I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 781 Asking Abner Clarence for Help

Chapter 781 Asking for help from Abner Clarence

"No matter what, we must find the Cosmic Cube in the shortest possible time!"

Nick Fury frowned. He did not dare to gamble on luck. Since the other party came based on the Rubik's Cube, it would not be without purpose. If the Cosmic Cube is not found as soon as possible, a disaster they do not want to see will inevitably happen.

Bruce Banner took two steps, turned around, spread his hands, and said helplessly.

"I can't do it. Even with Tony's help, I can't complete the tracking in a short time!"

Everyone turned their attention to Tony Stark. He touched his mustache and smiled awkwardly. It was not easy for Tony Stark to admit that he was powerless on certain things. thing.

When Nick Fury saw that the arrogant and arrogant Tony Stark had an embarrassed expression in the past, he understood the truth of what Bruce Banner said. He pressed his painful head with both hands. He did not expect that something would happen. After so many accidents, if the Cosmic Cube cannot be recovered as soon as possible, who knows what horrific things that stag-like alien creature will do.

Nick Fury kept pacing back and forth in the conference room, lowering his head, thinking about ways. Everyone was brainstorming their own ideas, hoping to get along well in the shortest possible time.

However, to everyone's disappointment, no matter how much they discussed, they could not find a way to find the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in the shortest time. They could only give up the discussion in disappointment. The whole conference room felt heavy.

Everyone in the Avengers Alliance is a talented person who thinks very highly of themselves. They thought that there was nothing they could not solve when they gathered together. However, they did not expect that when they gathered together for the first time, they would be helpless when faced with the first problem. It was really wrong. They hit hard.

Although Nick Fury was anxious in his heart, he was secretly happy when he looked at the somewhat dull people. Although the formation of the Avengers had been successful, everyone was quite unable to deal with each other. There was no tacit understanding between them, and even There was a quarrel and conflict between Tony Stark and Captain America Steve Rogers. There was a huge gap in their concepts. Steve Rogers was upright, resolute, and dedicated, while Tony Stark was Tony Stark is just the opposite. Tony Stark is arrogant, venomous and arrogant, even romantic and pushy. Everyone was dissatisfied with each other and had no sense of team spirit. Now that they were troubled by this difficulty, it dampened their self-esteem and made them realize that they were not all-powerful and had areas they were not good at, so they still needed teammates.

This is especially important to Tony Stark. He has always believed that he can maintain world peace and fight criminal activities by himself, and does not need teammates at all. He even believes that others only need to obey his leadership and do logistical work. Standard Stark family arrogance.

Nick Fury finally stopped in front of everyone's expectant eyes and ordered to Black Widow Natasha Romanoff.

"Inform Maria Hill and ask her to contact Abner Clarence. It's time to ask him for help!"

Black Widow looked surprised, nodded, walked out of the conference room with extremely enchanting steps, and went to inform Maria Hill to ask Abner Clarence for help.

When Nick Fury said Maria Hill's name, Tony Stark froze on the spot, looked at Nick Fury with a gloomy face, and asked with suppressed anger.

"I hope the Maria Hill you are talking about is not Abner's girlfriend?"

Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark in confusion, not understanding why he was so angry, but he still nodded and said that Tony Stark was right.

Tony Stark kicked the seat next to him, walked up to Nick Fury angrily, grabbed the collar of Nick Fury's fur coat, moved his face close to Nick Fury, and opened his eyes The red one stared at Nick Fury and cursed loudly.

"Damn Nick Fury, shameless S.H.I.E.L.D., you actually arranged for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to deliberately get close to Abner Clarence, and even became boyfriend and girlfriend with him. It's really despicable!"

Tony Stark truly regards Abner Clarence as his friend. They have a deep friendship, share a common language, and are both recognized geniuses. Therefore, although they have known each other for only a few short years, Years have passed, but Tony Stark has regarded Abner Clarence as his lifelong best friend, and will never allow SHIELD to set up a trap to trap Abner Clarence.

Nick Fury suddenly realized and looked at Tony Stark in surprise. It was the first time that he saw Tony Stark caring so much about a man. He even got angry about it and opened Tony Stark's arms with both hands. , adjusted his collar, looked at Tony Stark without changing his expression, and said frankly.

"Tony, you misunderstood. Maria Hill joined S.H.I.E.L.D. after graduating from college, and is now the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. She had already become a boyfriend with Abner Clarence in high school. Girlfriend is not SHIELD’s layout design!”

Nick Fury stretched out his arm and put it on Tony Stark's shoulder, with a trace of sincerity flashing in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice.

"In your eyes, can't SHIELD agents have normal emotional experiences? Are they not worthy of true love? Are they only worthy of living in darkness?"

Tony Stark was at a loss for words. He hesitated and didn't know how to answer. He really didn't expect that Abner Clarence's girlfriend Maria Hill would actually be the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D. At this age, it can be said that he is in a high position with high authority, and as the deputy director, it is obviously impossible for him to seduce Abner Clarence for the mission like the black widow Natasha Romanoff. If you can't afford that face, there is no need.

Maria Hill happened to open the door of the conference room at this time, followed by Natasha, walked in, nodded friendly to Tony Stark who had just lost his temper, and then reported to Nick Fury. road.

"Sir, I have informed Abner and he has agreed. I have sent someone to pick him up!"

Tony Stark responded to Maria Hill's greeting in a nonchalant manner, helped himself up and kicked up the chair with some embarrassment, and sat on it obediently.

Nick Fury glanced at Tony Stark, and then at Maria Hill. He once again felt a little better about Hill's ability and weight. He didn't expect such an unruly Tony Stark. He actually has such respect for Maria Hill, completely without his usual arrogance and unruly attitude. Maybe Maria Hill can be asked to be responsible for contacting Iron Man in the future.

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