I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 402 Fox Demon

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Wang. There is no problem. After I finish processing this batch of herbs, I will be able to prepare some new medicines. When the time comes, Uncle Wang, don't forget to come!"

Because Tai Su was still young and didn't know much about the situation in the mountains, she asked Wang Shan to help collect any herbs she needed. No money was required, so they were all given directly to Tai Su.

Taisu didn't want to take advantage of Wang Shan for such a long time, so he prepared some golden sore medicine or some poisons that Wang Shan used every time, which helped Wang Shan a lot.

"Master, are you preparing new medicine again? Then you have to leave some for me!"

When Wang Shan heard this, his face was filled with joy. He knew Taisu's abilities and his superb medical skills, making him a miracle doctor. The medicines prepared by Taisu were absolutely precious. He had saved him countless times.

On weekdays, Wang Shan would also wonder why Taisu would make a living in such a small town. He could rely on his superb medical skills to become a guest of dignitaries in a big city.

"That's for sure. Without Uncle Wang's help in collecting the herbs, I wouldn't be able to prepare the medicine. So after the medicine is prepared, I will leave some for you as soon as possible!"

Tai Su is very close to the big man. After getting along with Wang Shan in the past few years, Tai Su understands Wang Shan's temperament. He is a simple man who knows how to repay kindness and is generous and optimistic, so he is willing to deal with Wang Shan.

"Then I won't disturb the real person, my mother-in-law is still waiting for me to come home for dinner!"

Seeing that the matter had been dealt with, Wang Shan looked at the sky outside and it was already getting late, and quickly said goodbye.

"Then I won't keep Uncle Wang!"

Taisu sent Wang Shan out of the Taoist temple and stood in front of the gate, watching Wang Shan gradually walk away, leaving only a vague figure.

Taisu turned around and looked at his little Taoist temple. Although it was called a Taoist temple in name, it was actually just two small houses, and they were too dilapidated. If it had not been repaired, it would not even be habitable. Of course, the two small Taoist temples were not Taisu built it himself, but it was built by his predecessors. Later, when the Taoist priest in the Taoist temple died and no one lived there, Taisu picked it up. Taisu spent a sum of money to move the Taoist temple to his own in the county government. With his name, he has a place to live.

Tai Su was originally a son of a wealthy family. His parents met a monster and died, leaving him alone. Later, he became a Taoist priest for some unknown reason. It was only in recent years that he awakened the memory of his past life and solved the mystery of the womb.

This is a world with monsters. After Taisu awakened his memory, he realized that the spiritual energy in this world was abundant and lively. Taisu was pleasantly surprised. He finally came to an advanced fantasy world and could pursue true immortality. .

It's just that I don't know what kind of world this is, and I don't dare to wander around in Taisu. I can only stay in this small town, prepare to practice for a while, and have the most basic self-protection before I go to inquire about the situation in this world.

Perhaps because this world is too advanced, the techniques created by Taisu in the past are not very applicable in this world. The growth of cultivation is extremely slow, and now it has reached the realm of a great master.

Taisu has no skills in this world to learn from, and can only rely on his own accumulation to slowly deduce them bit by bit. So until now, Taisu has not deduced a skill that suits him, and naturally he cannot leave this place.

After all, the cultivation level of a grand master really cannot give Tai Su the confidence to protect himself in this world. Tai Su sometimes thought about joining some cultivation sect, but he inquired about it in the small town. , I have never heard of any practice sect, which surprised Taisu. He never expected that such a high-level world would not have a practice sect. This made Taisu even more afraid to go out to seek Taoism at will. He could only stay in Taoist temples slowly. Slowly wait for your own deduction to develop a method suitable for this world.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi"

Just as Tai Su was reminiscing, a childish fox sound sounded in the bushes beside the road, which made Tai Su cheer up.

Taisu walked cautiously towards the bushes. This world was a world filled with monsters, so no matter how careful you were, you couldn't be too careful.

Pushing aside the messy green trees, a white fox was lying inside. From the looks of it, it was injured on its leg, probably by a hunter's trap. There was a pool of blood on the ground, and there were tears in its eyes.

Tai Su was a little surprised. Looking at the fox's appearance, the fox should have a certain degree of spiritual intelligence, but it should be that his cultivation was not deep and he had just become a demon. Tai Su hesitated for a moment and then decided to save the white fox.

After all, even if a fox that can be hurt by a hunter's trap becomes a spirit, it should not be very advanced and poses no threat to him. However, he can learn something about the world through this little fox.

"Although you are a monster, I still decided to save you once. I hope you won't make me regret it!"

Tai Su looked at Bai Hu. He did not hide the fact that he had seen through the other party's identity. Although he hoped to find out the details of the world through the other party, this would not change his principle. He would rather take the straight course. Don’t ask for help from the song.

The tears in Bai Hu's eyes disappeared immediately, and she looked at Tai Su with some surprise. She really didn't expect that she could meet a cultivator among mortals, and she could tell at a glance that she was not an ordinary fox.


The white fox did not speak human words, but made the cry of an ordinary fox. She knew that although the little Taoist priest in front of her was a practitioner, his cultivation was not deep. He just thought of himself as a little monster who had just opened his spiritual wisdom, and did not see through it. Her true identity, so she decided to make the mistake and pretend to be it.

Looking at the white fox who kept nodding, Tai Su could only sigh at the wonder of nature. The ordinary white fox could actually open up his spiritual intelligence. This was the first time he faced monsters directly. Everything surprised him. This was something he had never encountered before. The creatures made him full of curiosity.

Bai Hu looked at this mortal boy with a curious look in his eyes, and was also full of curiosity. Are all mortals like this? It was also the first time that she had such close contact with a mortal outside Qingqiu. She had just become a disciple of Lord Mo Yuan and had just started to practice. This time she secretly left Kunlun Xu behind. She did not expect to accidentally step into the Hunter. In the trap, the scene of asking Tai Su for help appeared.

Tai Su carefully held the white fox in his arms, entered the Taoist temple, and placed the white fox on his bed.

Tai Su found the golden sore medicine he prepared on the desk, carefully poured the powder into the white fox's wound, and wrapped it with white cotton cloth.

Tai Su looked at the defenseless white fox and let down his guard. Such a defenseless little fox should be harmless, and there was no need to worry about the other party repaying him with kindness.

"You're so big-hearted that you didn't even guard against me taking the opportunity to harm you. It's better to be more careful in the future!"

Tai Su looked at the innocent white fox and couldn't help but teach him a few words.

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