I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 67 The Courage and Hope of the Country of Waves

"Facing so many people, do you think you will win!" A Kado samurai subordinate laughed at Zabuza, showing disdain for Zabuza's overestimation of his own abilities.

Zabuza didn't pause at all, he just dodged past, turned his head, and turned around. The kunai scratched the samurai's neck, blood spattered, life and death were decided, so fragile.

Zabuza dodged left and right in the crowd, tossed and turned, jumped and dodged, and kept rushing towards Kado behind the crowd. He moved forward without any fear of retreating, his tired body, depleted chakra, and the constant stabbing into his body from behind. Even the sword could not stop Zabuza's sudden advance. Finally, the dark crowd was no longer in front of him. Zabuza broke through the crowd with enemy weapons inserted into his back, and charged towards Kado with determination on his face.

"Evil ghost!" Kado looked at his body covered in blood and scars, still rushing toward him with a face full of madness. He vaguely saw an evil ghost behind Zabuza, his face was full of fear, and his voice was full of horror.

"Poof!" Zabuza bit the kunai and stabbed it into Kado's chest, causing Kado to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Puff, puff, puff!" Kado's subordinates behind Zabuza stabbed their weapons into Zabuza's back, and Kado took the opportunity to escape from Zabuza.

"If you really want to go to your companions, go alone." Kado cursed Zabuza angrily.

"I'm sorry, I have no intention of going to the same place as Shiro!" Zabuza swayed and walked towards Cardo step by step.

"What, you're just trying to be brave!" Even though Kado said so, he still stepped back step by step in fear, deeply afraid of Zabuza.

"You, come to hell with me! The ghosts of Kirigakure are nothing special. If you die and go to hell, you can become a real evil ghost. Look forward to it. Am I just a kid? Can you Check it out in hell!" Zabuza stretched out his head and bit the kunai on his arm in his mouth, and kept swiping the kunai across Kado's neck. Kado opened his mouth to say something, but he couldn't make any sound. Falling under the bridge and into the sea, Cardo, who controlled the Kingdom of Waves, ended his sinful life.

Zabuza turned around and faced Kado's subordinates, his eyes widened, and everyone took a step back in fear. Zabuza walked towards Minazuki Shiro,

"Shiro!" The warriors who were shocked by Zabuza's actions all made way for a passage, not daring to stop the evil ghost in this world.

Zabuza had reached the limits of his body and will. In front of him, he seemed to see Minazuki Shiro wearing a white kimono, with a happy smile on his face. Standing under the bright sunshine, he was as bright and gentle as before, and his whole body was exuding light.

"Farewell, Shiro. Thank you for always, and I'm sorry!" Zabuza could no longer support the fatigue of his body, and fell to the ground, with weapons inserted behind his back, like a hedgehog, with the long thorns on the surface refusing to Close to anyone, but with a soft belly and a warm heart.

Naruto looked at Zabuza who fell to the ground, turned his head and closed his eyes unbearably, biting his lips, with sadness filling his heart.

"Don't turn your head away, that's the last moment of life for a man who desperately lives!" Kakashi ordered Naruto to open his eyes and look at Zabuza. There is no experience that can make Naruto grow more than this, so even if he can't bear it, You must also keep reading. This is a sign of respect for your enemies. It is also of great significance to your ninja career and can strengthen your ninja.

"Yes." Naruto responded lightly, opened his eyes, and looked at Zabuza closely.

"Ouch!" Sakura was still crying while holding Sasuke.

"Am I dead! Sakura, me, me."

"Sakura, it's so heavy!" Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and called to Sakura.

"Sasuke!" Sakura straightened up suddenly and looked at Sasuke who came back to life with a look of surprise.

"Sasuke, Sasuke, Sasuke!" Sakura hugged Sasuke and cried bitterly again, but this time the painful tears were a blessing, a surprise, and even more of a vent.

"Sakura, it hurts!" Sasuke couldn't help shouting in pain.

"That's great, Sakura." Danaz wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and happily looked at Sakura who was still crying. His heart was filled with relief and joy.

Sasuke sat up with all his strength, Qianbon was still in his body, and the pain made it difficult for his whole body to exert strength.

"Ah, you can't move now!" Sakura quickly stopped Sasuke from getting up out of concern.

"Compared to this, what about Naruto and the masked boy?" Sasuke still remembered that they were still fighting, and he was a little worried about Naruto's safety.

"Naruto is okay. That masked boy is dead!"

"He died, was it Naruto?" Sasuke was extremely surprised.

"No, I don't know very well. It's to protect Zabuza. I have always believed that it was Sasuke who was worthy of Sasuke. He completely avoided critical and fatal injuries." Sakura shook her head, and then looked at Sasuke with admiration.

"Actually, that guy was right from the beginning." Sasuke recalled Minazuki Haku's actions during the fight.

"Naruto, Sasuke is fine, he is alive and well!" Sakura waved her arms and told Naruto the good news.

"What!" Naruto looked at Sasuke who raised his hand to say hello, smiled happily, and then looked back at Minazuki Shiro.

"That guy is always too gentle!" Naruto echoed Zabuza's comment on Minazuki Haku.

"Really, that guy!"

"Really, is Sasuke okay too? Great!" Kakashi glanced at Sasuke, and the last trace of sadness in his heart faded away.

"Hey, hey, hey! You are too happy too early. Kill our golden chicken that lays eggs. What should we do?"

"Then attack the town and pack away all the valuable things!" the wandering warriors shouted.

"Kakashi-sensei, what should I do? Is there any way to defeat them all!" Naruto asked anxiously.

"There's no way, the chakra has been exhausted!" Kakashi looked exhausted as if his chakra had been consumed too much. He knew that Neji must be nearby, and he was a little dissatisfied that Neji had not shown up from beginning to end, so he was unwilling to take action again.

"Everyone, come on!" The warriors rushed towards Kakashi and Naruto.

"Zheng!" A steel arrow pierced the bridge, and the warriors, Naruto and others all looked at it.

"If he dares to take another step closer to the island, none of us on the island will let him go back alive!" Inari and all the islanders held weapons and looked at the warriors menacingly.

"Inari!" Naruto looked at the islanders in surprise.

"Heroes always come late!" Inari said with some pride as he wiped the tip of his nose with his right hand.

"Inari, you guys." Danaz looked at his grandson and neighbors with tears in his eyes. The courage of the people of the Country of Waves has returned, and the hope of the Country of Waves has risen.

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