I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 661 Zongjia observes the soup, and the prince realizes the Vajra

After a while, the temple sent a rich vegetarian meal. After all, Xu Fengnian and Xu Zhihu were different from ordinary people, so the dishes were extremely rich, including first-class salted tofu, Luohan gluten, vegetarian roasted mutton, vegetarian sausage, chestnut chicken, roasted pork, etc. Most of the liver tips, etc., look like non-vegetarian food, which can almost be mistaken for the real thing. In fact, most of them are made of beans and mushrooms. This shows that the masters of Baoguo Temple have studied vegetarian food very deeply. Even Xu Zongjia frequently Nod in approval.

Among them, one dish, Wensi Tofu, which tests the chef's mood the most, is the most loved by Xu Zongjia, who rarely commented on it.

Wensi Tofu is also called "Assorted Tofu Soup" in "Tiao Ding Ji". The ingredients for this dish are carefully selected and the knife skills are also very fine. Its taste is soft, tender and mellow, and the fine shredded tofu melts in your mouth, leaving you with endless aftertaste. At the same time, it has the functions of regulating malnutrition, replenishing deficiency and nourishing the body.

Of course, the most commendable thing about this dish is its exquisite preparation, which requires the chef to have extremely high knife skills and a high degree of concentration. The extremely tender tofu needs to be cut into shreds, with clear and thin strands. Generally speaking, young chefs cannot make this dish, not because of insufficient knife skills, but because young people are impetuous and restless, so it is easy for them to become impatient during the cooking process, resulting in uneven tofu shreds. They all have different tastes. This dish is also a good way to exercise your mind and temper your mind.

Xu Zongjia stirred the tofu soup in the small bowl with a spoon. He took a quick look at the clear threads in the soup and the thick and almost the same tofu shreds. He couldn't help but nod and praised.

"This master of fire engineering from Baoguo Temple has a lot of cultivation. I am afraid that he has been practicing for a long time. He has gone from concentration to tranquility and has reached enlightenment without moving!"

Xu Fengnian curiously glanced at the soup in his bowl, thoughtfully, and understood what Xu Zongjia meant. He felt enlightened and suddenly entered a state of concentration. His aura shone brightly, and a trace of solemnity after enlightenment appeared on his face. .

Xu Fengnian has been killing people and setting fires since arriving in Yangzhou from Qingzhou, with murderous intentions raging in his heart. Now with Xu Zongjia's advice, he finally sees his nature and enters concentration. The greed, anger and ignorance in the heart disturb the nature of the mind, and it is as motionless as a mountain. It can be said that the Vajra state has been achieved. The skin is shining with white light, and the treasure is solemn, just like the Vajra Arhat.

Li Chungang's eyes widened and he sighed.

"He's so damn evil! This guy Xu Fengnian kills people and sets fire, is lustful, cunning, ignorant, and has no skills. He can actually realize the realm of King Kong. God is so cruel!"

Xu Zongjia glared at Li Chungang, a little displeased with his unscrupulous remarks. Xu Fengnian was also half of his descendant. Li Chungang looked down on Xu Fengnian so much. Doesn't it mean that he didn't know people well? A pair of tricks were just a decoration. He couldn't help but refute , the language is a Buddhist verse.

"I have never cultivated good deeds in my life, I only love killing people and setting fires. Suddenly I opened the golden shackles and tore off the jade rope here. Hey! I watched the soup in the Baoguo Temple. Today I know who I am."

Xu Fengnian looked at the two arguing. He was also familiar with Buddhist scriptures and couldn't help but sing.

"Faith is the mother of Dao Yuan's merits and nourishes all good roots."

What Xu Fengnian said was that he had no doubts about the Buddhist philosophy. How could he not achieve the state of Maha Vajra? This shows that faith is the first method of refuge.

Xu Zhihu didn't understand what happened to Xu Fengnian at first, but after hearing Li Chunang's revelation, he realized that his brother had been enlightened by Xu Zongjia. He had just had an epiphany and had achieved the state of Vajra. He suddenly smiled and saw three more people. During that debate, Xu Zhihu, who had believed in Buddhism since childhood, couldn't help but say something along the same lines.

"The absence of delusional thoughts is Zen, and sitting and seeing one's true nature is concentration. If one achieves such concentration, even if he is an ordinary person, he will enter the Buddha's position."

This sentence comes from "The Essence of Sudden Enlightenment and the Key to the Tao". It says that everyone has Buddha nature and can achieve enlightenment and become a Buddha.

Xu Zongjia glanced at Xu Zhihu in surprise, not expecting that she had such a deep understanding of Buddhist classics. You must know that among the three children of Xu Xiao of Northern Liang, Xu Fengnian will become the future King of Northern Liang and the best master in the world. Xu Weixiong is an unparalleled genius from Shangyin Academy. He is extremely talented and beautiful. Only Xu Zhihu has no sense of existence. Strong but ineffective. Although he has the reputation of being the most beautiful in red, he is mostly remembered because of Hong Xixiang.

Xu Zongjia ate delicious vegetarian food in Baoguo Temple today that he had never tasted on weekdays. Several people also participated in Zen and discussed Taoism. They were also very interested and said again.

"With an untainted heart, devout refuge, one's side of good and evil, and the understanding of life and death, how can one achieve enlightenment without being able to see it, and achieve perfect Buddhahood!"

Li Chungang carefully savored everyone's opinions and couldn't help but be speechless. He nodded dejectedly, agreed with Xu Zongjia's statement, and said with emotion.

"What you said is somewhat similar to Li Dangxin, the white-robed monk from Liangchan Temple. He dared to drink and marry a wife despite the disdain of the world. Later, he had a deviant epiphany."

Xu Zongjia naturally knew the name of the monk in white and praised him quite a lot.

"Although there are many temples in the world, there are even countless monks. Only Li Dangxin of Liangchan Temple can be considered a true monk!"

This comment was too high, and even Li Chungang did not dare to respond. After all, in addition to the two Zen temples, there are also famous mountain and ancient temples such as Landa Mountain and Baoguo Temple. There are many famous monks. And Li Dangxin because of his ridiculous behavior, As a result, he now has a bad reputation in the Zen forest. He is called an evil heretic and everyone calls for beating him.

Xu Fengnian was extremely interested in Li Dangxin, who Xu Zongjia spoke so highly of. He had never seen Xu Zongjia speak so highly of a person. This showed that this person indeed had wisdom and strength that others could not match. He was so praised by Xu Zongjia. Why didn't he want to see this person? The only true monk in the world.

Xu Zongjia glanced at the secretive Li Chungang and knew that he was concerned about the eminent Buddhist monks in the world. As the three major religions in the world, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, with numerous masters and followers, even Li Chungang was afraid of saying anything.

Xu Zongjia suddenly became less interested in talking and sighed lonely.

"There are three obstacles in the world. When will we achieve meditation?"

The three obstacles are the obstacles of afflictions, obstacles of knowledge, and obstacles of karma. Obstacles of defilements are also called confusions of seeing and thinking (ignorance of one thought), obstructions of knowledge are also called confusions of ignorance, and obstructions of things are sexual obstructions.

The Zen concentration mentioned by Xu Zongjia here refers to the Four Zen and Eight Concentrations. If the form realm and the formless realm are opposite, then the form realm is "Zen" and the formless realm is "samadhi"; if the form realm and the formless realm are relative to the desire The 'dispersion' of the realms means that the two realms of form and colorlessness are both called 'concentration'. The Four Zen are also divided into four categories: meditation and color definition. That is, the four jhanas of the world of form. The four jhanas of the form realm and the four formless concentration of the formless realm combine to form the eight concentration, so it is known that the eight concentration includes the four jhānas. Moreover, if we distinguish between the meditation of the form realm and the formless realm, then the meditation of the form realm has "equal concentration and wisdom", while the Zen concentration of the formless realm has subtle characteristics and "more concentration and less wisdom".

When everyone heard Xu Zongjia's emotion, they couldn't help but be silent. It's so easy to transcend the world of mortals. Even if Li Chungang is a hundred years old, he still can't see through the love, fame and wealth in the world. His state of mind is defective and cannot be perfected, no matter what. Other ordinary people and the like.

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