I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 495: Guan’s father and mother asked about the situation

"Mom, who is this person?"

Guan Ju'er pretended to be confused while pretending to understand, and deliberately pretended to be stupid and asked Guan's mother in a daze.

"He's the son of a friend of your father's. He's a doctor who returned from studying in Europe. He's a very talented young man."

"Mom, it's not like I can't get married, so I won't be reduced to a blind date!"

Guan Ju'er said helplessly that although she had graduated several years ago, people in today's society tend to marry later and have children later, so her age is not considered an older leftover girl in a big city like Shanghai, but Guan's father and mother Guan are not Guan Ju'er's marriage was very urgent, and he was afraid that his daughter would not be able to get married.

"Don't you know what you are like? You haven't even had a relationship until now. In the past, your dad and I were always worried that you would fall in love prematurely, so we never allowed you to fall in love in school. Now I didn't expect you to fall in love after graduation. If you don't fall in love, we are really anxious to death. If we had known this, we might as well have let you fall in love in school!"

When Guan Ju'er thought about this, she became very angry. Because Guan Ju'er was a simple person at the beginning, they had always prevented Guan Ju'er from falling in love, and they protected Guan Ju'er too well, so up to now Guan Ju'er has been I have never been in love and have no love experience, which makes Guan's mother very worried.

"Mom, I already have a boyfriend."

Guan Ju'er thought about it and decided on the lesser of two evils. He mustered up the courage to tell Guan's mother that he had begun to fall in love.

"Lao Guan, come on, my daughter said she is in love!"

Guan's mother didn't respond for a long time, which made Guan Ju'er disconnected because her mother. Just when she was about to hang up, Guan's mother's voice rang on the other end of the phone. It seemed that she was attracted by the news of Guan Ju'er's love. I was shocked and couldn't react for a moment.

"What's wrong? Guan Guan is in love. Who is the other person, how old is he, what does he do, and what are his family conditions like?"

Guan's father was drinking tea calmly and watching the news broadcast. He didn't expect to receive such shocking news suddenly. He blurted out a series of questions to Guan's mother. It was obvious that as a father, although he hoped that his daughter could find a good My lover, but when I heard that my caring little cotton-padded jacket had been taken away by someone, my first reaction was still scrutiny and distrust, and even some hostility.

"How do I know?"

Guan's mother rolled her eyes impatiently. How could she have time to ask these questions? As soon as she heard the news, she told Guan's father.

"Why don't you have any problem? Your daughter's relationship is a big deal. Why don't you care at all? Give me your phone, play the sound, and let's ask together!"

Guan's father was a little anxious, and he was really impatient with waiting, so he said directly to Guan's mother.

Guan Ju'er couldn't help but feel a headache when he heard the noise between his parents coming from the other end of the phone. He covered his forehead helplessly, feeling a little tired in his heart. It seemed that he was having a hard time with this test today. It was clear that he was three The court will review it.

"Here you go, you asked!"

Guan's mother handed the phone to Guan's father impatiently. It was obvious that she was a little impatient with Guan's father's urging.

"Guan Guan, please tell us in detail about your boyfriend."

Guan's father said softly. It seems that even though he is extremely anxious, the father still has all the gentleness and patience when facing his daughter, and puts his daughter first.

"Dad, what do you want to ask?"

Although Guan Ju'er had some bad premonitions in his heart, he also knew that his parents only cared about him, so he patiently explained the situation to his parents.

"Tell us from the beginning. We want to know more details."

Guan's father is obviously very concerned about the information about the woman's boyfriend. He wants to know more about Li Ziyi and help his daughter to be more careful and avoid being deceived by the inhumane things his daughter encounters.

"He is my high school classmate, his name is Li Ziyi, and his parents are teachers in my high school. His parents live in the same building as me now. It happened that my aunt fell down again, and I helped her. In order to express my gratitude, my aunt , invited me to have dinner together, and we got together again. He is the same age as me, started his own business, and graduated from Fudan University."

Guan Ju'er briefly introduced Li Ziyi's situation information, but did not elaborate on other information.

"Li Ziyi?"

Guan Ju'er's parents murmured the name, as if they had some impression.

"I just remembered. Is Li Ziyi the genius you mentioned when you were in your senior year of high school and got from the middle of the pack to the top of the school in just two months?"

Guan's mother recalled the miracle that Li Ziyi created in high school, but it was such a sensation that all parents of senior high school students remembered it and used it to educate their children.

"Mom, you still remember, yes, it's him!"

Guan Ju'er asked happily. She didn't expect that her mother could still remember Li Ziyi's name after seven years, which surprised Guan Ju'er.

"It turns out it's him, and he's actually a pretty outstanding boy!"

Guan's mother nodded with some agreement and had a preliminary impression of Li Ziyi, and it was not bad. At least Li Ziyi was a good and motivated boy.

"But his college entrance examination scores are very good. How could he be a graduate of Fudan University?"

Guan's mother asked doubtfully. She remembered that Li Ziyi got a good score of 742 points in the exam. He was the pride of the school at that time and was still fresh in the memory of all the parents.

"He seems to have said that he chose Fudan University because it is close to home."

Guan Ju'er was also very confused about this matter at the beginning and did not understand Li Ziyi's choice. He also asked Li Ziyi specifically about this matter, so he was very clear about it. He also remembered the casual indifference of Li Ziyi's answer at that time. This The reason was so unbelievable to Guan Ju'er at the time.

"close to home?"

Guan's father and mother Guan exclaimed, their voices full of doubts and disbelief. This was really too willful.

"Well, he said that no matter which famous school it is, it doesn't make much difference to him, so he made such a willful choice, and his parents respect his choice."

Guan Ju'er said with some pride and envy, this may be the right of a top student. People with his grades don't have such troubles.

"My parents are quite open-minded."

Guan's mother heard this, and then commented on the character of Li Ziyi's parents, feeling somewhat satisfied. Open-minded parents are an advantage. After all, some boys are outstanding, and there are many parents who are difficult to deal with. This kind of family is definitely not among their family's choices. .

“Didn’t he continue his studies after his undergraduate degree?”

Guan's father was more concerned about Li Ziyi's own conditions, so he wanted to know more about Li Ziyi's information and situation.

"I have also asked about this matter. He has already graduated with an undergraduate degree in his sophomore year, and his university tutor tried his best to persuade him to continue his studies. However, he believed that continuing to study was of little significance to him, so he flatly rejected his tutor's request. "

Guan Ju'er naturally knew that Li Ziyi's achievements today showed that Li Ziyi's knowledge at that time did not require further study, and he was full of pride and pride in his heart.

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