I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 666 The tree of red gold, the shackles of destiny

Xu Zongjia did what he thought of. He opened the five fingers of his left hand and grasped the sky. At once, he grabbed the luck of the entire Jiangnan Road. The entire sky above Baoguo Temple was suddenly colorful in the eyes of Xu Fengnian and his party, with white, red and gold. , Green silk threads covered the entire sky, and they were all shocked by the scene before them.

Li Chungang looked anxious, as if he had guessed what Xu Zongjia was going to do, and couldn't help but persuade him.

"Xu boy, don't you want to teach those children of the aristocratic families just now, why do you have to play so big? I am already a hundred years old and cannot withstand such a big storm. If you do this, you will really bring down the whole world. Broken!"

Xu Zongjia's figure floated up slightly, his feet lifted off the ground, and he stood in the air, with a smile in his eyes and said nonchalantly.

"Jiangnan Road can't even tolerate a little beggar. Why do you want to keep it in this Jiangnan world? Why don't I tear it down and build a new world!"

Li Chungang became even more anxious when he heard this, and quickly dragged Xu Fengnian in front of him, quickly informed Xu Fengnian of what Xu Zongjia was going to do, and repeatedly urged him to stop Xu Zongjia. After all, Xu Zongjia had different views on Xu Fengnian, and his persuasion might have some effect. .

After listening to Li Chungang's introduction, Xu Fengnian realized that Xu Zongjia had changed his mind temporarily and seized the fate of the entire Jiangnan Dao gentry in one fell swoop. He wanted to uproot the gentry's fortune in Jiangnan Dao and cut off the literary fortune of the family. , not only was there no trace of anxiety or worry in his eyes, but he was full of energy and eagerness to try, which made Li Chungang sigh and said helplessly.

"I was also sick and rushed to the doctor. I forgot that you are also a master who is afraid of chaos in the world. I came to you to persuade Xu. You are simply losing your mind!"

Xu Fengnian chuckled and touched his head honestly without making a sound.

Li Chungang glared at Xu Fengnian angrily and cursed unsatisfactorily.

"I'm taking advantage of your wishes now, grandma. I'm not a Jiangnan nobleman, nor a minister of the Liyang Dynasty. You kid won't listen to me either. I'm just worrying about nothing!"

Xu Fengnian glanced at the furious Li Chungang, and then slowly spoke.

"Senior said this, but he is out of touch. If it weren't for senior's persuasion, why would I still be shouting for Xu Zongjia and building my reputation? Isn't it because of senior's face that I keep silent?"

Li Chungang rolled his eyes, speechless at Xu Fengnian's shamelessness.

No matter what a few people thought, Xu Zongjia captured all the luck of the Jiangnan Taoist clan. Xu Zongjia once again touched the head of the little beggar in Chen Xiliang's arms. A white streak of luck appeared, and a piece of grass was placed on the head of the little beggar. The straw was swaying. It was thin and had nothing to note. It was just like the fate of the little beggar. It was just a straw. Others could trample it to death with a casual kick.

Xu Zongjia glanced at the spring thunder in his hand and immediately sighed at the wonder of fate. Spring brings forth all things, grass sprouts sprout, and the laws of nature are in harmony.

Xu Zongjia waved the sharp blade in his right hand, cut through the mess with a sharp knife, and cut off all the threads of luck in the sky. He put the knife back into the scabbard, grabbed the severed luck with his right hand, rolled it into a ball, and pressed it with both hands. It became a square field of good fortune, several feet in diameter and the size of a tabletop. The five colors are dense and the glow is overflowing.

Xu Zongjia took a look at the field of luck in the sky, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. This time he stretched out his left hand, plucked off the thin straw from the top of the little beggar's head, and planted it directly on the field of luck. The grass gradually absorbed it. The vitality in Futian changed its shape, gradually grew up, and became a tree of luck. The color also began to change, gradually deepening, from white to red, and light gold gradually appeared in the red, and the gold gradually deepened. Futian It is also gradually reducing the area until it becomes red gold, but there are no other changes.

Everyone was puzzled and looked at Xu Zongjia, hoping to get an answer.

Xu Zongjia took a look at the luck field that still had about 70% left. He couldn't help but shook his head and sighed with regret.

"This girl's destiny is not good enough, so she will only have pure gold luck in this life. If she is forcibly grafted with luck, I'm afraid it will be a disaster rather than a blessing!"

Xu Zongjia reached out and once again pulled up the red-gold tree from the field of luck. Strangely enough, the tree was already extremely tall, but after being pulled up, it gradually shrank in size and lay in Xu Zongjia's palm. He glanced at the little beggar who looked at him timidly, and couldn't help but feel pity. After thinking for a moment, a clear light flashed in his eyes, and a spiritual secret was printed on the branches of the red gold tree. This was a technique, which could be regarded as Xu Zongjia's. Give it a gift.

Li Chungang and Xu Fengnian, who were highly cultivated, naturally saw this scene with thoughtful expressions on their faces. They couldn't help but take another look at the little beggar. This little beggar has changed his life today and will definitely become a man of great influence in the future.

Xu Zongjia threw the red gold tree casually, and it immediately landed on the head of the little beggar. The roots of the tree immediately plunged into the void and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

However, when the tree was about to disappear, Li Chungang and Xu Fengnian clearly saw a touch of green appearing on the trunk. Their pupils widened and their expressions changed. The color of youthful luck meant that this little beggar's fate had broken through the shackles. , so possible, unless it is?

Li Chungang and Xu Fengnian looked at each other, and then looked at Xu Zongjia in the void. They couldn't help flashing a look of horror. The luck of the Jiangnan Taoist clan could not allow this little beggar to break through the fate of red gold, but Xu Zongjia just gave it to him casually. A single skill can lift him to the fate of Qingyun. This is such an amazing truth.

Other people who were not well-educated naturally did not notice this scene, so they glanced at Xu Fengnian and Li Chungang who were in shock, wondering what was going on.

Xu Zongjia smiled slightly and didn't care. He just looked at the luck field that was still mostly around him and scratched his head in distress, not knowing how to deal with it.

When Xu Fengnian saw this, he was immediately overjoyed. Based on the principle that he would be a fool if he didn't take advantage of something, he shamelessly took two steps forward, looked up at Xu Zongjia, and asked greedily.

"Since there is still so much luck left, why not give me an advantage?"

Xu Zongjia looked down at the shameless Xu Fengnian. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly. He endured it again and again before speaking.

"It's not impossible, it's just that your kid has no causal relationship with the Jiangnan Taoist clan. Although I can pass it on to you, it will consume the power of your merits and even make you suffer disaster. Only by surviving it can you accept it as your own. Are you willing to use it?"

Xu Fengnian immediately took a few steps back and refused shamelessly again.

"Forget it, I am not a person who is greedy for petty gains, so I still don't want it!"

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