I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 59 Shui Wu Yue Bai

"Use killing to change killing!" A look of sadness appeared on Sakura's face. Some of them agreed with Zabuza, but some felt sad that this kind of thing happened. Can ninjas only be born out of misfortune?

"After Zabuza graduated, he became an ANBU of Kirigakure. He spent every day killing and was good at silent killing techniques. Until he became Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen and became an important elite jounin in Kirigakure. , but Zabuza did not feel happy and satisfied. When he was performing tasks in Anbu, he saw too many internal killings in Kirigakure Village, especially the fourth generation Mizukage's cleanup of the village's blood successor limited family, which made Kirigakure The village is in turmoil, blood is flowing, and it is getting weaker day by day. And all these killings originated from the order of the fourth generation Mizukage Shikang." Neji told the cruelty and inside story in the blood mist.

"How is it possible? Shouldn't the shadow be a leader who protects the village and is loved by the villagers? How could he become the person who slaughtered the villagers? How could such a person become a shadow!" Sakura didn't believe that there would be such a leader. She Naturally, he didn't know that all this was because of Obito Uchiha. He hated Kirigakure for everything he had done to Lin, so he launched a bloodbath against Kirigakure.

Of course, Neji would not tell Sakura these inside stories directly.

"Same as your question, how can such a person become a Mizukage? Zabuza was determined to change the status quo of the village and assassinated the fourth Mizukage Shikura, but unfortunately he failed, so he became The traitorous ninja has been chased by Kirigakure!" Neji naturally knew that with Zabuza's strength, it would be impossible to successfully assassinate him. The fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Uchiha Obito was a perfect Jinchuuriki. It is also a top-notch existence in the class.

"Did Zabuza become a rebellious nin for this reason? But someone like him shouldn't become a rebellious nin!" Sakura has her own values ​​of perseverance and does not agree with Zabuza becoming a rebellious nin.

"Sakura, this is the fate that all ninjas cannot escape. Even if they are to protect their companions, they cannot avoid spending time in killing, so work hard to become an excellent medical ninja." Neci faced Sakura for the first time and said The face is serious, full of expectations and blessings.

"A great medical ninja is far more respected than a powerful ninja and can bring people more happiness!"

"I know, I will work hard! Neji-senpai." Sakura felt Neji's expectations, bowed deeply to Neji, and solemnly promised.

"I can only teach you some theories and basic medical ninjutsu to lay a foundation for you. I hope you can become an excellent medical ninjutsu soon." Although Ningji has in-depth research on medical ninjutsu, he cannot always He was teaching Sakura, so he could only simplify the basics in his opinion.

"Look at me, follow me!" Neji's voice was a little distant, as if coming from the horizon, which made Sakura feel a little dazed.

"Palm Senjutsu, Jutsu of Extracting Small Problems, Chakra Surgery Knife, Ranshen Rush...are these all medical ninjutsu, but how do I know this knowledge?" Sakura looked at her memory, countless The knowledge of medical ninjutsu rolled out of her mind, and she looked at Neji in front of her in surprise.

"Time is a bit tight, so I used a genjutsu on you to turn the knowledge of these medical ninjutsu into memories and embed them in your mind." Neji smiled apologetically at Sakura.

Sakura was so frightened that she quickly took a few steps back, and then stopped her fear after she realized what she was doing.

"I'm sorry, Neji-senpai, I overreacted!" Sakura was really frightened at first by Neji's method of changing other people's memories.

"It's okay, I was rude." Neji naturally understood that even if tigers don't eat people, anti-human beings will still be afraid of the tigers around them. This is human instinct and cannot be controlled.

"Practice on your own first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me!" Neji waved his hand for Sakura to leave. There was no need to stay here.

"Goodbye!" Sakura said hello and hurried away, her steps a little messy, as if there was a tiger chasing her behind her. It seemed that Sakura was really frightened by Neji's methods, for fear that Neji would change her memory.

Neji shook his head in amusement. He could understand Sakura's feelings and put himself in her shoes. If Neji met an illusion master who could change his memory at will, he would stay far away from that person to prevent his memory from being stolen. change.

If you think about how Uchiha Shisui died, you will understand. After the secret of Beitenjin's ultimate illusion was revealed to him, Uchiha Shisui was immediately attacked by Danzo. In fact, even without Danzo's sneak attack, The fate of Uchiha Shisui will not be too optimistic. Other gods are too feared, and Uchiha Shisui who possesses other gods will naturally be feared and alienated.

"Successful!" Sasuke jumped down from the tree and successfully completed the tree climbing training using chakra.

"Damn it!" Naruto looked at Sasuke who just walked vertically to the top of the tree step by step. He refused to admit defeat and rushed towards the big tree in front of him. He rushed all the way to about 4 meters above the ground. He couldn't hold on anymore. The kunai in his right hand directly made a mark on the tree, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Looking at the scratches on the tree trunk that were almost 20 centimeters away from the previous one, Naruto angrily hammered the ground with his right fist, then stood up and rushed towards the tree again.

"Kakashi-sensei, can I proceed to the next step of training?" Sasuke glanced at Naruto, who was angry and insistent, and turned to Kakashi behind him and asked.

"Ah? Come with me!" Kakashi held the book in one hand and was immersed in the great book Jiraiya's Intimate Paradise. He completely didn't notice that Sasuke had completed the tree climbing training. He glanced at the notch on the top of the big tree in front of Sasuke with some surprise. He couldn't help but feel satisfied with Sasuke's talent, and directly asked Sasuke to leave together.

"I will succeed soon." Naruto looked at Kakashi and the two leaving and shouted loudly. He didn't know whether he was shouting to Sasuke or himself.

"Yes." Naruto opened his heavy eyelids. Overtired training made Naruto fall asleep in the wild.

"You're awake!" A gentle voice sounded in Naruto's ears.

"Hey? Big sister, who are you?" Naruto then realized that there was another person beside him. He had beautiful black hair, a soft and charming face, and was wearing a white kimono with several red plum blossoms embroidered on it.

"I'm Bai, I just saw you asleep here."

"Ah, I am Uzumaki Naruto. I was too tired from training, so I fell asleep here." Naruto explained the reason.

"Training? Then Naruto, why do you have to train so hard?" Bai's voice was very warm, which made Naruto feel very close and he couldn't help but want to talk to him.

"Of course the purpose of training hard is to become stronger. Only in this way can I realize my dream!" Naruto told Shiro full of energy about the purpose of his hard training.

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