I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 808 The Son of a Poor Family

"Last night it was rainy and windy, and I couldn't get rid of the remaining wine even after a deep sleep.

When I asked the person behind the curtain, I found that Begonia was still the same.

Do you know? It should be green, red and thin. "

"The high autumn wind howled in August, rolling up the three-layer thatch on my house. The thatch flew across the river and scattered on the outskirts of the river. The taller ones hung on the treetops, while the lower ones floated around the sinking pond.

A group of children in the south village deceived me because I was old and weak, and I was a thief who could not stand it. He carried the grass into the bamboos, his lips were burnt and his mouth was dry and he couldn't breathe. When he came back, he leaned on his stick and sighed.

The wind in Russia makes the clouds dark, and the autumn desert turns dark. The quilt has been as cold as iron for many years, and the delicate child is lying on it and is cracked inside. There is no drying place for the leakage at the bedside, and the rain is like hemp on the feet and has not been stopped. Since my period is disordered and I don’t sleep much, how can I get wet all night long?

There are tens of millions of mansions in Ande, which can shelter all the poor people in the world with joy! Unmoved by wind and rain, it is as peaceful as a mountain. Alas! When I suddenly see this house in front of my eyes, my house alone will be broken down and frozen to death! "

A clear young boy's voice echoed through the cold wind, his voice was heavy and firm.

Li Zhan looked at the dilapidated thatched house in front of him that had been blown away by the strong wind. He stood under the eaves, holding on to the door frame, with a helpless smile on his face.

Li Zhan tightened his cotton-padded clothes, which were already as thin as a summer shirt, and looked at the two broken wooden doors that kept shaking at his hand. He turned back and looked at the simple furnishings in the room. Beyond the earthy yellow walls, there was only a datewood table. , and next to it stood an imperial chair that had no backrest. It was really like a family with only four walls.

At this time, Li Zhan could understand the feelings of the poet sage Du Fu back then. He couldn't help but sing "Song of Thatched Cottage Broken by the Autumn Wind", thinking of the ardor of his father and ancestors in this life, and sighed in his heart.

To say that Li Zhan was born into a poor family in this life, a poor family refers to a humble family, specifically refers to a family with a lower status and is also called a common people, and does not refer to the poor class. In the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, it refers to families that do not belong to the gentry clan, and most of them are ordinary small and medium-sized landowners. After the Wei and Jin Dynasties, due to the emergence of imperial examinations, the gentry declined, and Hanmen generally refers to families with poor family backgrounds.

This kind of background is much better than ordinary people who face the loess, spend their whole lives digging in the fields, and do not know a single Chinese character. It is not that Li Zhan did not have a miserable background. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, he was born as a beggar. But I was lucky enough to meet Master Kong Jian, so I didn't suffer from poverty.

Li Zhan's family in this life has pretty good ancestors. His grandfather Li Mingjia was also born in the imperial family and married a daughter of the Yongyi Hou family. Although she was only a concubine, she could tell that she was quite promising at that time. From her name, she It can be seen that the family's expectations for him were that he could pass the imperial examination and become a Jinshi. However, it was a pity that although his grandfather Li Mingjia was quite knowledgeable, he could only study hard and wear out his body. Before he could pass the imperial examination, he was already a scholar. The lamps dried up and the oil ran out, and everyone died, leaving only orphans and widowed mothers to survive alone.

As a young lady from the Yongyi Hou Mansion, my grandmother had some dowry and was living a decent life. She took Li Zhan's father Li Zong from Bianjing back to his hometown in Yangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River to live. Since the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, she and Yongyi Hou Mansion have been together since then. Also lost contact.

Perhaps it was because his grandfather was in poor health that his father, Li Zong, was also frail and sickly since he was a child. Although he had been taught by his grandmother since he was a child, he could not support his body after he only passed the exam. In a helpless place, Li Zhan's grandmother had no choice but to give up on her son. His performance in the imperial examination allowed Li Zong to marry a wife and have children, take good care of his body, and leave a lasting legacy for the Li family. This was considered worthy of his ancestors.

It was under this situation that Li Zong married the daughter of a small landowner, and his life was quite comfortable. Li Zhan was born within two years. He was a single descendant of the third generation. The only child of the Li family was naturally loved by his grandmother. , the family was happy for a while.

It's a pity that unexpected events happened. First, Li Zhan's mother passed away due to illness. His father, Li Zong, was also heartbroken after Li Zhan's mother passed away. His weak body could not withstand such longing, so he finally let go after several years of delay. After death, Li Zhan and his grandmother were once again left to depend on each other.

There is nothing more tragic in life than losing your father in childhood, losing your husband in middle age, or losing your son in old age. Li Zhan took the first one, and his grandmother took the last two. The bad news in the family suddenly crushed this old man who had lived a miserable life. Within a few years, his grandmother also passed away, leaving only Li Zhan, who was no more than twelve years old, living alone.

Before her death, her grandmother was worried about her only grandson, and left a letter to seek refuge with relatives and friends. She wanted Li Zhan to go to his sister's house who had just arrived in Yangzhou. The son of this grandmother's sister served as Yangzhou Tongpan, a sixth-grade official. , but regardless of the small official position, it is true that the deputy of Yangzhou Zhizhou is responsible for supervising the Zhizhou. He can be regarded as a small official with great power, and he can also be regarded as a leader in Yangzhou.

Because Li Zhan had awakened the memory of his previous life since he was born, he was unwilling to rely on others and never went to seek refuge. He just lived alone.

It is a pity that the Li family still had some wealth, but due to illness one after another in the family, the remaining wealth was exhausted. All the land and houses were sold, leaving only the shabby thatched hut where Li Zhan lived at this time. It is passed down from our ancestors. It is really cold in winter and warm in summer. When it comes to windy and rainy days, the rain inside the house is heavier than outside. This can be said to be a very miserable life.

Now is the mid-winter plan. It coincides with the strong north wind. The thatch on the roof of Li Zhan's house, who was resting alone, was completely blown away by the cold wind, leaving a bare roof. He could directly see the starry sky. Li Zhan's limbs were stiff from the cold. , I had no choice but to get up and move my body to avoid freezing to death in this shabby thatched hut. Then the Li family would really be in danger.

At this time, this scene reminded Li Zhan of a lyric, "I want the moon in the sky and the frost on the ground, I want the light-transmitting study and the madness of youth, I want the green of youth and the yellow of leaves, spread until I am about to Wherever I go, I want the truth of reality and the fantasy of love to become the spiritual rafters.”

Unfortunately, the thatched house had no roof at this time, leaving only the moon in the sky and frost on the ground. Li Zhan was almost sent to the Hall of the King of Hell, which was not the place he wanted to go.

It’s funny to say that Li Zhan, who was a powerful figure in the Marvel world in his previous life, actually lived in such a miserable state in this ancient Eastern world without demons. What he learned was useless in this world, whether it was martial arts, magic, Ninjutsu or cultivating immortals are useless and cannot be cultivated at all. This is a real ancient society. Li Zhan is helpless and can only take one step at a time.

Of course, Li Zhan has experienced so many worlds, and he is not useless at all. At least he has a strong spirit, keen intuition, and a photographic memory. He can read ten lines at a glance and has a lot of books. He can take the imperial examination and get ahead.

It's not that Li Zhan doesn't want to take the imperial examination, it's just that his parents and grandmother passed away one after another. According to ancient tradition, he needs to observe filial piety for his elders for three years, so he has never been able to take the child examination. He is full of articles and knowledge, and now he is fifteen or sixteen years old. But he didn't even get a single honorary mention, which can be said to be the worst time for Li Zhan in his life.

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