I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 470 Classmates

"Of course, if you want to achieve better results and rankings, I can't guarantee it!"

Although Li Manyue was pleased that Li Ziyi could understand and was willing to learn, she still remained calm and objectively analyzed the situation to Li Ziyi, instead of blindly perfunctory and encouraging her son.

"I know this, but I am confident that I can be admitted to a prestigious school, so Mom, you just need to find me study materials. The rest is a matter of my hard work. No matter what the final result is, I will acceptable!"

Li Ziyi smiled confidently. Who is he? He has memories of several reincarnations, and he is the leading scientist in his thirties. For him, many of the knowledge in the college entrance examination are extremely simple, and only some of them are needed. The rote liberal arts knowledge required him to re-memorize it. Other mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology courses were extremely simple. Only some knowledge required more than just mastering it. Only by answering questions within the rules of high school knowledge could he obtain That's why Li Ziyi thought of asking his mother to help collect study materials. As long as he is familiar with the high school answering pattern, he is confident that he will get the first score in the school in the college entrance examination and be admitted to the leading university in the country. Of course, these Li Ziyi cannot compete with Mother made it clear.


Li Manyue raised her eyebrows and couldn't help but show a funny look. She didn't expect that her son would be so arrogant and confident in herself, and she raised doubts.

"I hope you can do it, but don't cry if your results don't reach your ideal goal in the end!"

Li Manyue looked at Li Ziyi with encouraging eyes, and she hit her son mercilessly, injecting Li Ziyi in advance, hoping that he would not be too ambitious, be down-to-earth, and improve his performance bit by bit.

"Mom! Don't even look at whose son I am. I'm Li Manyue's son. How can it be possible that I can't do anything!"

Seeing that his mother, Li Manyue, had no confidence in him and was teasing him, Li Ziyi couldn't help but said arrogantly, but with a villain's flattering smile on his face, he flattered Li Manyue.

"You kid, you know how to flatter! Okay, I know, I will prepare study materials for you tonight. I hope you can work hard and make progress!"

Li Manyue smiled in appreciation, stretched out her hand and slapped Li Ziyi on the head, but the force was very light. It was obvious that she felt sorry for her son and was reluctant to be cruel.

"Mom, I'm going back to class. I'll see you at home tonight!"

"Okay, I got it, go back to the classroom quickly!"

Li Manyue patted her son's arm and watched him walk to the door of the office.

Li Manyue suddenly remembered something and asked Li Ziyi.

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll ask your dad to buy groceries and give you a supplement. After all, you have to study hard starting from today!"

Li Manyue still felt sorry for her son, knowing that it would be very hard for senior high school students to study, and Li Ziyi had to work hard to catch up, so he needed more nutrition than usual.

"I want to eat the Coke chicken wings you made!"

Li Ziyi walked out of the office without looking back and walked towards the classroom, but still reported his favorite dish.

"Okay tonight, I'll do it for you! This kid!"

Li Manyue looked at Li Ziyi who was walking away. He had disappeared without even closing the office door. She shook her head fondly, with a happy smile on her face.

Although Li Manyue and his wife did not interfere with Li Ziyi's choice, Li Manyue was still happy that Li Ziyi took the initiative to start studying again from today. After all, she and her husband, as people's teachers, still hope that their children can be good students who study hard. .

Li Manyue does not cook on weekdays. Her husband Li Jingyuan has always been responsible for cooking at home. Only when her son Li Ziyi speaks, she will cook a few of her own specialties. This shows how much Li Manyue cares about her son. The pampering made Li Jingyuan, the husband, very jealous. He believed that his status in his wife's heart was far lower than that of his son. He even lost his temper because of this and deliberately found fault with Li Ziyi. However, after being taught a few times by Li Manyue, he just He can honestly accept his family status of being the last in the family.

Li Ziyi returned to the classroom and took a serious look at his classmates. Basically, they were just casual acquaintances. He was not very impressed and had no deep friendship. But when he saw a pretty and quiet girl in the first row, Li Ziyi stopped looking.

"This female classmate of mine is actually named Guan Ju'er!"

Li Ziyi said to himself in surprise. He looked at Guan Ju'er, who still looked very immature now, and couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead.

Li Ziyi already knew which world he had come to. Guan Ju'er, one of the five heroines of Ode to Joy, is a good girl from a good family. She is quiet and introverted, has a gentle temperament, and is extremely pure and beautiful in appearance. She is the type that many boys like. Of course, there is also a trace of rebellious fire hidden in her heart. It just never showed.

It's just that Guan Ju'er at this time is far less beautiful than after graduating from college. Although Guan Ju'er at this time is 89% similar to his future appearance, he is obviously much greener, and he wears big glasses and a Wearing an old-fashioned school uniform, with his head lowered and his hair scattered on the table, he was concentrating on the test paper in front of him, mumbling something, obviously trying his best to study the questions.

Although Guan Ju'er studies extremely hard and is considered to be among the best in the class, she has a weak personality and poor mental quality. Whenever she faces a major exam, she will perform abnormally. Obviously, this is the reason why Guan Ju'er will not be admitted to a prestigious school in the future. reason.

"Forget it, Guan Ju'er and everyone else in Ode to Joy have nothing to do with me now. You should do what you should do and prepare for the college entrance examination with all your strength!"

Although Li Ziyi was surprised that he and Guan Ju'er were classmates, he still didn't pay too much attention to Guan Ju'er. After all, they were still high school students and there was no need to have in-depth contact. The biggest task for him and Guan Ju'er at the moment was the college entrance examination. Only getting good grades in the exam is what they should do. As for getting close to the heroine of Ode to Joy, it is completely unnecessary. It’s not like Li Ziyi has never seen an excellent woman’s dog-licking. So far, he has already had a lot of them. Every confidante is a goddess that others envy, and they will never behave like a dog licker.

Time passed in the struggle of the students, and it was already around 10 o'clock in the evening. At this time, the senior high school students had finished their evening self-study and began to return to the dormitories one after another. Only a few students living nearby began to return. Home.

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