I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 703: Unfounded Worry, Bodhisattva of the Ten Grounds

Xu Fengnian looked at Xu Zongjia with a smile on his face, jumped up anxiously, pointed at Xu Zongjia, and was so angry that he couldn't speak, and his face turned red.

Xu Zongjia ignored the furious His Royal Highness, and shifted his gaze to an old tree on the bank of the Shejiang River. The gray-black rough bark was weathered, but the crown of the tree had lush branches and leaves, swaying in the breeze, and the trunk was thick. The two of them Only then can we embrace each other and open our mouths to reveal the truth.

"Since senior is already here, why should Xu Fengnian come forward to give advice?"

Li Chungang's figure leaked out from behind the tree trunk. He was just like the scoundrel in the past. He seemed to have some dampness and itching in his crotch. He didn't care about the Sword Fairy's face at all. He put his one arm into his clothes and scratched it a few times, and then he didn't care at all. Xu Zongjia couldn't help but frown as he continued to pick his nostrils. He was a clean natured man and really couldn't accept Li Chungang's simple and crude sloppy behavior.

Li Chungang didn't care at all about Xu Zongjia's dissatisfaction. He walked up to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in a carefree manner, slapped Xu Fengnian's rather strong body, knocked him to the ground, and said with a look of contempt.

"What a loser, you can't even handle such a small thing!"

Xu Fengnian wanted to cry but had no tears. He was not a human being inside and out at this time. He was despised by these two bitches who were trying to kill the donkey. He secretly decided that even if the two of them died in the future, he would not shed a single tear, otherwise he would let him She has been rejected by the oiran lady who lives in a wooden house all her life, and can no longer look for flowers and willows.

Xu Zongjia watched this scene quietly, gloating over the misfortune, not worried about his eldest son coming forward at all.

His Highness the Crown Prince could only sigh that people's hearts are old and people are not kind to others. He silently wiped away a handful of bitter tears and stood up honestly, listlessly like a defeated rooster.

Li Chungang then looked at Xu Zongjia, who was in perfect spirits, and said with some annoyance.

"I'm not worried that your boy will not be as good as me, and your mood will change without realizing it, so I asked Xu boy to remind you!"

"But now it seems that I am unfounded. I am afraid that you have already achieved the tenth level of Bodhisattva!"

Mahayana Buddhism divides the process of a Bodhisattva's practice of Buddhism into ten abodes, ten practices, ten deversions, and ten places. The ten faiths belong to the first residence of the ten residences. The three sages are in front of the tenth level. After seeing the way, they ascend to the holy level. From then on, they enter the cultivation level until they reach the tenth level, wait for the wonderful enlightenment, and finally become a Buddha. Mahayana Bodhisattva has ten stages from the first level to the tenth level. The tenth level Bodhisattva is the highest stage of Bodhisattva. After another level, you can become a Buddha.

The Bodhisattva on the first level lives in joy, the Bodhisattva on the second level performs the ten good deeds to benefit himself and others, the Bodhisattva on the third level enters into deep and vast meditation practice, the Bodhisattva on the fourth level has blazing wisdom, the Bodhisattva on the fifth level realizes a deep, broad, equal, and pure mind, and the Bodhisattva on the sixth level has a deep and profound mind. Understand the principle of the equality of all dharmas, the door to liberation of emptiness appears, the Bodhisattva of the Seventh Level realizes the cessation of cessation, the Bodhisattva of the Eighth Level realizes the endurance of the unborn Dharma, and continues to cultivate the wisdom of the Dharmakaya of all Buddhas, and the Bodhisattva of the Nine Levels obtains the endless skillful wisdom of all Buddhas. , the Bodhisattva of the tenth level attained the final supreme meditation of all Buddhas and radiated great light.

The Bodhisattva of the tenth level is the Bodhisattva of the Dharma Cloud. It is said that the Bodhisattva has reached the tenth level and has completed his practice. His only purpose is to benefit all living beings. He has great compassion like a cloud and universal power. Although he makes a profit, he is still and unmoved.

"The Sutra of the Most Victorious King of Golden Light": Bodhisattva of the Ten Grounds. It's the phase that appears first. Tathagata's body. Golden shine. The immeasurable pure light is all perfect. There are countless billions of Brahma kings. Make offerings around respectfully. Turn to the supreme subtle Dharma wheel. Bodhisattva sees it all.

"I have already consciously awakened him. With perfect awakening and conduct, the same nature, the two truths are harmonious, the three bodies are one, I have no hindrance in my affairs, and I have achieved Bodhi. Naturally, I have already reached the tenth level!"

What Xu Zongjia said means that he has achieved enlightenment and achieved Buddhahood, and his state of mind will never have the worry of retreat.

Li Chungang suddenly realized that he had previously known that Xu Zongjia had become a Buddha, but he only thought that Xu Zongjia had achieved the Bodhisattva fruit, which had shocked him. Now that he knew that Xu Zongjia had achieved the Bodhisattva fruit, there was no disturbance in his heart.

The old sword god had already been shocked and numb by Xu Zongjia. Even when Xu Zongjia said that he was the reincarnation of the Buddha and the deity descended to earth, he was indifferent and had no doubts. Anyway, he was beyond his imagination.

Li Chungang and His Highness the Prince were both stunned and silent.

A loud bell sound came from the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain, "Since Li Jian Shen borrowed the sword and left, how dare he return the sword and return!"

Li Chungang, who was looking at the scenery of Shejiang River, was too lazy to pay attention.

His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince, winked at the old sword god and made a two-word gesture.

After Li Chungang saw it, he rolled his eyes and blurted out an extremely indecent word toward Longhu Mountain, "Fart!"

If it's limited to this, it won't matter. The old man who will reach the realm of Land Sword Immortal next, what he said is domineering, "This is what Xu Fengnian said!"

Xu Zongjia couldn't help laughing, and a chuckle spread to Longhu Mountain, but His Highness the Crown Prince was sitting on wax. The old man with a droopy handsome face had a frightening dark complexion. This was really an unreasonable disaster. He was so complacent that he completely forgot that Li Chungang was not the one he admired. That kind of senior master has no integrity and will never spare any effort to betray him.

To say that Li Chungang said "fart" to Tianshi Mansion, people outside the mountain would only say that the old swordsman's heroic spirit is still the same as before, especially when he has passed the threshold of land gods, he is full of confidence. He can regard Li Chungang as a master of swordsmanship. Xianxia characters.

But once Xu Fengnian was asked to speak, things changed. The two masters were separated from Huishan and Taoist ancestral temple Longhu Mountain. Even if it was just a verbal exchange, it was still a show of style. How can you, a frivolous prince, join in the fun? ? Xu Fengnian can already imagine that this big joke will spread throughout the world for a long time.

After Qi Xuanji, a foreigner from the Tianshi Mansion, ascended to the sky during the day, Longhu Mountain rarely saw the grand gathering of the four great Tianshis. Even when people slaughtered Xu Xiao and led thousands of iron cavalry to the foot of the mountain, Longhu Xi was the first person in his generation. Zhao Xiyi never broke out. There were thirty-six thousand Celestial Jiaos in Xiangfan, and only two of the four great Celestial Masters were absent. In the past twenty years, Zhao Danping has become the Qingci Prime Minister in the capital, and he and Yuyi Qingxiang Zhao Danxia complement each other from the north to the south, and they are less together and more apart. Huan Wen, a minister at the left of the Imperial Academy, and Zhang Julu, the first assistant of the dynasty, came from the same family and shared the same political philosophy. They were as close as brothers. The only difference was in one matter. Everyone knew that Zhang Shoufu only respected Confucianism and denounced Buddhism and Taoism, and he was an orthodox Confucian. Huan Wen admired Huang Lao Jingjing very much and had a close relationship with Zhao Danping in the capital. Although Zhao Danping is thousands of miles away from the Tianshi Mansion, he still supervises the two major categories of Longhu Mountain's canons, precepts and fasting rituals. Zhao Danxia rules the Taoist sects in the world externally, and only symbolically disciplines the teachings internally. As for practicing alchemy, she is nominally governed by The old Heavenly Master Zhao Xiyi was in charge, but in fact, several Jings were responsible for taking care of the specific matters. Zhao Jingchen, a clan member of the Zhao family, was in charge of the reception of the house, and Bai Yu, who was awarded the purple title by the emperor, was in charge of theoretical debates. He often gave lectures and talked with others. Qi Xianxia, ​​a Taoist with the same surname as Mr. Bai Lian, only practices swordsmanship and occasionally teaches swordsmanship to Taoist priests below Jingzi generation. All branches of the Tianshi Mansion are connected with each other, each has its own glory and complements each other, and only then can we have the golden and purple days of Longhu Mountain today.

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