I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 779 The Cosmic Rubik's Cube was robbed

Nick Fury was a little embarrassed when he heard this. He glanced at Phil Coulson who was telling the truth with some complaints, coughed dryly, and then made the final decision.

"Does anyone have any objection to Dr. Eric becoming the final research candidate?"

Nick Fury selectively forgot about the choice of Abner Clarence. Everyone was startled, and then raised their hands to express their approval. With everyone's unanimous opinion, Dr. Eric Shavig became the candidate. The perfect candidate for the Cosmic Cube research project. Even Maria Hill voted in favor. She is a person who distinguishes between public and private matters and will not let her personal feelings get involved in her work. From the beginning, she did not really want Abner Clarence and A.D. Shields to work together. The situation created too many entanglements.

Eric Schavig is worthy of being a Beidou-level figure in the field of astronomy. He has a deep research on space theory. He soon made some results in the study of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. After all, the original Hydra is still retained in S.H.I.E.L.D. Dr. Zora's research data on the Cosmic Cube, after being studied by Dr. Eric, quickly extracted the energy contained in the Cosmic Cube and created some samples of energy weapons, allowing the Security Council to More attention has been paid to the research on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and financial investment in this research has been increased, which has accelerated the research progress again.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill looked at the Cosmic Cube in the research device. It was emitting a faint blue light and was as deep as the sea. Nick Fury and Maria Hill's faces were filled with tears. This is a cosmic Rubik's Cube that contains infinite energy. If the energy in it can be completely controlled, it can completely make human science and technology advance crazily. It is of great significance to the earth, so in this underground secret research base, Strict protective forces have been deployed to ensure that no accidents occur to the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

"Dr. Eric, how are you preparing?!"

Nick Fury is still dressed as usual, wearing a black leather trench coat and a pair of black leather shoes. Combined with his skin color, he looks like a large lump of coal. If the light is not turned on, he will definitely stand out in the dark. I can't find where Nick Fury is.

Today, Dr. Eric is preparing to conduct an important experiment on the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He has created a special equipment device to accommodate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. He is preparing to actively trigger the energy in the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and create and open a wormhole. This is the first time in the history of human science and technology that it has been opened. Wormholes, although using the Cosmic Cube, are still of great significance.

Nick Fury and Maria Hill also avoided accidents, specially strengthened their security forces, and stayed here to ensure that this experiment was foolproof.

"It's been prepared, it's time to start!"

Eric Schavig's face was full of excitement. Although he had a deep understanding of space research and knew about the Rainbow Bridge, this was the first time he used the power of technology to open a wormhole. Excitement was inevitable. As a scientific researcher, he He is not keen on money, but he is still very keen on leaving his name in the history of scientific research. If today's experiment is successful, he will definitely be remembered by future generations as the first scientist in history to open a wormhole.

Nick Fury nodded and retreated a certain distance with Maria Hill, indicating to Dr. Eric that he could start the experiment.

Eric quickly walked to the test console and started the program. He stared at the Cosmic Cube in front of him and pinched his hands tightly together. He watched the experimental reaction nervously and was ready to make adjustments at any time.

With the injection of energy from the outside world, the Universe Rubik's Cube shines brightly, and the faint blue light fills the entire base. Everyone is covered in a layer of blue light clothes like water waves, looking mysterious and profound.

Gradually the light reached its peak, suddenly began to shrink, and was suddenly retracted into the Cosmic Cube. Nick Fury stared at the Cosmic Cube tightly, always on guard.

The space around the Cosmic Demon began to distort to a certain extent, and a small black dot gradually appeared. As soon as it appeared, it issued a strong suction force, and the items in the laboratory immediately flew towards the black dot. Nick Fury was Shocked, he quickly turned around and shouted to Dr. Eric on the console.

"Hurry up and disconnect the energy injection and end the experiment, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable!"

Eric's expression also changed drastically when the black spot appeared. In his calculations, the wormhole opened with the Cosmic Cube was extremely stable and would not cause any damage to the surrounding environment. However, the wormhole opened at this time was obviously not in line with Eric's expectations. It issued an amazing suction force. If it is not closed, it is likely to cause irreversible damage to the place. Even if it gets out of control, it will swallow the surrounding area. into this wormhole.

Dr. Eric quickly cut off the energy injection, intending to shut down the experiment. What made Dr. Eric angry was that even if he cut off the energy injection, the mutation of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube could not be stopped. The black spots were rapidly expanding. In the blink of an eye, The space expanded to the size of a basketball, and the suction force continued to increase. Countless files, tables, and chairs were smashed into pieces and sucked into the wormhole.

Nick Fury suddenly became anxious and urged Eric loudly again.

"Dr. Eric, what on earth are you doing? Shut down the experiment quickly!"

Eric kept operating the experimental console with both hands, sweat breaking out on his forehead. Looking at the useless operations, he shouted anxiously to Nick Fury.

"The experiment is out of control. I have stopped the energy injection, but the Cosmic Cube is still running!"

Nick Fury's pupils suddenly shrank to a point, and he had a bad premonition in his heart, and shouted loudly to Dr. Eric with a ferocious look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"It means that we are no longer controlling the Cosmic Cube, but the existence on the other side of the wormhole is controlling it!"

Dr. Eric also looked desperate and unwilling. The experiment was out of control and gave him a huge blow. If the experiment was out of control and caused huge losses to the earth, he would never forgive himself.

Nick Fury immediately sounded the alarm at the base, and Maria Hill had to retreat continuously, resisting the suction force from the wormhole.

Maria Hill quietly took out her cell phone and put it behind her back. Her finger rested on a phone number. Her starry eyes stared at the wormhole that was now as tall as a person, waiting for the mysterious creature in the wormhole to appear. .

A tall man in green armor, dressed like a stag, holding a scepter in his hand, with a thin figure and arrogant eyes, full of arrogance, stepped out. Everyone present looked at this man with vigilant eyes. A man who seemed to be role-playing did not dare to act rashly.

This is the same Loki who jumped off the Rainbow Bridge. He was in the space turbulence just as Abner Clarence sensed. He was lucky enough to survive and was saved by Thanos, and then came to Earth. He came with the mission of Thanos.

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