I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 611 The crown prince is finally defeated, and the sword god must be proud

Li Chungang shook his head and motioned to hang the blade in the air and not close to the walnut.

Xu Fengnian slightly raised Chun Lei and hung it over the walnut.

Li Chungang stretched out his hand and struck on the blade. Chun Lei slid through a perfect arc. Xu Fengnian's jaws trembled. Chun Lei let go and could no longer hold it. Because there was a little force on the Spring Thunder Knife that was like thunder, and it spread to Xu Fengnian's hand, causing the whole arm to tingle and numb. The walnuts on the deck have also changed. The first two walnuts have not changed at all, and the bottom ones have only pulp left.

Xu Fengnianyu looked at Li Chungang with some confusion, wondering what the difference was from before. Could it be that an extra walnut was added.

Li Chungang ignored Xu Fengnian's confusion, but shook his head with an expression of disgust as if a child could not be taught, and lay down on the deck again with a arrogant look, bathing in the sunshine, lazily and comfortably enjoying the warmth of this early summer.

Li Chungang was retaliating for Xu Fengnian's slap in the face just now, so he deliberately made things difficult for Xu Fengnian. Although he gave pointers, he did not explain, in order to increase his reputation as an expert again.

Xu Fengnian scratched his head, glanced at the walnuts on the ground, put the spring thunder in his hand back into the scabbard, and froze in place at a loss.

Xu Fengnian carefully recalled Li Chungang's actions just now, even consuming the power of his mind to keep simulating the replay in his mind, but he still didn't notice the slightest difference, so he stopped his useless actions.

Xu Fengnian's face was pale and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. This was caused by excessive consumption of mental power. Xu Fengnian didn't care about this. He just frowned and looked at Li Chungang lying on the deck in confusion, hoping to get it. Solve doubts.

Li Chungang smiled and did not answer any questions. His proud expression made Xu Zongjia unable to stand it anymore and he had to remind him.

"You kid, you are usually very cunning. Why did you get into trouble today? The walnuts are right there, so you wouldn't pick them up. You will understand as soon as you see them. It's really embarrassing!"

After all, Xu Fengnian was also half the descendant of Xu Zongjia, so Xu Zongjia's clumsy performance made Xu Zongjia feel a little embarrassed in front of Li Chungang, and he couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead, feeling sorry for him.

Xu Fengnian was startled when he heard this. He just made things complicated and did not think that the simplest method was the most effective. He slapped himself hard.


The crisp sound of the slap woke Jiang Ni up. He turned around and looked at the red mark on Xu Fengnian's face with blank eyes. How could Xu Fengnian become stupid in just a moment and slapped himself? It was puzzling. .

Xu Fengnian hurriedly squatted down and picked up the two walnuts that were intact on the ground. There was nothing wrong with the first one, and then he picked up the second one. As soon as he got it in his hands, Xu Fengnian froze on the spot.

Jiang Ni was even more confused when he saw Xu Fengnian who was stupid again. There was something wrong with Xu Fengnian today. He was just pointed out by Li Chungang, so why did he become stupid? Could it be that learning swordsmanship from Li Chungang would make him stupid? Is Zhiqing’s decision to agree to learn the sword from Li Chungang too hasty?

Li Chungang looked at Jiang Ni who was looking at him strangely with confusion. He didn't know what was going on in Jiang Ni's little mind, so he could only reply with a bright smile.

Xu Fengnian shook the walnut in his hand. It felt wrong. He squeezed the walnut hard with his fingers and secretly exerted force. With a click, the walnut shell shattered and the walnut meat inside spilled directly into Xu Fengnian's hand and flowed to the ground between his fingers.

It turned out that with Li Chungang's knock just now, although the shell of the second walnut did not change at all, the pulp inside had been shattered into powder.

Xu Fengnian suddenly realized it, but then he frowned again. How could a force have so many changes? It had the power of darkness across the air, and could also create two completely different types of two walnuts below. The result can definitely be explained by more than just changes in strength.

Xu Fengnian once again took out three walnuts from the bag and tried to imitate. He reached out and tapped the blade lightly. The walnuts on top were intact, but the two walnuts at the bottom had turned into powder. The result was actually not as good as at the beginning. Obviously Xu Fengnian couldn't find the trick, and his strength changed a little during the attempt, which is why he showed such a result.

Xu Fengnian kept repeating the actions, but the results were all strange and there was still no progress. Xu Fengnian was confused and looked at Li Chungang again helplessly.

Li Chungang was lying on the deck, very comfortable, watching Xu Fengnian's deflation with great interest, but he didn't know the secret, and smiled happily, not to mention how vulgar it was.

Xu Fengnian was helpless and prepared to try again, but his hand was empty. There were no walnuts in the bag. Xu Fengnian put down his hand dejectedly and sat on the deck. He weakly put down the Spring Thunder Sword and stretched out his hand to pinch his eyebrows. Relieve your fatigue.

Xu Fengnian was already mentally exhausted and had been concentrating on controlling the changes in the strength of the energy in his hands, so he was exhausted at this time.

Xu Fengnian could only put this matter aside for the time being, concentrate on it, run his exercises, and start adjusting his breath to restore his own consumption.

Within half an hour, Xu Fengnian became energetic again and regained full health again.

Li Chungang clicked his tongue in surprise, couldn't help but turn his gaze to Xu Zongjia, and asked curiously.

"How on earth did you kid create such a mysterious technique? Just now, boy Xu clearly spent too much energy. According to common sense, it would take at least three days of rest to barely recover, but he could actually recover in half an hour. It's really amazing! "

Xu Zongjia was praised by Li Chungang, and he felt a rare sense of satisfaction in his heart. Although Xu Zongjia didn't like compliments, it still depends on who the person complimenting was. Li Chungang was a swordsman, an idol monument in the hearts of all swordsmen in the world, so he could be praised by such a master. , naturally cannot be compared to ordinary people.

"The set of exercises I taught Xu Fengnian was tailor-made for him. He has average bones, so this set of exercises can cleanse the tendons and cut the marrow, change the tendons and cleanse the marrow, improve the physique, and cultivate the star body. Moreover, Xu Fengnian is born with a natural He has a good memory and strong mental power, so I added part of the spirit of cultivation and the method of increasing wisdom to maintain his advantages, so he can make up for the lost mental energy in half an hour!"

Li Chungang looked at the understatement of Xu Zongjia in front of him, and became more and more horrified. Although Xu Zongjia said it is easy, but which of these things can be done by ordinary people? He is really a monster. Now that he exists in the martial arts world, everyone will be eclipsed. , even Wang Xianzhi is no exception, just like the stars holding the moon, her status is aloof, but when the bright sun rises, the stars and the moon are hidden.

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