I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 518 Teaching the Dharma

"Sister Andy, what happened? How could you do this?"

Guan Ju'er was a little worried and looked directly at Andy.

"Zi Yi said that you were severely stimulated and frightened to the point of acting like this!"

Seeing that Andy was silent, Guan Ju'er's expression suddenly dropped, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious. Originally, Guan Ju'er would never interfere with Andy's privacy, but this time Andy's incident really frightened him. Guan Ju'er, she doesn't want this scene to happen again, so she must find out the whole story.

Andy glanced at the angry Guan Ju'er and sighed. This was originally his scandal, but looking at Guan Ju'er who was worried about him, he knew that she really cared about him and took a deep breath. , calmed down, made up his mind, and spoke slowly.

"Xiaoguan, Mr. Li, this matter is my privacy, and it is a scandal. I hope you promise not to spread it outside!"

"Andy, I'd better avoid it first!"

Li Ziyi's relationship with Andy was actually normal, so he didn't want to get involved in Andy's matter, and he also guessed why Andy was like this. It should be that he found out about her mother and brother, and it was difficult to accept it for a while, so he It will be so.

Li Ziyi was secretly wondering. He remembered that in the original trajectory, Fan Shengmei's family should have had problems first. Why, before Fan Shengmei's family started to get into trouble, Andy's life experience was exposed first. It didn't match up at all in time. Could it be that he caused the changes himself?

"No need, Mr. Li, I believe in your character!"

Andy knew that Li Ziyi's identity determined that he was definitely not a person who spread gossip. People didn't care about his own affairs at all, so he was not afraid of being embarrassed. Moreover, Li Ziyi is mature and resourceful, so he should be able to give some useful suggestions.

"Andy, I promise not to tell anyone!"

Guan Ju'er glanced at Li Ziyi. The only thing she didn't want to hide was Li Ziyi, but Li Ziyi would also know the secret, so Guan Ju'er made the promise steadfastly.

"This matter will have to be discussed before I return to China."

Andy sighed quietly. She returned to China this time, firstly because of Tan Zongming's invitation to help Shengxuan Group acquire companies, and secondly, to find her younger brother who had stayed in China for many years.

"Xiao Ming is an autistic patient who is completely unable to communicate with the outside world, and my mother is a mental patient. The genes flowing in my body also have a chance of developing the disease!"

Andy said with some pain. As long as he thought of this, Andy found it difficult to accept. All the strength and self-confidence in the past were destroyed, leaving only weakness and weakness. Only when people have experienced it can they truly empathize with it and know what it is like. Difficulty, this is pain and depression that outsiders cannot imagine.

"Sister Andy, you will never do this, definitely not!"

Ju'er Guan couldn't help hugging Andy and comforting Andy in a low voice, but this comfort was so weak, because Ju'er Guan couldn't guarantee whether Andy would get sick like her mother.

"Xiaoguan, I know it myself, no one can guarantee this kind of thing!"

Andy smiled bitterly, with despair in her eyes. This disease is like a knife hanging on her neck, reminding Andy all the time, making her live in fear every day. Andy is now I was already overwhelmed, and I couldn't imagine how long Andy could persist under such pressure, or whether he would suddenly go crazy one day.

"No, no!"

Guan Ju'er repeated this sentence blankly, powerless and confused, and turned to look at Li Ziyi. He was pitiful, with tears accumulating in his eyes. Guan Ju'er, who had never experienced such a thing, could only ask for help at this time. His eyes turned to his only support.

Li Ziyi sighed. He actually didn't want to get involved in Andy's affairs. After all, Andy didn't have anything to do in the original work, but Andy's condition at this time was much worse than in the original work. Even a normal person would be in this situation. In this state, you will also collapse, and you are very likely to suffer from psychological or mental illness.

After all, Li Ziyi couldn't bear the sadness of his girlfriend and didn't want anything to happen to Andy, a friend who often helped Guan Ju'er, so he still spoke out.

"Andy, the genes for mental illness are indeed hereditary. No one can deny this. However, the probability of the disease varies. Most people will not be affected in their lifetime, and a smaller number of people will develop the disease!"

Li Ziyi's words were like a heavy hammer hitting Andy's head, causing Andy's body to shake, and his vision went black. She could see that Li Ziyi's medical skills were extremely sophisticated, so she came to this conclusion. It should be the result of careful consideration.

Guan Ju'er glared at Li Ziyi fiercely and disliked him for causing trouble. Li Ziyi just didn't comfort Andy at this time, and he kept hitting Andy. This was simply causing trouble.

Li Ziyi leaned back on the sofa, relaxed his body, ignored his girlfriend's complaints, and continued to go his own way and said calmly.

"Andy, I'm not threatening you. Your mental state at this time is really not good for your health. Negative emotions such as negativity, depression, fear, and irritability will increase your chances of getting sick, making you more likely to Suffering from mental illness!”

Li Ziyi's words were so ruthless that Guan Ju'er couldn't bear it anymore and snarled Li Ziyi.

"Are you here to help or are you here to cause trouble? Sister Andy is already in a bad state, and you are irritating her!"

"Xiaoguan, Mr. Li is telling the truth. I also know that I am not in the right state at this time, but I can't control my thoughts!"

Andy stretched out his hand to stop Guan Ju'er, who was about to get up and drive away Li Ziyi, with a complicated expression. As a person with high IQ, she had received higher education and was also involved in psychology. She knew that her state was not good for her health, and it was very possible that It will cause one's hidden mental illness genes to appear and cause one's own illness, but knowing it is one thing and doing it is another, otherwise there would be so many troubles in the world.

"Andy, it's good that you have a clear understanding. In fact, as long as you are mentally stable and healthy, the chance of you getting sick in this life is very small. Generally, mental illness is caused by severe mental fluctuations. The specific manifestations are It’s just a huge shock and stimulation, just like your current state!”

Li Ziyi's poisonous tongue made Andy frown. Although everything Li Ziyi said was true, sometimes the truth was so ugly that people couldn't help but feel angry.

Li Ziyi saw the reactions of Guan Ju'er and Andy, and knew that he could not continue to show off, otherwise he would be blocked by his girlfriend.

"I can teach you a set of methods to focus your mind and nourish your heart, so that you can maintain a calm and peaceful mind, but this is a secret that cannot be taught to others and cannot be passed on to others without my consent!"

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