I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 551: People are cold and guns are cool

"How did you come?"

Xu Fengnian probably didn't want to see Chen Zhibao, so he questioned him very coldly, without even a polite word.

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was assassinated, so his subordinates will naturally come!"

Chen Zhibao ignored Xu Fengnian's indifference and bowed directly, unable to find any fault at all. Xu Fengnian had nowhere to express his anger and could only hold it in his heart.

"What's the use of your coming?"

Xu Fengnian continued to stab Chen Zhibao without showing any affection. The two had been at odds since childhood. In addition, everyone believed that Chen Zhibao was the best successor to Beiliang. Even though Xu Fengnian didn't care about the throne of Beiliang, he was still unhappy. He may not want the throne, but Chen Zhibao cannot snatch it away.

"Of course it's a step down for His Royal Highness."

Chen Zhibao threw the cloth bag in his hand onto the table, blood splashed everywhere, but strangely, it did not splash at all on Xu Zongjia, who was sitting in front of the table.

Chen Zhibao's eyesight was astonishing. When he saw this scene, his pupils could not help but shrink slightly, and he held the plum wine in his hand a little tighter.

"What is this?"

Xu Fengnian didn't know this. He just glanced at the blood-red bag curiously. He naturally knew that it contained a human head, but he didn't know whose head it was, so he asked more questions.

"The head of a general in the army, the mastermind of the prince's assassination, has been executed on the spot by his subordinates!"

Chen Zhibao withdrew his eyes from looking at Xu Zongjia, looked at Xu Fengnian again, and explained, but his voice did not change. He looked down on Xu Fengnian, a playboy, but after all, the other party was the eldest son of his adoptive father Xu Xiao, so he also behaved He was so respectful that no one could find a single fault.

"The mastermind of the assassination was killed so easily by you. I'm afraid he was not an innocent person who took the blame!"

Xu Fengnian did not believe that the plan to assassinate him was something that a general could do, so he did not believe Chen Zhibao's words at all.

"Although he is not the real mastermind, he is also a detailed expert in the army. He just killed the prince to give him a step forward and solved the prince's assassination case!"

Chen Zhibao spoke frankly and directly revealed the identity of the general, without concealing his deception.

"Give me a step?"

Xu Fengnian's voice suddenly rose a bit, and there was dissatisfaction in his tone. What he hated most was Chen Zhibao's condescending attitude, which made him extremely unhappy.

"It's hard for Chu Lushan to be willing to suffer this injustice and suffer so much for you. Since there are steps, the prince should use the steps to go down."

Chen Zhibao glanced at the floor not far away. There was a pool of blood on the fine white marble floor tiles, which was left by Chu Lushan.

Xu Fengnian also saw the blood on the ground and was speechless. Even though he was arrogant, he could not refute Chen Zhibao at this time.

"Since the Crown Prince is willing to accept the advice of his subordinates, please hand over the oiran responsible for this murder to me and let me kill her directly. Let this matter be over with!"

Seeing that Xu Fengnian was speechless, Chen Zhibao immediately struck while the iron was hot and proposed to kill Yu Youwei to understand the case and avoid keeping him alive.

"Impossible, I won't hand over the fish baby Wei!"

When Xu Fengnian heard this, he immediately objected and shook his head repeatedly, expressing his determination not to do so.

This made Jiang Ni on the side slightly less disgusted with Xu Fengnian. After all, Yu Youwei was a descendant of Xi Chu. He would assassinate Xu Fengnian in order to avenge Xi Chu. Jiang Ni naturally wanted to protect Yu Youwei.

Chen Zhibao was not worried. He was well aware of Xu Fengnian's lecherous nature and thought he had fallen into his old habits again. He took a deep look at Xu Fengnian with a hint of contempt.

Xu Fengnian naturally understood the deep meaning of Chen Zhibao, it was just to protect Yu Youwei. Although he wanted to explain, he pinched his nose and endured it. His reputation had long been ruined and he was ruined on the streets in Beiliang, so he didn't care anymore. Add more talking points and make people in the market more happy.

"Then my subordinates say goodbye!"

Chen Zhibao cupped his fists, turned around and walked out with plum wine in hand. His steps were firm and the steps were exactly the same, which showed that his control over his body had reached a subtle level.

"White-robed plum wine is so refreshing when you're cold!"

Xu Zongjia's comments rang in the ears of Xu Fengnian and Jiang Ni, causing the two thoughtful people to look at him in surprise.

"how do I say this?"

Xu Fengnian was the first to speak. Although he didn't know whether Xu Zongjia was a master, he admired Xu Zongjia's vision and knowledge. Xu Zongjia could see Nangong Pushe's virtual room and sword skills at a glance, which made even the arrogant Nangong Pushe look down on him. As a confidant.

"Chen Zhibao is worthy of being a soldier in white. He is extremely talented, knowledgeable, and has superb martial arts. He can be called a hero! He has great character and good marksmanship!"

Xu Zongjia used multiple words to praise Chen Zhibao, which made Xu Fengnian feel a little uncomfortable, but he endured it in order to know what Xu Zongjia said about Chen Zhibao.

"Can you see this?"

Xu Fengnian recalled what had just happened and found out why he didn't notice anything.

Xu Fengnian has an outstanding memory since he was a child. He has always played blind chess with his master Li Yishan. He does not need a chessboard or chess pieces. He relies entirely on his personal memory. With this move, he can achieve a record of nine losses and one win against Li Yishan. In this regard, Li Yishan I am also extremely envious of Xu Fengnian's memory.

"You have little knowledge and are ignorant, so naturally you can't see it!"

Xu Zongjia rolled his eyes and sneered at Xu Fengnian with great contempt.

Xu Fengnian wanted to retort. He, Xu Fengnian, was actually not a fool. He had also learned a collection of classics and history, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and poetry and calligraphy. He was just not proficient in it. He was far from being as incompetent as others said, but after reading Xu Zongjia, who was standing down, thought of the other party's erudition and immediately gave up the idea.

"Chen Zhibao has a cold temperament and is indifferent to emotions and anger, but he has read the book in his bones. Every move, whether he wakes up or sits up, has rules. They have been engraved in his heart and become instinctive, even if he hates you extremely. , but still abiding by the rules, not breaking the rules at all, every step when walking is exactly the same, we have reached the point where we can do whatever we want without breaking the rules!"

Xu Zongjia clapped his hands and praised, with a smile on his face, as if he saw someone with the same idea.

“If a person reads books to his core, how would you say his knowledge is?”

Xu Zongjia raised his eyes to look at Xu Fengnian and asked teasingly.

"Naturally, his knowledge is amazing!"

Xu Fengnian also didn't expect Xu Zongjia to observe so carefully. He carefully recalled Chen Zhibao's movements in his mind, and it was exactly as Xu Zongjia said, and he blurted out the answer.

Xu Fengnian didn't expect that one day he would praise Chen Zhibao so much. As if to regain face, he retorted again.

"Then how can you tell that he is skilled in martial arts?"

"If a person can control his every move, he will naturally have superb spear skills, and his martial arts skills should be small rather than big. When masters compete, their skills are all about the subtleties. Although Chen Zhibao is not sharp, the plum wine in his hand exudes mellowness. The spear spirit is like the aging of fine wine. It can be said that the spear skill is the best in the world. Even Nangong Pushe is three points behind him at this time. In the future, he will definitely achieve the realm of Confucian sage and become a land immortal!"

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