I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 544 Listening to Chao Pavilion reminiscing about old friendships, feeling exhausted and hear

"Mr. Xu, he is Brother Xu's grandson. Fengnian, you and Mr. Xu have some connections. You should get closer and closer in the future!"

Xu Xiao turned around and looked at his son, his eyes blinking and blinking, constantly hinting at his son.

Although Xu Fengnian is usually very rude to his father and has never respected Xu Xiao, after all, he has been traveling for three years and has become more thoughtful and restrained. People who get up early actually attach so much importance to the shepherd boy in front of them that they even hesitate to address him as sir. You must know that since Xu Fengnian can remember, Xu Xiao has only called one person sir, and this person is Xu Fengnian's teacher, Li Yishan, the counselor of Beiliang. Living in Tingchao Pavilion, he can be said to be Xu Xiao's right-hand man. Xu Xiao can achieve such achievements without the help and assistance of this great talent.

Xu Fengnian was a little surprised. He raised his eyes and looked at Xu Zongjia. Although he was indeed extremely handsome, even as a man himself, he felt very excited and felt ashamed. His speech was also somewhat extraordinary, but it was not what Xu Fengnian imagined. He has an image of a master, and he is too young, looking even younger than himself. This makes Xu Fengnian dare to believe that this is a great talent on par with his master.

"Brother Xu, who is it?"

Xu Fengnian was a little confused about Brother Xu in Xu Xiao's mouth. He had never remembered that Xu Xiao had such a friend named Xu.

"The ancestor of our family, Xu Yongguan, was once a cavalryman at the end of the Yugu Camp, and was taken care of by the prince for many years!"

Thinking of the old man, Xu Zongjia's expression became a little warmer, and the way he looked at Xu Fengnian changed a little. After all, he was a man who was kind to his grandfather, and he also pitied his grandfather for being poor, old and weak. Xu Fengnian's kindness made Xu Zongjia There was always something different about him.

Xu Xiao is an old man, and he can see the change in Xu Zongjia's expression at a glance, and he is secretly happy in his heart. He can feel that Xu Zongjia has no feeling of closeness to him, and is only willing to enter Tingchao Pavilion in Beiliang Prince's Mansion to study in order to repay his kindness. However, Looking at Xu Zongjia's reaction now, he has some differences towards Xu Fengnian. This is enough. Originally, he recruited Xu Zongjia for his son. As long as Xu Zongjia is close to Xu Fengnian, it is enough. Even if he gives this Tingchao Pavilion to Xu Zongjia, it is enough. made money.

"You are actually Mr. Xu's grandson!"

Xu Fengnian's eyes widened in surprise. He really couldn't connect the man in front of him with the slovenly and rude Xu Yongguan. Could it be that Xu Yongguan's son had been cheated on? Otherwise, how could he have done it? The crow gave birth to the phoenix.

"It's absolutely true. I can still be sure of this. At my level, I still have a sense of blood relationships. I can't go wrong. My son, you are wrong!"

Xu Zongjia didn't need to look at Xu Fengnian to know what Xu Fengnian was thinking. He spoke directly to interrupt Xu Fengnian's dirty thoughts. He couldn't help but make such guesses every time his identity was known. Xu Xiao was like this, Xu Fengnian was like this. It was still the case, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Hey, since you are the grandson of old man Xu, we will be our own people from now on. In the future, I will protect you in Beiliang City. If you have anything to do, just mention my name. There is nothing that can't be settled!"

Xu Fengnian smiled naively and pretended to be innocent. He stepped to Xu Zongjia's side and put his arms around Xu Zongjia's shoulders, making him look particularly close. Xu Fengnian was not a reasonable person. He had a dull personality. Although he had changed at this time, He is still not the kind of person who talks about right and wrong, but he has one advantage, that is, he does not help his relatives, he is very protective of his children, and he is extremely generous to himself.

Xu Zongjia frowned slightly. He was really not used to being so close to people. He just looked at Xu Fengnian with a sincere face and thought of his kindness to his grandfather. He suppressed the awkwardness in his heart and turned to Xu Fengnian.

"Then there will be more His Highness, so I won't have to bother you much in the future!"

Xu Zongjia did not reject Xu Fengnian's approach, nor did he say anything that he could not handle. Not to mention Xu Fengnian, even Xu Xiao could not interfere.

Xu Xiao looked at Xu Zongjia, who didn't like Xu Fengnian's closeness, but still endured it, and immediately felt relieved. It seemed that Xu Zongjia was very tolerant of his son, and had three-point affection. This was enough. After all, they had just met. There will be plenty of opportunities to deepen our relationship in the future.

"What are you talking about? You are the grandson of old man Xu, and you are my direct descendant from Beiliang. How can I let you be wronged!"

Xu Fengnian took more care of Xu Yong because he felt guilty about it, so he loved Xu Zongjia, Xu Yongguan's grandson, very much.

"By the way, Old Man Xu is having a good time these days. I haven't seen him for half a month. I'll go see him for a drink in two days!"

Xu Fengnian asked about Xu Yongguan's current situation again. Since the last time he persuaded Xu Yongguan to leave on the street, he had never seen the old man again.

"My ancestor, since I said goodbye to the crown prince last time and saw Dazhu Kingdom, he has already passed away that day!"

Xu Zongjia replied calmly. At this time, his reaction was extremely cold, as if he was not talking about his grandfather's life and death, but a stranger, with no expression on his face and ashes in his heart.

The opening chapter of "Qiwu Lun" says: "Nan Guo Ziqi sat with his head hidden, looking up to the sky and shushing, as if he was mourning his wife. Yan Chengzi stood up and waited in front of him and said, "Where can I live here? The shape can be as solid as a gaunt tree, but the heart can be as solid as the ashes of death? The hidden secrets of today are not the hidden secrets of the past." Zi Qi said: "Yan, isn't that good? Why do you ask? Now I have lost myself, do you know that? A woman hears the sound of man, but not the sound of earth; a woman hears the sound of earth but not the sound of nature!\

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