrain in the north to stop it. Facing the northern nomadic cavalry that came and went freely, it could only be beaten passively, which was very frustrating. , so the civil servants and generals of the Song Dynasty all had the same ambition, which was to regain the sixteen states of Yanyun, complete the unification of the dynasty, and protect them from the nomads in the north.

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