I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 547 Although I can criticize Nangong, I dare not speak about the real dragon

"In the entire Tingchao Pavilion, although there are countless magical scriptures and thousands of unique rare books, in my opinion, these are the only ones that Xu Xiao didn't take a fancy to and snatched to decorate the facade and add some book aroma to the 30,000-volume entrance skill. The Dharma is the most valuable!”

Xu Zongjia had a weird smile. He was not only mocking Xu Xiao for buying a casket for a pearl, but also mocking the wealthy people in the martial arts world who only pursued the secrets of magic skills blindly.

Although Nangong Pushe didn't understand the deep meaning of Xu Zongjia's words, he also understood that he was not someone who just talked and made shocking remarks, so he humbly asked Xu Zongjia for the reason.

"Please give me some advice!"

Xu Zongjia saw that Nangong Pushe was really smart and could understand everything at once. He knew that there must be something fishy in it, so he simply explained it more thoroughly.

"It's not that the secret books in other buildings are not valuable, but there are 30,000 volumes of books on this floor. Although they are all introductory exercises, do you know how many people's hard work and wisdom are contained in them? Maybe the exercises are not No matter how excellent it is, each volume contains the unique crystallization of wisdom from the creators and perfecters. The greatest value of these books is to learn from others’ strengths and absorb wisdom!”

Thirty thousand volumes of books condense the understanding and wisdom of at least hundreds of thousands of people. Some of these people may be dull, but some are smart. Both smart and stupid people have their own thinking and wisdom. What a fortune. Xu Zongjia benefited a lot from the huge legacy of wisdom, including some wonderful ideas.

As the saying goes, a wise man will make a mistake after a thousand considerations, and a fool will gain something after a thousand considerations. Therefore, you should not underestimate the wisdom of anyone. This is also the experience that Xu Zongjia has summarized in so many lives. A seemingly inconspicuous person in every world may not be underestimated. He will inspire you and enable you to achieve your own satisfactory results.

"Thanks for the advice!"

Nangong Pushe nodded, his expression still very cold, not like he was thanking someone, expressionless, but Xu Zongjia still didn't care, he understood that for the Avengers, there is always a bit of heat in the cold heart. , there is always an indelible memory in her own corner.

On the other side, Xu Xiao came to the eighth floor. This place was very dark, with only one candle swaying, and ancient bamboo slips scattered everywhere. If a book lover saw it, I'm afraid he would feel bad and curse this person who doesn't care for books. , but Xu Xiao is a martial artist after all. Although he is not a rough man, he is definitely not related to an elegant person.

A long red sandalwood table was placed in the center, and beside it was a green leather gourd filled with wine, tied with a red rope. The other end of the red rope was held by a skinny hand.

The man was sitting on the ground, with disheveled hair, face as pale as snow, and a touch of light red between his eyebrows. Looking carefully, he looked like an inverted red phoenix eye, like the Lord Erlang in the temple. His hemp shirt was somewhat similar to Xu Zongjia's dress. , but this man did not wear straw sandals or cloth shoes on his feet. Instead, he sat cross-legged barefoot and was immersed in writing. Even if he heard Xu Xiao's footsteps, he still did not raise his head and pay attention. This shows the status of this man.

Xu Xiao bent down slightly, picked up the ancient bamboo slips, and stacked them neatly. Only then did he have a place to sit. Looking at the weird man who didn't pay attention to his image, he said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I just guided someone, and I won't have time to bring wine. I'll have someone bring a bottle over when I get back!"

The man said nothing and was very silent. Xu Xiao was not surprised. The two had known each other for decades and were very familiar with each other, so he said to himself.

"In the past, there has never been a real first-grade master in the royal palace. I have always had trouble sleeping. Today I can finally breathe a sigh of relief. I just don't know what Nangong Pushe will achieve in the future. If he can achieve a super-first grade, then that will be true." It’s as stable as a mountain!”

There was some relief on Xu Xiao's face. He had carried Beiliang's future on his shoulders for more than ten years, and his back was already hunched. He did not dare to relax for a moment. Today, Xu Zongjia entered the palace, and he could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Then he said in confusion.

"It's strange to say that Xu Zongjia actually became a Confucian sage through self-study. It's hard for people to understand. Is it true that there are people in the world who are born to know this? Are they born to be saints?"

Xu Xiao was not idle during this period. When Xu Zongjia was taking care of Xu Yongguan's funeral, he sent people to inquire about Xu Zongjia's past experiences. He indeed found out that Xu Zongjia often eavesdropped outside the private school. This was something that the private school teacher was aware of. He knew it well, but because Xu Zongjia was so eager to learn, he just pretended not to know, and helped Xu Zongjia. He also found out that Xu Zongjia often went to major bookstores for free, but the boss only wanted to know that Xu Zongjia was young and tall. You have to be free from vulgarity to tolerate what he does.

"There is also Nangong Pushe. I have asked spies to investigate for nearly a month, but I haven't found out the identity of this person. It seems that he should be from Beimang, not from Liyang. I just don't know what level of strength he has now. ?”

Xu Xiao never does loss-making business, and he never trusts a stranger, so it is inevitable to be careful. Xu Zongjia knows this very well, and he also knows that Xu Xiao has investigated his details.

"Maybe Yishan can comment on the two of them?"

The skinny man appeared like an evil spirit from hell. He opened his mouth and his voice was extremely hoarse. It must have been caused by being alone all day long and rarely communicating with others.

"Nangong Pushe has now reached the first-level realm. If he can practice in the pavilion for ten years, there will be no living beings here but no one above him."

Xu Xiao from Dazhu Kingdom smacked his lips, feeling a little happy.

“Wouldn’t that make a lot of money!”

The weirdo Li Yishan picked up the red rope in his hand, put the gourd to his mouth, and poured it down. Not a drop of wine fell. He suddenly felt dull and stopped the pen in his hand. His eyes were numb and dull, and his pupils stared motionlessly in front of him. I don’t know what I’m looking at.

"What about Xu Zongjia?"

Although Nangong Pushe is good, it still takes ten years, and Xu Xiao is afraid that he can't wait any longer, so he can only leave it to Xu Fengnian to train slowly, so he values ​​​​Xu Zongjia, who is already in the realm of Confucian sage, curiously. To Li Yishan.

Li Yishan's numb and dull expression finally changed. He raised his head to look at Xu Xiao for the first time, with a strange light in his eyes.

"I have to say that your Xu family is really lucky!"

"How to say?"

"I dare not comment on Xu Zongjia!"


Xu Xiao stretched out his upper body, leaned toward Li Yishan, and asked.

"Birds, I know they can fly; beasts, I know they can walk; those who walk can be a fool, those who wander can be a lun, and those who fly can be a arrow. As for the dragon, I don't know that it rides on the wind and clouds to ascend to the sky. I saw it today He is like a dragon evil!"

Li Yishan was a little excited, and his face turned a little red. He stood up and walked back and forth in front of Xu Xiao, unable to calm down.

"That's ridiculous!"

A clear voice sounded on the eighth floor, suddenly appearing in the ears of Xu Xiao and Li Yishan.

Li Yishan's pacing figure suddenly stopped, as if someone had pressed the pause button. Even Xu Xiao's body was tilted and motionless, which was funny.

Thanks to book friends Ma Mousinglan and Yu Yu for their reward, and also to all book friends for their votes and support. I wrote until midnight last night. I am very grateful to my friends for their comfort and support. I feel warm in my heart and full of motivation. ! ! !

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