I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 790: Mortal body, comparable to gods

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Dr. Eric's move saved the earth. It seems that sometimes it is good to save everything.

Tony Stark was very pleased with Dr. Eric's experimental spirit. He glanced at Eric with admiration, and then said to Black Widow Natasha and others.

"In this case, let's open the way with all our strength, escort the scepter to the space door, and end this damn war. Then everyone goes to celebrate together!"

Everyone's confidence was greatly increased and they looked excited. Even Captain America, who couldn't stand Tony Stark's playboy style, looked pleased and nodded in agreement. Now after fighting side by side, everyone can now understand each other. By seeking common ground while shelving differences, and working together to protect the peace of the earth, the Avengers have finally come together, which I believe is enough to satisfy Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The scepter is held by Black Widow, Tony Stark is constantly clearing obstacles on the road ahead in the sky, Thor is also carrying Loki, followed closely, the remaining Kiritans are neither Captain America nor Captain America. Hawkeye's opponent, Black Widow Natasha Romanoff, ignored everything on the way, just focused on the blue beam of light across the sky, and kept rushing towards the space gate.

Among the Avengers, only the Hulk, because of his lack of reason, has been beating up the Big Apple City and raging against the Kiritan army. He was very happy, and he kicked the ground hard with his feet and his knees slightly. Qu, the huge body rushed into the air like an arrow from a string, and a powerful and domineering iron fist bombarded the middle of the Kirita beast. The entire body of the huge savage beast was folded in half, unable to withstand this power at all. The huge punch hit the ground with a rumble, crushing many buildings and leaving a mess.

Hulk grinned proudly, fell down, twisted his waist, and hit the wall of the building next to him. He kicked hard on the outer wall of the building and jumped again towards Qirita, who had just stepped out of the space door. The giant beast opened its bloody mouth and showed a ferocious and mocking smile. It kicked the Kirita beast on the head and kicked it away.

Hulk's unparalleled strong body then fell down, his knees bent downward, and his big green feet left deep marks on the ground. If it were not in the Big Apple City, but in the deep mountains and old forests or inaccessible snow peaks, , I'm afraid it will leave an unsolved mystery about Sasquatch.

Hulk straightened up and looked at the Avengers who had just arrived. He punched his chest with both fists, stretched his head forward, opened his mouth, and let out a dissatisfied roar. His saliva spattered, and the smell was extremely fishy. Dissatisfied, they fled, leaving themselves alone to fight alone.

Tony Stark looked at the Hulk transformed by Bruce Banner, with a flash of amazement in his eyes. He also saw the introduction about the super serum in the notes left by Howard Stark, and the people around him Captain America is the most perfect experimental product, but we still have to marvel at the strength of the unexpected experimental product, the Hulk. Although his body shape has changed dramatically and his whole body is green, we have to say that it is simply perfect, and it is really rare. artwork, it would be nice if I could study the Hulk myself.

Tony Stark approached the Hulk, stretched out his steel hand and gently touched the Hulk's head, as if comforting a child, and praised softly.

"Well done, big guy!"

Although Hulk was mentally ill, his intuition was amazing. He seemed to sense that the little guy in front of him who was touching his head had malicious intentions, and he roared again.


The Hulk's crazy roar made even Tony Stark, who was hiding in the Mark suit, cover his ears and ordered Jarvis.

"Jarvis, take note, I want to increase the sound isolation in the new armor. This kind of noise is really intolerable!"

The blue virtual screen in front of Tony Stark flashed, and a gentle middle-aged male voice sounded.

"Yes, Mr. Stark, I have backed it up in the database of Mark's armor!"

Hulk doesn't care what Tony Stark complains about. His small brain in his huge body only has simple judgments. Since he feels that Tony Stark has ill intentions towards him, he will naturally not be polite. Then The hand as big as a millstone was turned into a fist, and it was blasted at the Iron Man in front of him. Iron Man Tony Stark seemed to have no time to react, and smashed through the building behind him like a meteor, flying out of everyone's sight. The strong wind caused the black widow Natasha Romanoff's long burgundy hair to float back.

Thor and others had no time to care about the situation of Iron Man Tony Stark, but urged Black Widow to quickly step forward and close the space door.

Black Widow Natasha Romanoff held the scepter in her hand and slowly approached the space door. She walked to Hulk's side. Her mind was tense and her eyes were fixed on Hulk. Hulk's big eyes were also Staring closely at the Black Widow, she seemed to recognize Natasha Romanoff. She grinned without any drastic behavior and allowed Natasha Romanoff to pass by and arrive in front of the space door.

Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. They couldn't help but sigh that Tony Stark was indeed annoying, far less charming and lovable than the beauty. Even the Hulk was attracted by Natasha Romanoff. Fascinated.

Black Widow looked at the Cosmic Cube protected by the blue light shield in front of her, took a deep breath, raised the scepter in her hand, and stabbed it towards the light shield. Although the scepter felt some resistance, it was inserted smoothly. Inside the light shield, it is slowly approaching the Cosmic Cube. As soon as the two come into contact, this damn space door will be closed, and this war will be over.

Everyone stared closely at the scepter in Natasha Romanov's hand, constantly clearing away the surrounding Kirita troops who wanted to get closer. The scepter continued to penetrate deeper, and gradually approached the Cosmic Cube, closer, closer again. , just as the scepter was about to close the space door, the black widow Natasha Romanoff stopped her action and gave up closing the Cosmic Cube.

"Natasha, stop what you are doing. Those people from the military and the Security Council threw a mushroom bomb towards the Big Apple. You need to throw it out of the earth, otherwise the Big Apple will be destroyed!"

Nick Fury's anxious command came from everyone's earphones. Their expressions changed drastically. They all looked up to the sky. They kept cursing those politicians who failed to achieve anything but failed. However, they had to face this moment. crisis.

Tony Stark stabilized his body, shook his dizzy head, opened his visor, glanced at the seriously damaged armor, and kept greeting the Hulk and those shameless politicians, and then lowered his visor. However, his figure flew into the air without stopping, with his hands raised high, he held up the mushroom bomb that had just arrived over the Big Apple City, and flew towards the space door, fearlessly and tragically, like a savior god.

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