I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 513 Fan Shengmei’s Battle with Qu Xiaoxiao

"You don't need to worry about this. Qu Xiaoxiao is now starting a business and has business needs from Andy. You don't need to say anything more. You just need to tell Qu Xiaoxiao the news and she will proactively contribute. "

Li Ziyi knows Qu Xiaoxiao's character very well. Qu Xiaoxiao is a standard self-interested creature, domineering, but also flexible and flexible. He is very flattering and respectful to those who have abilities or achievements. Andy is the one who needs to be flattered by Qu Xiaoxiao. As the chief financial officer of Shengxuan Group, Andy has outstanding abilities and great power. A little leakage from his hands would be enough to support Qu Xiaoxiao's small company, so Qu Xiaoxiao will never let it go. This move can please Andy. Although Andy doesn't necessarily care about online gossip, he will still accept Qu Xiaoxiao's favor.

"That's okay, but I don't want to see Qu Xiaoxiao now. Who made her want to stalk you in the first place? It's so annoying!"

Guan Ju'er frowned a little, and there was still a bit of anger in her big eyes. It was obvious that Qu Xiaoxiao's attempt to pry the corner was still fresh in her memory, and she was still wary of Qu Xiaoxiao until now.

"In this case, you don't have to speak up yourself. Just remind Qiu Yingying and Fan Shengmei. They will tell Qu Xiaoxiao."

Li Ziyi smiled. It was rare to see his girlfriend so cute and jealous. Guan Ju'er had always been a considerate, well-behaved and cute figure. He rarely had a bad temper like this now. This made Li Ziyi feel more jealous towards Guan Ju. I am very satisfied with my new image.

"I hate you, I won't pay attention to you!"

Guan Ju'er looked at the teasing smile in Li Ziyi's eyes, and became angry. He stabbed the food on the plate with his fork, put it into his mouth fiercely, and chewed hard, as if to intimidate him. Li Ziyi, let him be more sensible and don't make yourself angry.

In room 2202, the three girls were discussing how to help Andy solve the problem of online violence.

"Sister Fan, I have asked Ziyi for help. He said that he can help remove all the hot spots related to Andy, but the problem of the whistleblower still needs to be solved. Otherwise, it will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Sooner or later, this kind of thing will happen again!"

Guan Juer will briefly talk to the two about his efforts today.

"But we don't know the person who broke the news, so what should we do?"

Qiu Yingying is an outspoken person who can't hide anything in her heart. She doesn't think the three of her can solve this problem.

"Guan Guan, why don't you ask your boyfriend to help solve it together!"

Qiu Yingying knew that Li Ziyi was not an ordinary person. From the time when Qu Xiaoxiao pestered Li Ziyi and was so frightened by Li Ziyi's words that he never dared to mess around again, she knew that Li Ziyi was a big shot and should be able to solve this matter.

"Ziyi said there is someone who can solve this problem, so let's find her to find a solution."

Guan Ju'er didn't blame Qiu Yingying for being reckless. They lived together every day. Naturally, they understood that Qiu Yingying was a silly person. She didn't have any scheming in her heart and said whatever came to her mind. Although it was sometimes inappropriate, it was still a good idea to do it with such a person. Friends, you won’t worry about the other person stabbing you in the back, and it’s easy to get along with them.

"Who are we looking for? We don't know any powerful people?"

Qiu Yingying wailed, leaned back towards the sofa, collapsed into a ball, her eyes closed, with a sad look on her face.

"Qu Xiaoxiao."

"Impossible, I will never ask her for help. Is the matter between Qu Xiaoxiao and me not over yet?"

Qiu Yingying's eyes suddenly widened, she straightened up her upper body on the sofa, and danced in protest of her hatred and anger towards Qu Xiaoxiao.

After hearing this, Guan Ju'er looked at Fan Shengmei with embarrassed eyes and a look of expectation on his face.

Guan Ju'er thought carefully about it today. Among the three of them, only Fan Shengmei and Qu Xiaoxiao did not have any major conflicts. Both she and Qiu Yingying had their boyfriends stolen by Qu Xiaoxiao, so it was inconvenient to bow to Qu Xiaoxiao. Only Fan Shengmei It is most appropriate to come forward.

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Fan Shengmei did not refuse. She also understood the difficulties faced by Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying. As the eldest sister among the three, she had to step forward. Isn't it just to compliment Qu Xiaoxiao and lower her head to say a few nice words? She has been working alone in Shanghai for so many years, and she has spent too much time lowering her head as a human being. Her self-esteem has long been trampled to the point of being worthless. She no longer cares about these superficial things, and values ​​actual interests more.

"Thank you, Sister Fan!"

"Sister Fan, this is the best!"

Guan Ju'er and Qiu Yingying were extremely excited and flattered Fan Shengmei. Obviously Fan Shengmei's initiative to ask for help solved a big trouble for them.

Sometimes people really talk without thinking. Just as the three of them mentioned Qu Xiaoxiao, they heard Qu Xiaoxiao knocking on the door, still shouting to open the door quickly.

The three of them looked at each other, and Fan Shengmei stood up on her own initiative and came to the door to open the door.

Qu Xiaoxiao didn't come in, she just stood at the door and asked Fan Shengmei about Andy. She hadn't seen Andy again for several days, so she was a little curious about what Andy was doing recently.

Fan Shengmei leaned against the door in a charming manner, with her long hair scattered on her shoulders. Even though Qu Xiaoxiao didn't like Fan Shengmei very much, she had to admit that Fan Shengmei's femininity at this time far exceeded her own, and she was somewhat proud of herself. , It’s a pity that only a few women saw this style, so it was a waste of time for a blind man to light a lamp.

"Something happened to Andy and he didn't come home for several days."

Fan Shengmei and Qu Xiaoxiao are both talented people. Fan Shengmei is better in terms of experience, but Qu Xiaoxiao is really no match for Fan Shengmei.

When Qu Xiaoxiao heard Fan Shengmei's words, her curiosity was piqued. Without thinking much, she asked directly.

"Andy, what could happen?"

"Andy was falsely accused of being a mistress online and was subjected to online violence. This matter caused a huge uproar on the Internet and had a great impact."

Fan Shengmei explained the matter casually, without any intention of asking Qu Xiaoxiao to help. As a senior human resource in the Hunzi workplace for many years, Fan Shengmei knew that it was difficult to do the business that was rushed, so she turned from passive to active. Let Qu Xiaoxiao take the initiative to ask the general, and he can get things done without any effort.

"There are still things like this. We can't just sit idly by and help Andy solve this matter."

Qu Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and searched for relevant hot spots about Andy on various platforms. She found that there was no relevant information on the hot spot rankings. She looked at Fan Shengmei in confusion, suspecting that she was playing a trick on her.

"I have asked Mr. Li to resolve the hot-button issues and remove all the hot-spots about Andy!"

Fan Shengmei pretended not to care and said that this was also a way to seduce Qu Xiaoxiao.

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