I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 635: Failure to promise salvation is the cause, and immeasurable merit is the result

Xu Zongjia naturally ignored everyone's reactions and concentrated on using his magical powers. After the magic shield was formed, he changed the seals again, closed the Buddhist Mahamudra and recited the Ksitigarbha Sutra.

"I have been guided by the Buddha from a long time ago, and I have gained incredible divine power and great wisdom. My avatars have filled hundreds of thousands of billions of Ganges sand worlds. Each world has transformed into hundreds of thousands of billions of bodies, and each body has lived in hundreds of thousands of worlds. Thousands of billions of people may worship the Three Jewels and be freed from life and death forever and reach the bliss of Nirvana. However, for the good deeds they have done in Buddhism, no matter how small a hair, a grain, a grain of sand, a speck of dust, or even a hair, I will gradually achieve liberation and achieve great benefits. I only wish the World Honored One , Don’t worry about beings with bad karma in the future life, as the Buddha said three times, I only hope, World Honored One, that you won’t worry about beings with bad karma in the future life.”

"At that time there was a Buddha named the Tathagata, All-Wise Enlightenment, True and All-Knowing, Sufficient in Clear Conduct, Good in Passion, Understander of the World, Supreme Master, Controller of Husbands, Master of Devas and Humans, Buddha, World Honored One. His life span was sixty thousand. In the kalpa, before becoming a monk, he was a small king and was friends with the king of a neighboring country. He did good deeds and benefited all living beings. All the people in his neighboring country did many evil things. The two kings discussed plans and devised conveniences. The first king made a vow: It will come true early. According to the Buddha's way, this generation should be saved so that no one will be left behind. A king made a vow: If I don't first save the pain of sin, bring peace and happiness to this generation, and achieve Bodhi, I will never wish to become a Buddha."

"In the past long kalpas, if such compassion and compassion were made and the vows of the sands of the Ganges were extended to all sentient beings, in the future, if there are men or women who do not do good, do evil, do not believe in cause and effect, speak lewdly, speak evil words, and slander In the Mahayana, sentient beings with such karma will surely fall into the evil realm. If you meet a good teacher and ask him to take refuge in Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva with a snap of your finger, these living beings will be liberated from the three evil destinies. If you can be willing to pay homage, pay homage and praise him Those who serve in this way, such as fragrant flowers, clothes, various treasures, or restored food and drink, will always receive wonderful bliss in the heavens for hundreds of thousands of kalpas in the future. Ability to recall the root and cause of destiny."

Almost all Buddhist believers can recite this Buddhist sutra, and it has never revealed any miraculous qualities. But today, Xu Zongjia recited it differently. Every time he uttered a word in his mouth, there were handwritings emitting golden light, and the sound of the Buddha was resounding. The whole city.

Seeing this, the people of Xiangfan couldn't help but take refuge. They followed closely, clasping their hands together, and constantly recited this supreme sutra of Buddhist salvation.

As the people all over the city recited the scriptures, streaks of white light appeared, like mist, constantly floating toward the void. This is the power of sentient beings' thoughts, and it is the supreme elixir used by Buddhism to cultivate golden body relics.

Looking at the shocking scene in front of him, Xu Fengnian couldn't help but sit on the ground and meditate, chanting along. He originally believed in Buddhism and was familiar with the "Ksitigarbha Sutra", but he had never recited it so devoutly once. Now he has entered a state of concentration. , there was actually a bit of holiness and compassion on his face, like an enlightened monk, which made people admire him.

In the palace of Prince Jing'an, Prince Jing'an also recited scriptures silently with a devout face. He failed to seize the throne back then. He should have believed in Buddhism. He had requested many times to go to Longhu Mountain and Landuo Mountain to seek Taoism and Zen, but it was a pity that this way Tingfo Land refused to accept him, so he had no choice but to practice at home. However, he still went to visit Buddhist and Taoist immortals every few years and was extremely devout.

As the power of sentient beings integrated into the scriptures that Xu Zongjia sent to recite, the golden scriptures that were already emitting golden light became even brighter. The scriptures gradually turned into countless lotus flowers, blooming all over the sky, turning Xiangfan City into the pure land of the Buddha on earth. .

"The Buddha told Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva: Listen carefully, listen carefully! I will explain it to you carefully. If in the future life, a good man or a good woman sees the image of Ksitigarbha, hears this sutra, and even reads and recites it, he will be given fragrance, flowers, food, clothing, and treasures. By giving alms and offerings, praising and paying homage, you will gain twenty-eight kinds of benefits:

First, the heavenly dragon protects the mind; second, the good results increase day by day;

The third is the gathering of holy causes; the fourth is the unfailing bodhicitta;

Fifth, there will be plenty of food and clothing; sixth, there will be no disease or epidemic;

Seventh, there is no danger from water or fire; Eighth, there is no danger from thieves;

At that time, all the indescribable and indescribable Buddhas, Tathagata, and the eight great bodhisattvas, gods, dragons, and eight tribes who came from the ten directions heard about Shakyamuni Buddha and praised and praised Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. He was so majestic and powerful that it was unimaginable and was astonishing that it had never been seen before. At that time, the Trayast Heaven rained down immeasurable incense and pearls, and made offerings to Sakyamuni Buddha and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. All the people in the assembly paid homage again, put their palms together and retreated. "

As the last word of the sutra was uttered, countless golden lotuses in the air merged into the dharma shield. On the golden dharma shield, Taoist talismans appeared and disappeared, and Buddhist golden lotuses were imprinted on it, immeasurable light and infinite life. It can save all suffering and save all sentient beings.

Hundreds of thousands of ferocious ghosts and ghosts appeared in the black air above Xiangfan City. At this time, their faces were peaceful. There were no ferocious faces, no biting and wailing. They were peaceful and peaceful. With their five hearts facing upward and their hands clasped together, they were actually reciting. After reading the scriptures, the black air on the face gradually dissipated, and the soul gradually began to emit white light, appearing in the void, allowing everyone to see their existence.

The people in Xiangfan City burst into exclamations. They never thought that one day they would be able to see souls with their naked eyes. They were frightened and did not dare to do anything rashly from then on. They devoted themselves to doing good, being willing to do good, and accumulating merit for the future.

As the black energy dissipated, there was more and more white light in the soul, gradually making people dare not look directly at it. It was like a golden crow hanging in the sky, illuminating the entire Xiangfan City into daylight. Golden and white light filled every inch of Xiangfan City. , a trace of blood gradually rose up in the land, and was turned into nothingness by the light, disappearing into the void.

Until the end, hundreds of thousands of souls were illuminated with bright white light, with endless joy on their faces. They stood up one after another, bowed to Xu Zongjia to thank them, turned into particles of light, and disappeared in the eyes of the people in the city.

Xu Zongjia then waved his hand, and the magic shield that covered the sky rose from the ground, shrinking and becoming smaller, turning into a golden lotus, and burrowed towards his palm.

"Perfect merit!"

Xu Zongjia laughed loudly, but his body was still covered by light, making it difficult for people to see his appearance clearly.

"It came very quickly!"

Xu Zongjia raised his head and looked at the sky. A ten-meter-thick dark-yellow light pillar descended from the void and shrouded Xu Zongjia. This was Xu Zongjia's gift from heaven to save the souls of the dead, adjust the balance of yin and yang between heaven and earth, and perform meritorious deeds for heaven and earth.

However, Xu Zongjia did not take the credit as his own, and for him, these merits were of little use. At most, they could increase his luck and bring more blessings. When the merit was about to enter the body, he flicked his sleeves and fanned it towards Xu Fengnian, and it sank directly into Xu Fengnian's body.

Thunder suddenly exploded in the sky, as if Heaven was furious, as if blaming Xu Zongjia for not knowing how to praise.

Xu Zongjia was not afraid at all and spoke softly.

"I took his broken promise as the cause and took action to save the dead souls. Now the immeasurable merit is the result, and it will naturally belong to him!"

Xu Zongjia's explanation was very low, and no one else heard it, but it seemed to have an effect. The thunder just exploded a few times, then disappeared without any other reaction.

Xu Fengnian didn't know what the beam of light that had just entered his body was. Worried, he tried his best to sense himself, but still found nothing. He could only stare at Xu Zongjia blankly, waiting for him to answer his questions.

Today is the first anniversary of writing the novel. I have added two chapters to thank my family for their continued support and encouragement. By the way, I would like to ask for a vote today, it is not too much! ! !

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