I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 446 By the Tianhe River

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Bai Fengjiu looked at Bai Qian who was stunned on the spot, a little afraid to step forward. At this time, Bai Qian was completely different from the aunt Bai Fengjiu knew in the past. She lost her former free and easy attitude, and was just a young woman who was hurt by love. This Bai Fengjiu disliked her very much. She had always regarded Bai Qian as her idol and hoped to become a respectable goddess like Bai Qian. But today's Bai Qian completely overturned Bai Fengjiu's understanding of her.

"How could he come back?"

Bai Qian could no longer hold back the longing in her heart, and tears quietly slipped into her eyes. When Bai Fengjiu saw Bai Qian like this, she no longer dared to speak. She could only stay aside quietly, watching Bai Qian at all times. shallow.

Bai Qian thought of this place. Tai Su had not come back for 70,000 years. How could he come back? Bai Qian could only wander around this small Taoist temple alone. No matter how much Bai Qian slowed down, he would still come back. I couldn't help but wander around the small Taoist temple that was as big as my palm. It only took half an hour to visit the entire Taoist temple.

Bai Qian sat in the room, looking at the empty table and bed, her memories kept flying. She didn't know if she would have the chance to see this place again in the future.

This time Bai Qian has made up her mind to solve the trouble she caused. She has made up her mind to prevent Qing Cang from breaking the seal even if she dies. The only regret now is that she will never see the girl who just left the seclusion again. The little Taoist priest.

Bai Qian looked deeply at the scenery in front of her, taking everything in her eyes and engraved it in her heart. She wanted to remember everything in the small Taoist temple, even in Bai Qian's heart, in this small Taoist temple There is also a little Taoist priest and a little fox playing in the courtyard.

Bai Fengjiu did not dare to make a sound. She just stared blankly at this small Taoist temple that could be seen at a glance. Bai Fengjiu had a vague guess in her heart that this place might have something to do with the Tai Su Shang Shen she saw. After all, the other person was a Taoist priest. Dressed up, Taisu Shangshen should have practiced in this Taoist temple, or even be the aunt he met in this Taoist temple.

Bai Fengjiu's curiosity about Taisu was completely overflowing at this time. She had never thought that her aunt, who was a woman, would have such a deep relationship with the Supreme God Taisu. Bai Fengjiu had already made up her mind to wait until her aunt When he left, he went back to inquire about everything about Tai Su Shang Shen to satisfy his curiosity.

Bai Qian sat for a long time, then suddenly stood up and struck a seal at Bai Fengjiu. A golden light shield firmly imprisoned Bai Fengjiu in place.

Bai Fengjiu stared blankly at the seal in front of her, then looked at her aunt with some confusion, her heart full of questions.

"What's going on here?"

Is my aunt emotionally traumatized and insane? Otherwise, why would she be imprisoned here? Bai Fengjiu muttered secretly in her heart, but she did not dare to show any abnormality on her face, for fear of irritating her aunt and putting her own life at risk.

"This seal will imprison you here for five days. After five days, you can return to Qingqiu by yourself!"

Bai Qian looked at Bai Fengjiu with an innocent expression, smiled, and felt slightly better.

"Auntie has something to solve. You little girl must not be as reckless as you are today. You will be the empress of Qingqiu in the future. You must not fail like me!"

Bai Qian looked at her beloved niece in front of her, and felt very sad in her heart. If we say goodbye today, we might never see each other again, so she couldn't help but give Bai Fengjiu a few more words.

"Auntie, what on earth are you going to do?"

Although Bai Fengjiu is innocent, she has been smart since she was a child. When she heard Bai Qian's words, she felt ominous in her heart and cried out in fright.

"Auntie, don't you want Xiao Fengjiu anymore?"

Bai Fengjiu sniffed her nose and shouted with blurred eyes.

"Don't cry. Have you forgotten your aunt's teachings?"

Bai Qian scolded Bai Fengjiu sternly. She did not hope that the empress of Qingqiu would be a weak person in the future. Even though she had reluctance and pity for Bai Fengjiu in her heart, she still scolded Bai Fengjiu mercilessly. Bai Qian knew what Bai Fengjiu would face in the future. There are far more difficulties than these. It is impossible to cry every time. She must learn to face these difficulties.

"If Feng Jiu doesn't cry, aunt, don't leave!"

Bai Fengjiu tried her best to control herself not to let tears flow out of her eyes. Her big eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes. She looked pitifully at Bai Qian outside the light shield, like a puppy about to be abandoned by its owner, hoping to redeem herself. Master's heart, do not leave yourself.

Bai Qian looked at the well-behaved Bai Fengjiu, feeling even more reluctant to give up, but she didn't dare to show it at all. She was afraid that the strength she had built with indifference would be defeated by Bai Fengjiu.

Bai Qian turned around to leave, but suddenly remembered something, stopped again, turned around, took out a bamboo slip from her arms, and threw it to Bai Fengjiu.

Bai Fengjiu caught the bamboo slip and looked at Bai Qian stupidly without knowing why.

"There is a magic formula recorded on it. You will give it to Emperor Donghua of the Heavenly Clan in the future. When he sees this magic formula, he will naturally know its use!"

Bai Qian thought that if she failed, she still needed to keep the spell that God Mo Yuan left for her to seal the Donghuang Bell, so as to avoid the endgame of Qing Cang breaking the seal and being unable to seal it in the future.

Bai Qian turned around and left resolutely, ignoring Bai Feng's nine hoarse cries behind her.

"Auntie, don't leave, don't leave Feng Jiu behind!"

Bai Qian walked out of the road and looked at Kunlunxu not far away, but flew towards Tianhe without going.

Bai Qian came to the river and looked at the Donghuang Bell above the river. Sure enough, the seal of the Donghuang Bell was already crumbling. Although Qingcang still endured the burning of Nanming Lihuo, he did not utter a cry, his eyes It was full of violent energy, and it was obvious that Qing Cang had not lived a comfortable life during these 70,000 years. The daily flames made Qing Cang's character even more extreme and violent.

"Comers, stop here. This is a forbidden area for the Celestial Clan. There are many people waiting here. No one is allowed to move forward without the order of Emperor Donghua."

An old voice suddenly appeared behind Bai Qian. An old man with white beard and hair, holding a cane in his hand, stopped Bai Qian.

Bai Qian knew this old man. This was the land where Emperor Donghua ordered to guard the seal of Qing Cang. He barely had the cultivation of an immortal. He had been guarding the East Emperor Bell for 70,000 years. As long as Qing Cang inside the East Emperor Bell had Any movement must be notified to Emperor Donghua.

Bai Qian didn't want the fight to involve this Tutu, so the Yuqing Kunlun Fan appeared in his hand, and facing the Tutu, he fanned it to the sky, and then he flew to the East Emperor Bell.

Tu Tu couldn't control his body shape and had to shake the Jin Ling in his hand. This was a magic weapon left by Emperor Donghua back then. It could notify Emperor Donghua of changes in this place.

Bai Qian heard Jin Ling's voice and knew that she could not delay, so she had to make a quick decision and strengthen Qing Cang's seal again, otherwise her identity would be revealed when Emperor Donghua arrived.

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