I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 45 The plot begins

"Xiao Li, stop procrastinating and get it done quickly. We are in a hurry and cannot delay the date." Neji urged Xiao Li, who was still fighting the enemy in a stalemate. He really had no interest in watching such a boring battle. .

"I know, I'll be faster!" Xiao Li looked back at Neji and Tiantian who were waiting impatiently, and immediately promised to end the battle as soon as possible.

"Kid, stop talking nonsense, you don't take me seriously!" A man with scars on his face wore a Kirigakure ninja forehead protector. There was a deep scratch in the middle of the forehead protector, indicating that The man's identity as a traitor.

"Although it's very rude, I will defeat you in the shortest time, so I will use my hidden strength." Xiao Li said to the enemy solemnly.

Xiao Li slowly rolled up his trouser legs, with two small weights on his calves.

"Hahaha, kid, do you want to laugh me to death? Can losing such a small amount of weight allow you to defeat me?" The man was completely amused by Xiao Li's actions, and taunted Xiao Li wantonly. Seemingly seeking death.

Xiao Li took off the two weights and held them in his hands. He raised his arms and let the weights fall down. "Bang! Bang!" In an instant, the sky was filled with dust, and he couldn't see what was going on in the dust. .

"How is it possible, how could it be so exaggerated!" The man's eyes were almost rounded, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets. His mouth was open with an expression of disbelief.

"I haven't been this relaxed for a long time. You have to be careful, I'm about to take action." Xiao Li's voice came from the flying dust. The man was carefully on guard, waiting for Xiao Li's upcoming attack.

"Ah! Damn it, it's so fast!" The man clutched his abdomen and didn't react at all. Xiao Li kicked him hard and he curled up into a prawn and slowly fell to the ground.

"Done!" Xiao Li showed his big white teeth to Neji and Tiantian and raised two fingers.

"Let's go. This time the task of eliminating the traitorous ninja has been completed. We should go back to the village. This year's genin are about to graduate. The chunin exam is about to begin. Today is the joint chunin exam held in Konoha, so everyone Go back and rest for a while, no longer accept missions, and prepare for the Chuunin exam with all your strength." Neji looked at Xiao Li and Tiantian talking about their plans after returning to the village.

After nearly a year, Xiao Li and Tiantian have made great progress. Coupled with Ningci's strength, basically all the team's tasks are now carried out by three people. As the team leader, Ningci is responsible for managing the team. Mike Kay rarely accompanied them on these missions anymore.

Konoha's 60th year, this is a year worth remembering. Today, nine of Konoha's Twelve Little Powers graduated this year. Most of them are from Konoha's big families. They are the middle forces in Konoha's future, and even The pillar of Konoha. Among them, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are the two protagonists in the future. Their graduation means that the long-standing peace of the ninja world is about to be broken, and the fourth ninja world is about to begin.

"Kakashi-senpai, I don't know what caused you to move your master and come to me, a genin." Neji looked at Kakashi who obviously had something to ask him, and couldn't help but want to tease him.

"I want you to help me test my students. They have just graduated from the ninja school and have not changed their ideas at all. They are arrogant and short-sighted, so I need you to help me stimulate them and make them recognize the reality." Cassie ignored Neji's teasing and stated the purpose directly.

"Will you dampen the enthusiasm of the juniors and juniors? Aren't you afraid that they will fail!" Neji did not expect that Kakashi would test Naruto and Sasuke in the seventh class test.

"I believe they will get your approval. If there is no way to get your approval, it means that they have not met the graduation standards. Even if they reluctantly become genin, it is irresponsible for them!" Kakashi said to Naruto The three of them were full of confidence with Sasuke, but they still let Neji decide the standard of this test coldly.

"Well, that will leave an unforgettable impression on them!" Neji said meaningfully as if he had thought of some interesting scenes.

Cold sweat dripped from Kakashi's forehead unconsciously, and he suddenly felt that he had gone too far by asking Neji to test Team 7. If Neji used himself as the standard for the test, it would be impossible for anyone to pass the test.

"Don't go too far! After all, they are different from you. No, it should be you who are different from everyone else! Damn it, how can there be a monster like you!" Kakashi reminded Neji uneasily, and then He cursed lightly again, obviously still a little confused about Neji's existence.

"Don't worry, you have left the matter to me, then just wait and see what happens!" Neji was a little impatient. He had already thought about how to test Team 7, and did not take Kakashi's reminder to heart at all. , Neji waved his hand, indicating that Kakashi could leave.

Kakashi was a little uneasy, and suddenly felt that the arrangements he had made were inappropriate. Although he had never successfully graduated a team before, it was because they did not know teamwork and had no sense of teamwork. They only knew how to compete. His companions saw him as an enemy, and they just wanted to snatch the bell and fight for a qualified spot. In Kakashi's view, such people were trash that was worse than trash. And the facts also proved that his approach was correct. These children later thanked Kakashi specifically for letting them realize the importance of their companions.

"Oh, I almost forgot, the time is 12 noon tomorrow." Kakashi remembered that the time had not yet been explained to Neji.

"Why so late?" Neji was a little surprised.

"What I told them is that we will gather at 5 tomorrow morning for a survival drill, and ask them not to have breakfast. 12 o'clock is just the time when the drill starts." Kakashi said his arrangement unapologetically.

"Ah, is the excuse another famous saying of Kakashi-senpai? I lost my way at the crossroads of life!" Neji couldn't help but read it out as he thought about Kakashi's most familiar excuse for being late.

"Kakashi-senpai's character is still as bad as ever, full of bad taste!" Neci frowned and stabbed Kakashi. Since Kakashi encouraged Kai to test him, although Neji is no longer angry, But when I saw Kakashi, I still couldn't help but want to ridicule Kakashi.

"Anyway, you are the examiner, so you can make the decision. I will definitely not arrive before 12 o'clock." Kakashi shrugged, looking like a rogue. He didn't care about his image as a senior at all. He completely tore off his disguise and no longer cared about his face in front of Neji.

"I know, I will wait until you arrive before conducting the exercise test, but you don't need to worry about when I will go!!" Neji stopped looking at Kakashi's reaction and stood up to leave. He was afraid that he would not be able to bear it. He had to give Kakashi a hard blow. It was Kakashi's shameless behavior that left him helpless.

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