I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 816: Weak and Practicing Martial Arts

Li Zhan spent a lively New Year with the people in Sheng Mansion, and finally got to know all the people in Sheng Mansion, such as the cunning and charming Lin Sushuang, Lady Wei who was as light as an orchid, and Sheng Hong's children, Sheng Hualan, Sheng Changbai, Sheng Changfeng, Sheng Rulan, and Sheng Minglan. Of course, the eldest Sheng Hualan is only in his early 12s, a few years younger than Li Zhan. The others are even more like little carrots, Rulan and Minglan. They were still in their infancy, far from what they were later. Li Zhan wanted to laugh when he saw the two people who were still distressed in his mother's arms.

After the Lantern Festival, Li Zhan packed up his gifts and headed towards Xixi Academy. At this time, after nearly a month of nourishing and replenishing his body, his appearance also opened up. His face was full of blood, and his skin was much whiter and tenderer. He had more meat, and his edges and corners were much softer. He was such a handsome young man. The well-informed old lady Sheng lamented that her grandson would charm many girls in the future.

After that, although Li Zhan still lived in Sheng Mansion, he would only go back to Sheng's house during monthly holidays. He always lived in the academy's dormitory on weekdays, ignoring what was going on outside the window, and only read the books of sages and worked hard. Delve into all the knowledge about the imperial examination in this era.

After all, Li Zhan is a learned man who has experienced many lives. Although some knowledge is different due to different eras, he can also learn and correct it, so he has made rapid progress. In less than half a year, he has become a man of the academy and the master of the academy. His proud disciple has high expectations for him.

Li Zhan achieved good results and did not go home to show off. He always maintained a low-key and humble attitude. He followed the teachers at the college to study the art of imperial examinations in this era, studied the taboos in the examination room and the literary style of the times, and wanted to succeed in the imperial examination. A blockbuster on the field, unwilling to suffer through the years.

However, Li Zhan, who studied hard, may have inherited the frailty of his father. Due to fatigue, he fell seriously ill in the summer. Fortunately, because Li Zhan knew medical skills, he survived, which shocked Mrs. Sheng. , unwilling to let Li Zhan go back to college to continue studying hard, for fear that Li Zhan would follow in the footsteps of his father and ancestors.

Li Zhan was also very distressed because of this, but he also knew that Mrs. Sheng was doing it for his own good and did not want to violate the care of the elderly. He could only secretly study at home, and he also needed the help of Sheng Hualan, who he had become increasingly familiar with, to help cover it up. , fooling the old lady.

But as time passed, Mrs. Sheng also noticed the abnormality, and naturally knew about it. She became angry with Li Zhan and Sheng Hualan for the first time, and even made Sheng Hualan kneel in the ancestral hall all night. Li Zhan felt quite sorry. Because Li Zhan, the mastermind, was not punished because he was weak, Wang Ruofu was very angry. He secretly complained about Mrs. Sheng in his courtyard, and even had some opinions about Li Zhan.

Of course, Mrs. Sheng did not let Li Zhan go easily. Although there was no corporal punishment, she asked Fang's mother to collect all the books in his house and did not allow him to study, which made Li Zhan very distressed.

Li Zhan watched with a wry smile as the maid took away all the books in the room under the command of Fang's mother. Not even a pen, ink, paper or inkstone was left behind. He scratched his head in distress. He had no choice at this time.

Li Zhan has superb medical skills, and he also knows that his body has been depleted of vitality and blood since he was a child, making him weak and sick, so he shouldn't study so hard. However, he can't stand it in this era when there are few entertainment options. If he doesn't study, it will be boring and unbearable.

Li Zhan, who was thinking hard to no avail, suddenly remembered that both Mrs. Sheng and his grandmother were from the Yongyi Hou Mansion. He couldn't help but have an idea. He hurried to Mrs. Sheng's room and greeted the old lady with a look of surprise. Get to the point.

"My grandmother was also born in a marquis house, so she naturally knows how to practice martial arts to strengthen the body. I am now weak and sick, so why not practice some martial arts? If the effect is obvious, it will allow me to study normally and strengthen my physical fitness, killing two birds with one stone!"

When Old Mrs. Sheng listened to Li Zhan's method, her face was full of contemplation. Looking at her grandson with a look of expectation in front of her, the old Mrs. Sheng had a thought in her heart.

Mrs. Sheng could also see that Li Zhan really liked reading, and she also knew that Li Zhan was extremely talented in reading. The teachers at the college loved him very much and believed that he would definitely be able to take the imperial examination for high school in the future. If she were not worried about Li Zhan's The body is not willing to be this evil person, blocking Li Zhan from pursuing a great future.

Since Li Zhan proposed a solution, Mrs. Sheng was naturally willing to try it. However, she had severed contact with the Yongyi Hou Mansion due to her marriage, so it was difficult for her to seek help from the Yongyi Hou Mansion, so she had to find another way.

Mrs. Sheng finally used her connections to seek help from Lord Gu Yankai of the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion, and asked him to obtain the ancestral martial arts from the Ningyuan Marquis Mansion. Of course, in name, Li Zhan became Gu Yankai's disciple. Only then did he get the martial arts inheritance from the Gu family. This was because the three sons of the Gu family were not up to par now.

Gu Tingyu, the eldest son of Gu Yankai of the Marquis of Ningyuan, was also frail since childhood, even worse than Li Zhan. He coughed even if he took two steps, which was not a sign of longevity. The second son, Gu Tingye, was a playboy. He spent all his time looking for flowers and flowers instead of doing his job. He and his father were even worse. The two disliked each other, deliberately opposed each other, and had a very bad reputation; the third son, Gu Tingwei, was even more cowardly, had no independent opinions, and could not endure the hardships of martial arts training.

Gu Yankai saw that there was no successor to the martial arts passed down from his family, and he did not want to end the inheritance, so he reluctantly agreed to Li Zhan's apprenticeship, wrote down the martial arts passed down from his family in a book, and gave it to Li Zhan.

Li Zhan was also very curious after getting the martial arts from Ningyuan Houfu. He had tried what he had learned before, but he couldn't practice it in this world. He thought that there should be no cultivation methods in this world. The so-called martial arts passed down from the general family were only a few at best. Move variations and body-polishing exercises.

Li Zhan put down the martial arts secret book written by Gu Yankai himself and fell into deep thought. The martial arts in this world were different from what he thought. It was not just about changing moves and tempering the body, but had a strict set of training methods. , it takes the path of physical tempering, but it does not have true energy, but relies on blood and energy to temper the body, which is divided into foundation building, tendon reshaping, bone forging, and marrow cleansing.

Among them, tendon easing and bone forging can be performed at the same time, up to nine times. The number of tendons easing and bone forging affects the strength after the marrow cleansing is completed. A top-notch general can only complete two or three times of muscle-changing and bone-forging before entering the marrow cleansing process. There are very few generals in history who can perform more than five times of muscle-changing and bone-forging. They are all unparalleled generals who will go down in history.

The difficulty of Yijingu lies in grasping the details of the body. You need to be aware of every subtle change in the body and have strong mental strength. Otherwise, it will easily lead to a loss of both qi and blood in the body and lead to an unexpected death. However, mental strength is This is exactly where Li Zhan’s advantage lies.

Li Zhan was overjoyed. He now had the confidence to complete the nine rounds of muscle-changing and bone-forging, and then move on to marrow cleansing to practice this martial art to perfection.

For the five chapters during the day and the three chapters tonight, I really had to write from day to eleven before finishing. Tomorrow morning I will continue to write chapters four and five and the chapters to be updated the next day. Really It’s not easy, it’s even more tiring than going to work, so I hope you can give me lots of encouragement and support!

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