I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 818 Breakthrough in Martial Arts

The imperial examination system of the Song Dynasty was basically the system inherited from the Song Dynasty and that of the Tang Dynasty. At the same time, in line with the development of the dynasty and in view of the shortcomings of the previous imperial examinations, all aspects of the imperial examination system were further improved and reformed. Among them, the following are the main ones that had a profound impact on poor students and later generations of imperial examinations: first, the selection of scholars regardless of family background; second, strict examination regulations; third, lenient selection of scholars.

In the Song Dynasty, all children of scholars, farmers, industrialists, and merchants, and people from the east, west, south, and north were eligible to take the scientific examination. In the end, the only criterion for determining admission is "all tests and all examinations". At that time, the Song Dynasty, in order to get rid of the shortcoming of "most of the scientific names were taken by powerful people", greatly reduced the ranking and number of the children of powerful families in the imperial examination. The figures of the Northern Song Dynasty in the biographies of the Northern Song Dynasty "History of the Song Dynasty", Only about a quarter of the people were born in the families of high-ranking officials, while more than one-half of the people were born in commoners. And as time progresses, the later the era, the higher the proportion of people who are born in commoners; statistics are based on the origin of Zaifu. , the situation is roughly similar.

"Only the name anonymity is fair, and I should seek help from it." The name anonymity in the poem means to seal the name, place of birth, etc. on the candidate's examination paper, so it is also called sealing or sealing. In view of the fact that after the name is anonymized, You can also recognize handwriting and code words, and later copy the candidates' test papers separately. In this way, the examiner who marks the paper will not be able to identify which candidate's paper it belongs to. In addition to name recognition and reputation records, the Song Dynasty also had the lock-in-court system (isolating examiners during the examination period), the lock-in examination (candidates who have become officials), and the special examination (excluding children from low-income families and the examiner). children, relatives) and other strict examination regulations and systems. At the same time, the public recommendation and public examination system that was prevalent in the Tang Dynasty and the early Song Dynasty was abolished, and a relatively fair and just examination environment was created for children from poor families on the road to becoming officials through the imperial examination.

The Song Dynasty was also the dynasty that selected the most scholars in the history of imperial examinations. In addition, candidates who pass the imperial examination do not need to pass the civil service examination and are directly awarded a certain official rank. The promotion mechanism is relatively complete and the official career is prominent. According to historical records, "In Renzong's dynasty, there were three people on the list of three out of ten, and nine out of thirty, they were not as high as ministers, only five." The general idea is that during Renzong's reign, there were 13 examinations. Counting the top three, there were 39 people in total. Among these people, only five were not promoted to the status of public officials.

"Advocating literature and restraining martial arts" was a national policy formulated in the early Song Dynasty to prevent the dangers of emphasizing military force and neglecting literature since the late Tang and Five Dynasties. Later, it became an important content of the "ancestral family law" of Zhao and Song Dynasties, which runs throughout . In the Song Dynasty, the imperial examinations were used to select scholars, and scholars were treated favorably. However, these young scholars from the imperial examinations, especially those from poor families, also took the world as their own responsibility and governed the world together with the emperor. Fan Zhongyan's "Be worried about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness." , Mr. Hengqu's statement of "establishing a mind for the heaven and earth, establishing a destiny for the living and the people, inheriting the unique knowledge for the past saints, and creating peace for all generations" are all born from this.

Since Li Zhan entered the examination room, everything has gone as usual, without any nervousness, with a calm mind, and thoughts flowing freely. Everything was calm and without any accidents. After all, this is a major event for the country to select talents. Anyone who dares to make trouble may not feel that the head on his neck is too much. At ease.

Although the three days were difficult, it was mainly because he could only stay in the same small place to eat and use the toilet. Of course, there was no need to mention the smell. Anyway, Li Zhan didn't want to recall that painful experience. When the door of the examination room opened, At that moment, I rushed out of the examination room, not wanting to stay any longer.

Li Zhan returned to Sheng Mansion and slept hard for a whole day. He didn't get up until three o'clock in the morning the next day. After lunch, he went to a martial arts training ground built by Mrs. Sheng for him.

It is said to be a martial arts training ground, but in fact it is just an open space left in the backyard of the mansion. It was leveled out, compacted with stone piers, and several arrow targets and wooden stakes were erected. It didn't cost a few coins. Sheng Hong saw that It was for the sake of the old lady's face, so she didn't have any objections. However, the boss Lin Sushuang was not happy because the land was originally her flower land, but Old Madam Sheng ordered people to shovel it all away. This matter made Wang Ruofu happy. I am very happy and feel a little closer to Li Zhan. After all, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Li Zhan was wearing a strong suit, holding a big iron gun, his waist and legs were united, and he kept stepping forward. The big gun in his hand danced, and the shadows of the gun were colorful. The trembling of the gun and the flowers were filled with cold fronts, which made people frightened. Li Zhan repeatedly Stepping forward, the big gun in his hand kept thrusting forward. The speed of the gun was astonishing, making a whining sound in the air. The head of the gun kept piercing the wooden pile. The head of the gun pierced the wooden pile. If it pierced a person, It was definitely life and death. In the blink of an eye, the wooden pile became riddled with holes and sawdust flew everywhere. Li Zhan pulled out the gun tip and struck the wooden pile with one blow. It was buried half a foot deep in the ground. The wooden stake was cut directly across the waist, and its strength was simply inhuman.

Li Zhan's whole body was shaken, the long muscles in his body were shaking continuously, the pores all over his body were wide open, and countless beads of sweat came out, with a faint hint of dark blood. Li Zhan thrust the big gun into the ground and slowly exhaled. , exhaling into an arrow, with a smile on Jun's face. He has made another breakthrough in the Yijin Bone Forging. He has just completed the fifth Yijin Bone Forging. If he steps into the marrow cleansing at this time, he will be enough to become a peerless warrior.

Li Zhan picked up the towel he put on another wooden stake and wiped the sweat on his face. He had broken through today and the blood in his body was somewhat depleted. He needed to replenish it. He was not suitable for continuing to exercise, so he was going to go back and use it. Eat a good meal and make up for it.

Logically speaking, Li Zhan should be accompanied by a maid to serve him, but in order to train Li Zhan, Mrs. Sheng did not make any arrangements for Li Zhan. Li Zhan didn't care and was happy to be quiet and comfortable.

In the following days of waiting for the results to be announced, Li Zhan was consolidating his martial arts skills every day, practicing in the morning and evening. Most of the rest of the time was spent reviewing books and practicing examination skills. He was very confident in himself and would definitely be able to become a high school candidate. At most, it is just a matter of ranking, so he is not worried. What he is busy with now is to prepare for next year's provincial examination, strive for a title on the gold list, and participate in the palace examination. This can be regarded as fulfilling his father's last wish and becoming the lintel of the gate. At that time, Li Zhan can move out of Sheng Mansion and start his own household without relying on others.

The test results were released in September, and most of the people chose the Yin and Chen Rizhi branches, because Chen belongs to the dragon and Yin belongs to the tiger, taking the meaning of the dragon and tiger list; because it is autumn and the osmanthus is in full bloom, it is also called the osmanthus list.

On this day, Li Zhan did not go to see the list in person. Mrs. Sheng had already sent a servant to guard the list, waiting for the good news.

The sun was rising gradually, and the temperature was now unbearable. Even Mrs. Sheng, who was sitting in the hall, was restless. She kept Li Zhan's achievements in mind, so she stretched her neck and looked outside the courtyard from time to time.

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