I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 524 Four Girls Running at Night

"Wait a moment!"

But after a while, Guan Juer's cell phone received a notification sound of bank card arrival information.

"Did you receive it? I transferred 500,000 to you. You can use it first!"

Although Li Ziyi didn't know what difficulties Guan Ju'er encountered, he was afraid that 100,000 was not enough, so he directly transferred 500,000.

"I got it, but you transferred too many, so you can't use so much!"

Guan Ju'er was surprised. She didn't expect that Li Ziyi would transfer so much money. 500,000 was not a small amount. Although it was a drop in the bucket for Li Ziyi, Guan Ju'er had obviously never had any money on her bank card. With so much money, after all, the cost of living for young people nowadays is extremely high, but their wages are not high. It is good to have a monthly savings. Many young people rely on credit cards to survive, and the first thing they do when they wake up every day is The only thing I wanted to do was to pay off the card. If Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying hadn't extended a helping hand this time, Fan Shengmei would have taken out a loan out of nowhere, and she would probably have to live a life of being overwhelmed by interest every day in the future.

"If you don't need it, leave it alone. After all, a girl still needs to have some money with her, so as not to encounter difficulties but have no money!"

Li Ziyi comforted Guan Ju'er and didn't take the money seriously. If he hadn't been worried that Guan Ju'er wouldn't accept it, he really wanted to transfer 10 million pocket money to Guan Ju'er first, so that Guan Ju'er wouldn't have to pay for 100,000 yuan. Yuan still wanted to borrow money from him, which made him feel uncomfortable.

"I understand. After this is over, I will pay you back the remaining money!"

Guan Ju'er felt sweet in her heart and was delighted with Li Ziyi's thoughtfulness and attentiveness, but she still insisted on her own principles. She was unwilling to accept Li Ziyi's money and become Li Ziyi's vassal.

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

Li Ziyi did not refuse. He knew the pride in Guan Ju'er's heart and appreciated this pride and persistence, so he readily accepted Guan Ju'er's approach.

"Well, I still have something to do here. I'll talk to you later!"

Guan Ju'er reluctantly hung up the phone. After all, Fan Shengmei was still waiting for her to comfort her, so she had to say goodbye to Li Ziyi even though she was reluctant to leave.

Li Ziyi looked at the extinguished mobile phone screen and shook his head. Guan Ju'er hasn't been feeling right these past two days. Could it be that she is in some trouble? Should he find someone to find out? But then he thought again, Guan Ju'er If you don't tell him the reason, you must not want to let yourself know. If you act abruptly, you will be self-defeating, so you have to give up the tempting idea.

"Sister Fan, I will transfer another 100,000 to you. You can transfer it to your family!"

Guan Ju'er initiated a mobile phone transfer again and transferred 100,000 yuan to Fan Shengmei's account. As for the remaining 400,000 yuan on the card, she did not directly return it to Li Ziyi because she was afraid that Fan Shengmei's matter would cause trouble again and she would need money. Keep this money as a backup for now.

Fan Shengmei had no way to express her gratitude to Guan Ju'er in words. At this time, she could only hug Guan Ju'er tightly, but she couldn't help but shed tears. Guan Ju'er could feel the waves on her shoulders. She knew that what Fan Shengmei needed at this time was just a reliable shoulder, not the comfort of words, so she remained silent.


Fan Shengmei felt the cell phone on her body vibrating continuously, wiped her eyes with her hands, then straightened up in Guan Juer's hug and answered the phone.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Can you give me some time? 100,000 is not a small amount!"

Fan Shengmei, a mother, called this time to urge her to raise money quickly, so she spoke first.

Although Guan Ju'er had already borrowed the money for her, she, Fan Shengmei, did not intend to send the money to her family immediately. She planned to delay it for a while. It was not that she was cruel or resorting to tricks, but that only by doing so could her parents Realize that this money is hard-earned, understand your own difficulties, and don't let them really think that they are a money printing machine and can borrow so much money at will, otherwise they will not be able to push the envelope further in the future, which will become even more excessive.

"Xiaomei, your dad was so angry that he had a stroke. He is currently being treated in the hospital. Come back quickly. I can't handle this kind of thing alone!"

Mother Fan's voice was full of fear. The couple came to stay with each other all the time. Father Fan's sudden illness overwhelmed Mother Fan's nerves. At this time, she was at a loss. Her son had disappeared and she didn't know where he was hiding. She could only let him go. The daughter comes back to take charge of the affairs of the family.

"How could this happen? How is dad? I'll go back right now!"

Fan Shengmei couldn't care less about being angry. After all, he was his father. At this time, his life and death were unknown, and he was extremely anxious. Even though his parents only squeezed her, Fan Shengmei still cared about them and worried about their condition.

"Still rescuing, I don't know what's going on! You'd better come back quickly!"

Fan's mother was just an ordinary rural woman. She had no education and could not read a few Chinese characters. She panicked when big events happened and could only rely on Fan Shengmei.

"Don't worry yet, let's keep in touch and tell my dad's situation at any time. I'll rush back right away!"

Fan Shengmei hung up the phone in a hurry, not even bothering to salute, and was about to go back to her hometown.

"Sister Fan, wait a minute, why are you taking the car at this time? I'm going to find Sister Andy and Qu Xiaoxiao for help. They have cars. We'll go back with you and help you with some chores!"

Guan Juer stopped the dizzy Fan Shengmei. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening. There were no inter-provincial long-distance buses. If you took the high-speed rail, you would need to change stations, which would waste time.


"Sister Andy, are you at home?"

"What's wrong with Xiaoguan?"

Andy opened the door. During this period, she would practice the mind-nurturing method taught by Li Ziyi once every day after get off work. Her mentality became increasingly calm and stable, and she no longer worried about the future, so she was very grateful to Guan Ju'er. Guan Ju'er looked anxious and asked with concern.

"Sister Fan's father has suffered a stroke and needs to return to his hometown urgently!"

Andy understood immediately, but she thought for a moment that her sports car only had two seats, and she was afraid it would be inconvenient, so she spoke directly.

"Let's go find Xiaoqu. My sports car can only seat two people. The chassis is too low to drive on mountain roads!"

Andy had heard Fan Shengmei say that the roads in his hometown were not easy to travel, so he knew that his car was not convenient.

"This matter is all mine. I'll ask my buddy to borrow an MPV. Let's go together!"

Qu Xiaoxiao said generously that she was well-known in Shanghai, and the circle she was in was full of rich second-generation people who had no shortage of cars. She was the only one who had just returned to China, and in order to behave well in front of her father, she only bought an ordinary car. .

The four women rushed to Fan Shengmei's hometown without waiting for Qiu Yingying. On the road, several people changed driving vehicles and drove all night. It was at noon the next day that they arrived at the county hospital in Fan Shengmei's hometown. They didn't even bother to rest. Rushed towards the ward.

I don’t have any manuscripts saved, so I can only pay New Year greetings during the day and code at night. I beg you all for your support. Tai Su is very grateful. At the same time, I wish everyone a new year and good luck in the Year of the Tiger! !

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