I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 825: Painting the Spring Festival

Li Zhan was walking on the road in Bianjing, looking at the most developed and prosperous city in the world in this era, with people rubbing shoulders with each other, huge crowds of people, and the sound of hawking. Li Zhan also saw "Along the River During Qingming Festival" in later generations. From today's perspective, Compared with the paintings, the prosperity of Bianjing is even worse.

The Sheng Mansion lived in Bianjing back then. Mr. Sheng was a prostitute, so he built a mansion in the capital. Although the area was not as large as that of some wealthy homes, it was still considered exquisite.

Li Zhan was very satisfied with the environment of Shengfu. Every day he was either studying and practicing martial arts, or walking around Bianjing City to get familiar with the situation in Bianjing City.

Li Zhan had seen all of these places, such as Fanlou, Fangshi, and brothels, and even had a drink with his contemporaries in a Goulan tile house.

Of course, Li Zhan was not interested in women, and he was not interested in the romantic affairs in the brothel. What he liked more was the love that would last until the end of his life.

Li Zhan drank the drink in front of him and looked at the dissolute classmates, with a flash of displeasure in his eyes. These scholars were already so romantic before they achieved fame and great achievements. It would be difficult for them to maintain an honest style when they become officials in the future. , but Li Zhanran didn’t say much.

Because the style of this era was like this, it was an elegant thing for scholars to visit brothels. Didn't the later emperor who was a good calligrapher also often enter Goulanwashe for Li Shishi, and no one stopped him.

Li Zhan held the wine glass in his hand and drank slowly. He was so out of tune with the surrounding environment that he naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding students. Seeing this, they naturally teased Li Zhan.

"Ziqing, I have never experienced Yun Yu and don't know the love between men and women. Otherwise, how could I have ignored Wei Xingshou beside me?"

Ziqing is the name of Li Zhan. It stands to reason that Li Zhan should not have a name before he was crowned. But after all, he had already participated in the imperial examination and had no father, so he chose the name Ziqing. His classmates and teachers also He is often called this.

Li Zhan handed the empty wine glass to Wei Xingshou beside him, with a calm and calm expression on his face. He didn't care about others' jokes at all, and just motioned for Wei Xingshou to fill the glass.

Wei Xingshou has a dignified manner and beautiful appearance. She grew up in a brothel. She was a courtesan carefully trained by her mother. She spent a lot of money to teach her. She is proficient in poetry and songs. The most noteworthy thing is her dancing. She is graceful and fascinating. Unlike other prostitutes, she is a pure woman. She does not sell herself as a prostitute. Of course, the price is also high. Asking her to entertain guests once is enough to feed and clothe an ordinary family of three for a year. Anyway, it is not like today. The price that Li Zhan could afford. Fortunately, the money was not paid by him, but by these classmates. It was just because he was Jie Yuanlang and the leader among them that they sent Wei Xingshou to Li Zhan's house. Serve and accompany you in front of you.

Wei Xingshou obediently picked up the jug, filled the glass, and handed it to Li Zhan, ignoring the booing around her. She had lived in a place where people were greeted and sent to her since she was a child, so she naturally had a good eye. From the moment she saw Li Zhan, she knew The young and handsome Jie Yuan in front of me is not a lecherous person. Although he always has a faint smile on his face and looks friendly and gentle, he has a cold temperament and is not easy to approach. He is a persistent person in his heart.

Li Zhan took the wine glass handed over by Wei Xingshou, looked at the people around him who were watching the joke, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Everyone, please spare me. I don't like Feng Yue, so please stop making fun of me!"

Among these, although Li Zhan was the most knowledgeable, he was the youngest, so he was loved and loved by his classmates. Li Zhan could only beg for mercy.

"That's not possible, Ziqing. We won't embarrass you. Since you don't like Wei Xingshou, you should at least write a poem. If everyone agrees, we will spare you. Okay?"

This person was the son of a big family in Yangzhou. He liked to play and was familiar with making noises. Seeing that everyone was very interested in his proposal, he stood up and called for everyone's approval.

"What Yuan Ming said makes sense, Zi Qing. You are Xie Yuanlang. He is the most learned among us. It's time to write poems to open our eyes. I never saw you writing poems in the academy back then!"

Sure enough, someone in the crowd responded. They were all curious about Li Zhan's knowledge. However, although Li Zhan was not unsociable, he was not an easy person to get along with. He was a bit lonely and did not like to show off. They had never seen him before. Li Zhan has a rare opportunity to write poems and lyrics, so he will not let it go.

Li Zhan glanced at the excited people and knew that if he didn't show his skills today, it would be difficult for him to get through. He picked up the wine glass on the desk and drank it all, stood up, bowed to everyone, and said.

"In this case, I'm going to show my shame. After finishing my poems, brothers, don't embarrass me anymore!"

Everyone immediately agreed that they all had good intentions towards Li Zhan and would not deliberately embarrass Li Zhan. They also had good intentions when they asked Li Zhan to write poems and lyrics. If Li Zhan writes good poems, he will definitely be able to win in Bian. With his reputation in the capital, it is also a good thing for him to take the provincial examination. It can make everyone realize Li Zhan's talent. This is a good stepping stone and can open the door to an official career.

Li Zhan was also aware of everyone's good intentions, and naturally he would not offend everyone, so he agreed to it. Although he was not good at poetry, there were so many poems in later generations that he could still copy them. He could just find a poem to cope with it. That's it. As long as you show less shame in the future and don't keep copying poems without shame, it won't hurt.

When Wei Xingshou saw this, he immediately nodded to the maid next to him and signaled to prepare the four treasures of the study. Most of the people in the Goulan tiles were talented people and beautiful women, so there were often scholars writing poems and lyrics here, so they always had pens, inks, papers and inkstones. The purpose is to provide tools when scholars are flourishing in poetry. If they write a stunning masterpiece, then this place will definitely become famous and rich.

Li Zhan nodded to the sensible and considerate Wei Xingshou and expressed his gratitude. Since he entered this place, he knew that this Wei Xingshou would be Gu Tingye's confidante in the future, and finally redeemed himself and his beloved. Staying and flying together can be considered a happy ending.

Li Zhan picked up the tip of his pen, which was covered with ink, and spread the ink on the fine Chengxintang paper. He finished it in one go without any extra points.

Everyone gathered around, looked at the words in front of them, looked at each other, and were speechless for a moment, then suddenly exploded and started chanting excitedly.


"A pair of people from generation to generation compete for education and ecstasy. If they miss each other but don't love each other, who will be happy?

It's easy to beg for blood from the blue bridge, but it's hard to run across the blue sea for medicine. If you visit me and drink Oxford, you will forget your poverty. "

"Good words, good words!"

"It is indeed a masterpiece, it makes people feel like drinking fine wine, and it makes them drunk!"

Everyone was a learned and talented person, a proud man of heaven, and they had a precise study and judgment of this poem. Naturally, they knew that they would never be able to write this poem in their lifetime, and they all praised it.

Today is Chapter 6 again. Everyone voted for it. This is really a life-saving effort!

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