I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 72 Terumi Mei

"Kid, what do you know?" Zabuza, perhaps because the matter was too outrageous, or because he had contempt for Ningji's age, so he directly discarded the dangerous intuition he just felt, and directly refuted Ning without leaving any room. times.

"Although I don't like Yagura, Yagura is the fourth generation Mizukage after all. No Kage can be simply controlled by illusions. What's more, Yagura is a perfect Jinchuriki, and it is basically impossible to be controlled by the so-called Illusion control."

"So, kid, you have to have some basis for your lie, otherwise it will be hard for people to believe it!" Zabuza's tall figure bent forward very forcefully, and his face almost hit Neji's face.

Neji did not feel uncomfortable or oppressed, and still told the development of the story with a calm expression.

"Qing, instead of keeping the matter secret, contacted the people in the village and united with the people in the village who had long been dissatisfied with Yagura's harsh and bloody rule to launch a coup, overthrew Yagura's rule, and ended the Ten Several years of blood mist!"

"And what's more interesting is that during the coup, Yagura once got rid of the control of genjutsu and worked with the coup makers to repel the manipulators behind the scenes. In that battle, Yagura didn't hold back at all. He completely burned his own life and released the three-tailed beast Iso in his body to atone for the damage caused to the village by his ridiculous actions over the years." Neji had a playful look on his face, staring closely in front of him because Zabuza's expression kept changing as he told his story.

"By the way, even the Three-Tailed Isozu was killed in the end, so now there is no Jinchuuriki in Kirigakure Village, so it can be said that now is the time when Kirigakure Village is at its weakest!" Ningji reminded again, Seeing Zabuza's face change drastically due to this news, he was a little curious about what Zabuza would do.

"Kid, I don't know how you know these secret messages, but I'm beginning to believe your words." Zabuza stood up straight, looking at Neji with his eyes, expressing some sigh.

"I would like to know who is the fifth Mizukage of Kirigakure Village now?"

"Speaking of this, he should be an acquaintance of yours!"

"She is the fifth Mizukage of your Kirigakure Village, Terumi Mei. She is the first female Kage of the Five Great Ninja Villages so far. She is good at using water release ninjutsu and has two blood inheritances: "melting release" and "boiling release". Limitation, now, she implements a peaceful and open policy in Kirigakure Village, which has restored the strength of Kirigakure Village to a certain extent, so she should be said to be a very excellent female ninja. By the way, I heard that she is very beautiful. Yan, you're not young yet and you're not married yet." As Neji spoke, the topic began to get skewed.

"It seems that Kirigakure has begun to revive!" Zabuza turned around and walked to the bridge, looking at the sea, as if he could see the existence of Kirigakure Village.

"Breathe, breathe!" Zabuza took a deep breath of the sea breeze.

"The sea breeze is still so fishy, ​​but it is refreshing and intoxicating. This is the smell that people who grew up by the sea are most familiar with, and it is also the smell that people who live far away from home miss the most." Zabuza looked back at Kakashi and Ning This time, he turned his head back and took a deep breath of the salty sea breeze.

"Breathe, breathe! You guys should try it too. This is a smell that can only be smelled at the beach. People like you who live inland have never tried it!"

"Breathe, breathe!" Neji and Kakashi did not refuse, imitating Zabuza and taking a deep breath of sea breeze. The fishy smell of sea water filled Neji's mouth and nose. To be honest, the smell was not pleasant, but Kakashi was in a trance, and Zabuza's face was indeed full of yearning and nostalgia.

Neji understood that their thoughts and emotions were aroused by the sea breeze, and were affected by their own memories.

"This sea breeze is a bit bitter! Breathe in, breathe out!" Kakashi said faintly, and took another deep breath of the sea breeze. He would never forget that it was under the smell of the sea breeze that he personally pierced Lin's body with Raikiri, ending her life and breaking his promise to Obito.

"This sea breeze has the flavor of freedom and hometown, which makes people nostalgic!" Zabuza kept sniffing the sea breeze with an intoxicated expression. The expression on his face softened, like a wanderer who longed to go home, full of love. The longing for home.

"Kakashi, I want to ask you something!" Zabuza looked at Kakashi who was also sniffing the sea breeze and made his request.

"When you return to the village from your mission, take Shiro with you and let him live in Konoha with you!"

"Huh? Let that child live in Konoha! What about you?" Kakashi did not say whether he agreed or disagreed, but was confused about what Zabuza was going to do. He and Minazuki Shiro were willing to sacrifice their lives for each other. companion.

"Me? I want to go home, to my birthplace, to see how it has changed over the years!" Zabuza said with some nostalgia, the expression on his face gradually became firmer. This was the biggest change he had seen in many years of wandering. Obsession, return to Kirigakure Village!

"You want to go back to Kirigakure Village!" Kakashi looked at Zabuza with a shocked look on his face, as if he was crazy.

"You are Kirikage's traitorous ninja. If you are caught by Kirikage's pursuit troops, you know your fate!" Kakashi's face was full of seriousness. He turned his head and stared at Zabuza closely, with a look in his eyes. Blocking and doubting.

"Of course I understand. I am a ninja who has been in the ANBU of Kirigakure Village for many years. How could I not understand how ANBU treats rebellious ninjas? But if I can see Kirigakure Village with my own eyes and see Kirigakure Village escape from the blood mist, I have rekindled hope that the villagers can breathe the sea breeze and bask in the sun freely like me now, and no longer live in the thick blood mist. Even if I am caught, I will have no regrets!" No more! Zhan's face was full of yearning and hope, and his eyes were full of freedom and enthusiasm. It is the joy of the changes in Kirigakure Village and the joy of realizing one's dreams.

Kakashi looked at Zabuza who was glowing with sunshine. He believed that no one would believe that this man could have the title of Ghost Man. Zabuza finally gave up his obsession and wanted to carry all his companions on his back. With the expectation and great trust, he went to see the changes in Kirigakure Village with his own eyes. He was finally able to get rid of the fate of being a ghost, fulfilled all his long-cherished wishes, and was no longer an evil ghost living in the human world.

Kakashi was not advising Zabuza to take risks, "I wish you a safe journey!"

"Actually, there is no need to be so pessimistic. Fundamentally speaking, you Zabuza and the fifth generation Mizukage Terumi Mei are both traitorous ninjas, but one failed and the other succeeded. And now is the time to employ people in Kirigakure Village. According to Terumi Mei's character, the most she can do is teach you a lesson, give you a blow, knock off your pride, pardon your crime, and recruit you again!" Neji's words were so shocking that he immediately killed Zabuza. The tragic momentum was completely shattered.

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