I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 415 Sitting on the sidelines

"I see!"

God Zheyan and Emperor Fox glanced at Taisu, and he understood the unspoken meaning of Taisu's words.

"That child is lucky enough to be able to get to know God. Please ask God to take more care of that child in the future."

The Fox Emperor loved his little daughter the most, so he was always overly worried about Bai Qian's safety, fearing that she would be harmed.

Now that Taisu and Bai Qian had formed a good relationship, the Fox Emperor immediately asked Taisu to take better care of Bai Qian in the future.

"Fox Emperor is welcome!"

Tai Su readily agreed. This was what he meant. Even if the Fox Emperor didn't say it, he would do it.

When the Fox Emperor heard this, he felt close to Tai Su. As a father, he would always have a good impression of those who take care of his children.

"Everyone, today's Dharma meeting is mainly to discuss the current situation in the world."

Tianjun saw that everyone had already arrived, so he started the theme of the Dharma conference directly.

"Yijun Qingcang insists on breaking the hard-won peace of the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years for his own selfish interests. For this reason, he does not hesitate to start a war between the Yi Clan and the Celestial Clan."

Tianjun spoke with great emotion, his face was filled with helplessness and worry about the coming war. Tianjun's love skills are far better than Qingcang's, he is good at maneuvering and winning people's hearts. He held this ceremony this time. The purpose is to win over the gods.

"All the gods are benevolent people in their hearts. Naturally, they know that if there is a war, the three realms will inevitably be devastated and there will be countless casualties."

What Tianjun said was unanimously recognized by all the gods present. Tianjun's words were exactly what everyone was worried about.

"Yijun Qingcang has a cruel and domineering personality. Those who obey him will prosper, and those who go against him will perish. He is by no means a qualified ruler. He is moody and has no heart of benevolence. Therefore, I hope that after the war breaks out, you can share the same fate with my Celestial Clan. Advancing and retreating, we will attack the sky together."

Tianjun is good at grasping people's hearts, and his words touched the worries in the hearts of all the gods. Everyone knows Qingcang's character well, so everyone is full of vigilance towards Qingcang and does not have a good impression.

The atmosphere at the scene was a bit solemn. Everyone was worried about the war that was about to break out in the Three Realms. No one wanted the war to ignite, but everyone understood that Qing Cang's rebellion was inevitable and war was inevitable. They all needed to make their own decisions. Choose, choose a side to side with.

"Although I, Qingqiu, don't want the war to ignite, it seems inevitable now. Qingqiu is willing to help the Celestial Clan when needed to fight against Yi Jun Qing Cang."

In addition to being the top god master, Fox Emperor is also the Lord of Qingqiu, with a status comparable to that of the Heavenly Lord.

After Tianjun spoke, he was the first to express his position. Unlike other lonely gods, he needed to consider the interests of the people of Qingqiu. Compared with the Tianzu who ruled the three realms, Yijun was too cruel and was not conducive to the survival of Qingqiu, so Qingqiu Choosing to form an alliance with the Celestial Clan to jointly fight against the Wing Clan, of course the Fox Emperor also kept a hand and was unwilling to intervene from the beginning. Instead, he waited until the Celestial Clan was in a weak position before taking action.

"Thank you Emperor Fox!"

Tianjun did not intend to drag Qingqiu into the water from the beginning, and he also understood that Qingqiu would preserve his own strength. As long as Qingqiu was willing to express his support for the Tian clan, he would have achieved his goal.

"I have ignored worldly affairs for many years, and my weapons have been sealed long ago, so I hope Heavenly Lord will forgive me!"

God Zheyan had already sealed the weapons tens of thousands of years ago and withdrew from the disputes in the three realms. This is a fact known to all the gods and immortals in the three realms.

Tianjun glanced at Lord Zheyan, and showed no sign of concern on his face. He nodded happily and treated Lord Zheyan very politely.

God Zheyan not only has great strength, noble status, and amazing medical skills. He is the best doctor in the world. He is respected by all the gods and gods. He has amazing connections. Even Emperor Donghua and God Mo Yuan are friends of God Zheyan. , so Tianjun also does not want to offend God Zheyan.

Seeing that Lord Zheyan had expressed his stance, all the gods began to speak one after another. Most of the immortals and gods expressed their neutral stance. Although they did not want Yijun Qingcang to become the Lord of the Three Realms and were willing to support the Celestial Clan, but more What he wants is to sit on the sidelines and not want to get involved easily.

When Tai Su saw this, he followed the trend and expressed his position. He also supported the Tian Clan, but he also stood aside and stood aside. There was no need to charge for the Tian Clan. After all, with the strength of the Tian Clan, it was completely possible to defeat the Yi Clan. Even the current strength of the Tian Clan The strength of the army is not as good as before, and its heroism has been eroded by wealth and splendor. But after all, there are many masters. Even if Yi Jun Qingcang's strength has improved by three points, he is still no match for the Tian Clan. What's more, Tai Su knows that the Yi Clan is not complete. They are warlike people, and many of their clansmen have been drained of blood by peace and are unwilling to restart the war again. In the end, these people defected to Li Jing and surrendered to the Celestial Clan.

Those members of the Yi Clan who were unwilling to surrender to the Celestial Clan were all captured by Li Jing, leaving only some mediocre people who had their blood castrated. This was also the reason why the Yi Clan declined more and more later. Qing Cang, as the Yi Clan, The heads of the clan are basically equal to the Heavenly Lord, but when it comes to leaving the mirror, the Wing clan can basically just linger on, begging for mercy, and become a vassal of the Heavenly clan. It has to be said that although Qing Cang is cruel, he is indeed outstanding in ability. As for his son Li Jing, he is basically a waste, as timid as a mouse, with enough tolerance and lack of blood.

Tianjun looked at the people watching on the wall, without a trace of anger or atmosphere in his heart. The purpose of holding this Dharma meeting was to prevent people from turning to Yijun Qingcang. It didn't matter whether he was willing to help the Celestial Clan or not, as long as Remaining neutral is the greatest good news for the Celestial Clan.

Tianjun and Emperor Donghua looked at each other. The two of them had long expected this situation to happen. It was in line with their judgment of the situation and was beneficial to the Tian Clan, so Tianjun spoke with satisfaction.

"Thank you all for your support, the ceremony is about to begin now!"

Following Tianjun's order, the waiters and maids below brought the food that had been prepared and entered the palace in two lines.

It was Taisu's first time to participate in the heavenly court ceremony. He had been curious about the food and wine in it for a long time. Now he finally had the opportunity to taste it. Although the heavenly court in the world of Three Lives and Three Worlds is not as good as the world of Journey to the West, it can still be regarded as one. It explains Taisu's yearning for Sun Wukong to participate in the Peach Feast when he was a mortal.

Taisu looked at the delicacies and nectar on the table in front of him, and his mouth salivated unconsciously. When Tianjun started to signal everyone to do as they pleased, he immediately started tasting.

There is no so-called dragon liver, phoenix gallbladder, etc. in this banquet. After all, Tianjun is originally from the dragon clan, and God Zheyan is also a phoenix. In this world, dragons and phoenixes are the top creatures. Unless the Tian clan is crazy, they will The appearance of these two dishes at the banquet made Tai Su feel a little disappointed, but he could only wait for the opportunity to taste them in Journey to the West or the prehistoric world in the future.

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