I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 593 Mysterious skills are wonderful, the prince is cunning

Li Chungang also straightened up, his eyes shining brightly, he kept looking at Xu Fengnian's aura, relaxed his mind, and felt around Xu Fengnian's body. After a long time, he seemed to have gained nothing. He sighed and praised with emotion.

"Your boy's cultivation was all given by others, but because of the wonderful mysterious skills in his body, he completely refined it, and it was like an arm directing it, perfect and without hindrance, and he cultivated to the Vajra state."

Li Chungang took a breath, with a look of surprise on his face, and sighed again.

"What's even more rare is that you originally had mediocre bone aptitudes, which were completely different from your stupid brother's natural Vajra physique. But now you have achieved the star body, changed your tendons and cleansed your marrow, reborn, and gained an excellent body. Even I have to marvel at the amazing methods of the creator of the technique, just like ghosts and gods!"

Li Chungang opened the curtain again and looked at the carriage behind him. His eyes not only had a searching look, but also a burning fighting spirit. At Li Chungang's level, there were only a few in the world, although he Now the state of mind is lacking and cannot be perfected, but they are still the top few in the world. It is difficult for ordinary masters to understand their state, and it is difficult to find opponents. Now that they have met Xu Zongjia, how could Li Chungang not want to pick up the sword again, and The other side competed with each other and argued on the sword.

Xu Zongjia felt something in his heart, reached out and opened the car curtain, holding a glass of good green ant wine in his hand. This was obtained from Xu Fengnian. He was afraid of being lonely on the road, so he took two jars with him and looked at himself. Li Chungang raised the wine glass in his hand and drank it in one gulp. Then he lowered the curtain and hid his handsome face in the carriage again.

Li Chungang's pupils shrank, and he put down the car curtain in his hand dejectedly. He had already sensed that Xu Zongjia's current state was unfathomable and far superior to him. He had a weak state of mind and was definitely no match for the opponent. He even had no desire to let the opponent take action. None. After all, the difference in strength between the two sides is so big now. How can this not make Li Chungang, who has been strong all his life, feel inexplicable, and even feel some frustration, which casts a shadow in his heart.

Xu Zongjia thoughtfully put down the wine glass in his hand and suppressed the fighting spirit in his heart. It was not the time yet. Today's Li Chungang is like a jar of aged wine. Although the wine has a mellow and rich taste, it has been stored in the cellar for a long time. It needs to wait and be carefully blended before it is ready to drink, otherwise this peerless wine will be wasted.

"Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years!"

Li Chungang uttered a poem with difficulty, and the atmosphere instantly became depressing and heavy.

Xu Fengnian glanced thoughtfully at this famous old swordsman in the world, lowered his eyebrows and lowered his head, turning a deaf ear.

Jiang Ni raised the corner of his mouth with disdain and said sarcastically.

"You just have a bad mouth, so why bother comparing yourself with Mr. Xu? He is truly a peerless master. Even the villain Tu Chen Zhibao, who is at the height of his prestige in Beiliang, has to avoid him for a while and does not dare to compete with him!"

As Jiang Ni said this, he observed that Li Chungang's expression became a little darker, and he couldn't help but feel worried. Although Jiang Ni had a sharp mouth, his heart was very soft. He was afraid of hitting the old man too hard, so he changed his tone and offered a few words of comfort in a roundabout way.

"You are already a white beard and hair. How many more years can you live? Why compare yourself with young people? There is no need to be sad!"

Li Chungang seemed to feel Jiang Ni's concern, and couldn't help but smile freely. It was not like he had never been defeated before. It was better for a little girl to understand why he had to make such a coy gesture, and how he was different from the hypocritical person he looked down on most in the past.

"How about the girl named Jiang? Do you want to learn some real skills from me?"

However, Jiang Ni rejected Li Chungang's proposal without hesitation, which made Xu Fengnian feel a little bit envious. If the warriors in the world knew that the little girl in front of them actually refused Li Chungang's offer to become a disciple, they would all sigh: What a letdown. What a great blessing.

"Study whatever you want! What's there to learn!"

Li Chungang was a little frustrated and couldn't bear it anymore, so he asked in confusion.

"Why don't you learn? The fool who wanted to be my teacher back then could have gone all the way from Beiliangpai to Tai'an City!"

Jiang Ni retorted with a sneer on his face.

"You said those are all idiots. I'm not an idiot, so of course I don't want to be your teacher!"

"Besides, you can only talk big words and are sharp-tongued. I won't have much potential if I learn from you!"

When the old man heard the words, he froze in place. After tasting it carefully, he felt that what Jiang Ni said made sense. He held his abdomen with both hands and rolled around laughing.

Jiang Ni asked coldly with a hint of shame in his eyes.

"what's so funny?"

The old man stopped laughing when he heard this, and mysteriously approached Jiang Ni's face and asked with a smile.

"Do you know who I am?"

Jiang Ni reacted extremely calmly, without a trace of curiosity, and said calmly.

"I don't care who you are?"

The old man rubbed his chin, leaned against the carriage again, crossed his legs, and muttered to himself somewhat lonelyly.

"That's true. I have almost forgotten who I am. Who can remember the Trojan Cow?"

Xu Fengnian looked at Li Chungang, and came to his face with some confusion, pointing at himself.

"This girl has blind eyes and doesn't want to become a disciple. You can always accept me as your disciple. What do you think?"

Li Chungang looked at Xu Fengnian with squinting eyes and said contemptuously.

"You're far behind. Although you have another redeeming feature, you're just a thick-faced person with a dark heart. Your thoughts are completely following that old boy Xu Xiao's. You're cunning, cunning, and thoughtful."

"Little girl, in terms of scheming, you will definitely not be able to compete with this insidious guy in your life!"

Li Chungang was not embarrassed at all by being rejected and proposed again.

"Otherwise, if you and I learn some real kung fu, there is still hope to compete. Even if he is already in the Vajra realm, as long as he has never truly touched the mysteries of martial arts, you can still defeat him with one sword. Who says women can't? One sword is as powerful as a million swordsmen? This boy's mother is one of the only three masters of swordsmanship that I have seen in my life."

The smile and flattery on Xu Fengnian's face faded instantly, and silently, her left hand unconsciously touched the handle of Chun Lei's knife.

Xu Fengnian's mother was born in the Wu Family Sword Tomb back then. She was the most outstanding disciple of the Wu Family at that time. She was very skilled in swordsmanship. If she hadn't been married to Xu Xiao, she would have been as good as Deng Tai'a today, and she could be on par with Li Chungang in swordsmanship. However, it is a pity that because of the Liyang Dynasty's plan, he suffered the White Clothes Case in Beijing, which caused Wu Su to forcibly upgrade his realm and enter the land of immortals on land before escaping from the dead. However, it also left behind troubles, which led to his death. Xu Longxiang was born with dementia, and he passed away soon after. This was the biggest pain point in Xu Xiao and Xu Fengnian's lives.

Li Chungang glanced at Xu Fengnian and smiled.

"I said this kid is very cunning. Little girl, look, he is used to using his left-handed knife!"

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