I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 624 Only Xu Fengnian is left in the world

Xu Zongjia looked at Xu Fengnian quite proudly, with contempt and disdain on his face.

"Simple, looks good? It depends on who you are dealing with! If you were to face this True Martial Soul, you would not even have a scrap left, and your death would be even worse than him!"

Xu Fengnian felt as if someone had given him a chill. After thinking about the power of the Zhenwu Yuanshen, he couldn't help but feel worried. He actually understood that he was definitely not the opponent of the Zhenwu Yuanshen. It was just because Xu Zongjia was too understated. Zhenwu Yuanshen solved it, which made him a little disappointed.

Xu Zongjia looked at Xu Fengnian, who was silent, and then nodded and waved his hand. Several light spots flew out and flew directly towards Xu Fengnian's mind. Xu Zongjia's figure had disappeared from the place and returned to the outside world.

Xu Fengnian looked at the light spots flying towards him. Although he didn't know where they were, he also knew that Xu Zongjia would not harm him, nor would he dodge and block them, allowing them to penetrate into his mind.

"The "Zhenwu Dangmo Sutra" and "Xuanshui Sutra"! It's not a loss, there are still some gains!"

Xu Fengnian carefully understood the information carried by the light spots in his mind and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Zhenwu is also known as Xuantian God, Xuanwu Emperor, Blessing True Monarch Xuantian God, and the Infinite Patriarch. His full name is Zhenwu Dangmo Emperor. The five elements of the Qin Dynasty belong to water, and black is the most precious, so Xuanben refers to black. This is the main skill of Emperor Zhenwu and Emperor Qin that Xu Zongjia stripped out from his soul after annihilating the soul of Zhenwu. Xu Zongjia understood it all just by looking at it, and casually threw it to Xu Fengnian for him to practice in the future. The road can be made easier and smoother, which will be somewhat beneficial to Xu Fengnian.

Xu Zongjia looked at the alert scene outside and couldn't help but be stunned, and then sincerely saluted Li Chungang.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Senior Protector!"

Li Chungang was a little surprised to see Xu Zongjia woke up so quickly.

"Is it done?"

Xu Zongjia nodded and said extremely calmly.

"It's just a true martial soul with no spiritual existence. It doesn't take much effort to control it!"

There was a hint of surprise in Li Chungang's eyes, and in a flash, he felt that Xu Zongjia's strength was once again raised to a new level. Emperor Zhenwu was the Northern Emperor of the Immortal Realm, a giant with unfathomable cultivation, even if he was just a Yuan without spiritual intelligence. God is not something he can deal with. He didn't expect that he would be destroyed so easily in Xu Zongjia's hands, which made Li Chungang even suspect that Emperor Zhenwu was a parallel import.

Li Chungang lowered his head and said nothing. Others didn't know what Zhenwu's strength was, so they didn't think much about it and just thought it was a trivial matter.

Xu Fengnian waited until he finished reading the two techniques in his mind and benefited a lot. These two techniques are exquisite and absolutely the top mental techniques in the world. Otherwise, he would not have become a heavenly emperor and a human emperor. But Xu Fengnian Still not prepared to change the skills, because after seeing how Zhenwu Yuanshen was unable to fight back in the hands of Xu Zongjia, Xu Fengnian knew that the level of subtlety of the skills he practiced was definitely no less than these two skills, and would even exceed the upper limit of his future achievements. Higher than these two techniques.

Xu Fengnian opened his eyes, his eyes were shining brightly, and his cultivation had obviously improved. Looking at the Guanyin statue in front of him, he couldn't help but laugh loudly.

"I watch Guanyin and watch at ease, I see the true martial arts and see the true self!"

Xu Fengnian looked around and suddenly understood what was happening in front of him, and persuaded with a smile.

"Why do we have to use swords against each other when we are all our own people?"

Ning Emei and others immediately lowered their weapons and no longer guarded against Lu Qiantang and Shu Sha. Even so, Shu Sha's face was extremely ugly. After all, everyone's reaction just now fully demonstrated that in everyone's hearts, she was completely untrustworthy. She is an outsider, even worse than Lu Qiantang. At least everyone was more wary of her than Lu Qiantang just now.

It's a pity that people have to bow their heads when they are under the eaves. Shu Sha and the Northern Liang Palace are in a relationship of mutual use, so she doesn't dare to fall out. After all, she has taken the benefits of the Northern Liang Palace. If she dares to default on her debt, Xu Xiao has many options. Make her life worse than death.

Seeing that it was already getting late, the group returned to Wang Linquan's house on the mountainside and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner. Among them was a black-bone chicken and turtle stew, which was the world-famous specialty of Chunshen Lake. It's a compliment.

Among them, Laoshan black-bone chicken is raised in the mountains and forests. There are many herbs in Laoshan, so the meat has a medicinal aroma, and the skin, flesh, bones and mouth are all black. The soft-shelled turtle is a specialty of Spring God Lake. You must choose soft-shelled turtles that are more than a hundred years old. The turtle shells lurk at the bottom of the lake all year round. Only those with an inch of green beard are considered to have survived for a hundred years. They are slowly simmered with the black-bone chicken until the turtle shells are soft and tender. No wonder it is highly praised by literati. , after having a delicious meal, they all praised, "I can't throw away the spring spirit, half of it is this soup."

Xu Zongjia wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief and was very satisfied with today's meal. It was better to follow Xu Fengnian out to enjoy these delicacies. If he traveled alone, he would probably have to live with some dry food and live in a ruined temple or An inn, where can I get the treatment I have now, a garden mansion, delicious food, and people serving me all the way?

Xu Zongjia could tolerate the simple living alone, but when it comes to food, Xu Zongjia is unwilling to wrong himself. Some delicacies require not only raw materials, but also money and time, and can only be made by the hands of skilled chefs. Pure flavor food, so Xu Zongjia thought it was a wise move for him to go out with Xu Fengnian this time.

The moonlight gradually fell, and the courtyard it reflected was particularly holy. Xu Zongjia sat in the courtyard, sipping tea and eating, watching Jiang Ni's reading business open again. This time Jiang Ni read a book called "Dunhuang Flying Swords". This book The secret book has never been seen in the world, and the one in Tingchao Pavilion is the only one.

The swordsman who wrote this book was unlucky to say the least. This swordsman from the Beimang Dynasty had just mastered the sword in the Dunhuang Sword Cave in the far north. When he was about to walk around the world with his sword, he met a swordsman practicing in the north. Wang Xiu died neatly with a single shot. It was not that the swordsman was so weak, but that his swordsmanship was too castle-like in the air without the training of fighting with others. As a result, the Spear Immortal Wang Xiu was the hardest hit. In this way, the outcome of life and death is determined.

Fortunately, this unlucky and unknown swordsman wrote his experiences while practicing swordsmanship, so he came up with this fairy-like "Dunhuang Flying Sword". Xu Zongjia had seen this swordsmanship before, and it was regarded as the best swordsmanship in the world. It was somewhat interesting. Reluctantly, even Li Chungang, who heard this sword art for the first time, still found faults in the book, but he did not dismiss the book as worthless, letting Xu Fengnian know that the value of this book is extremely considerable, so He cheered up and listened to Jiang Ni's clear reading sound with all his concentration.

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