I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 40 Misunderstanding

Saying goodbye to the elf-like little girl Yuki Sakura, Kai and Neji ran toward Konoha in the same running posture as the ninja world, with their hands spread back like the wings of a flying bird. Originally, Ningji was Neji felt that this posture was a bit awkward, even silly and naive, but after so many years of living and studying in the ninja world, Neji also understood that there was a reason for this. On the one hand, he stretched his hands back to reduce the resistance of the wind, and on the other hand, he stretched his hands back to reduce the resistance of the wind. On the other hand, the back-stretched hands are conducive to balancing the center of the body and play the role of a balance pole, because the running of ninjas is different from that of ordinary people. They are not just on the flat ground. They inevitably run up and down. They also need to run on roofs, trees, and even water. Adjust and maintain your center of gravity at any time. Moreover, you can take action faster by moving your hands backwards, avoiding the time of having to retract your arms back to attack again after being attacked, so you can take action immediately. From this ridiculous running posture, Neji also understood that the customs of the ninja world have their own characteristics, and they cannot look at the ninja world based on the past life.

The ninja world is full of impossibilities, and ninjas are the ones who create impossible miracles!

Although it took Neji and Gai more than half a month to reach the border of the Land of Wind from Konoha, it only took more than a day to return from the border to Konoha, the hinterland of Fire Passage. On the one hand, it was because of the time they came. The speed of ordinary people who need to accommodate the caravan is almost the walking speed of ordinary people. On the other hand, because Neji and Gai are strong taijutsu, their physical strength, endurance and speed are far superior to ordinary jounin, so they use all their strength. On the road, his speed is half as fast as that of an ordinary jounin.

Xiao Li and Tiantian were newly graduated genin, especially since Tiantian was a girl and her physical skills were inherently weaker than those of men. The distance that the two of them needed to complete in several days almost only took one day for Neji and Kai.

"Teacher Kai, we found Tiantian and Xiao Li a few kilometers ahead. We have already caught up with them. It seems that we have completely regained the lost time in the past few days!" Ningji kept walking, and the lush trees came from Ningji. He kept passing by Kai, and Neji turned to report the good news to Kai on the left.

"Hahaha, Xiao Li and Tiantian's return trip seems to have gone smoothly. We didn't catch up until we got here. We will reach Konoha in another twenty kilometers." Mike Kay finally let go of his worries about Xiao Li and Tiantian. , after all, this was the first time these two children left the village, and they encountered a situation where the team retreated in separate ways. If the two encountered danger on the way back, Mike Kay would be very guilty.

"Ningji, let's give Xiao Li and Tiantian a surprise and speed up to catch up with them. Hahaha, Ningji, I'm going to go first. The loser will treat everyone to dinner when he returns to the village!" Mike Kay didn't wait. Neji replied, increasing the concentration of chakra at his feet, and in a flash, he left Neji behind.

"Damn it, Mr. Kai, you're cheating when you compete with your own students!" Ningji didn't want to treat anyone. This mission was only C-level, and the pay for the mission wasn't high. If we treat everyone to a big meal, with their Neji will definitely lose blood due to the amount of food he eats.

Neji pinched his already shriveled wallet, suddenly feeling a strong desire to win. Neji controlled chakra to form a powerful thrust behind him, like a sports car equipped with propellers, making a huge roar and forming a strong sonic boom, quickly surpassing Kai and disappearing in front of Kai's eyes.

"Ningji, you are cheating. How can you use ninjutsu in a speed competition between men!" Kai shouted anxiously and dejectedly as he watched Ningji disappear like a gust of wind.

"Teacher Kai, you didn't say you can only use Taijutsu. I'm not cheating, but Teacher Kai, you are cheating because you jumped the gun!" Neji's voice came faintly from a distance, even though Mike Kai was running fast. Even with the sound of wind in his ears, Neji's words were still as clear as if they were spoken in his ears.

"What a powerful chakra control ability, and the sound can be transmitted to my ears from such a distance!" Mike Kay was always shocked by Neji's strength, and he couldn't help but secretly sigh in his heart every time.

"But I won't admit defeat, otherwise I, a teacher, will lose my face!" Kai's competitiveness is no weaker than Neji's.

"The first door, open the door, open! The second door is closed, open!, the third door, the life door, open! The fourth door, the injury door, open! You can only open four doors, otherwise it will cause damage to the body. Now." Mike Kay decisively opened the four restricted doors and activated the eight-door armor mode. He was covered in green chakra and his speed instantly increased several times.

"Teacher Kai, you are really messing around!" Neji had no way to deal with Mike Kai's hot-blooded willfulness. With a thought, the chakra of the thunder escape attribute circulated in the cells, increasing the cell activity throughout the body. Neji's body flashed blue. The erotic current caught up with Kai in the blink of an eye.

"Tiantian, hurry up and go back to Konoha to ask for help. There are two powerful chakras behind you. Whether I can be rescued depends on you!" Xiao Li sensed the powerful chakra not far behind him and raised a big wave towards Tiantian. Thumb, white teeth shine again.

Tiantian's eyes were blurred with tears, and he took a deep look at this silly and earthy Locke Li.

"Li, I will come back. Promise me that I must live. Hold on, don't let me regret my choice and live a life of guilt!" Tiantian looked at Locke Li with firm eyes pleading.

"I promise you, just like I promised Teacher Kai and Neji that I will stand in front of you. A man must keep his word. Youth will never allow you to break your promise, let alone a girl!" Xiao Li stopped. As he moved forward, he slowly turned his body and turned his back to Tiantian, his voice full of power.

"Idiot, I won't betray your trust, and you shouldn't betray mine either!" Tiantian didn't stop, but kept turning to look at Xiao Li. The tears in his blurred eyes still couldn't be controlled and streaked across his cheeks.

"This road is blocked!" Xiao Li looked at the two people moving towards him at great speed in the distance. The powerful chakra enveloped the two of them, and Xiao Li could not see their faces clearly.

"I am the new generation of blue beast in Konoha, and I will never allow you to harm my companions! Open the sixth gate, the King Gate!" Xiao Li felt the powerful power of the enemy and opened the Eight Gates of Dunjia without hesitation. , green chakra filled Xiao Li's entire body, his muscles made a sound like tearing cloth, and his bones were squeezed and made a "squeaking" sound. The opening of the six doors was already beyond the limit of Xiao Li's performance. Even if he didn't move, Xiao Li could already feel the lingering pain stimulating his nerves.

"Xiao Li!" Kai looked at Xiao Li who was putting on a desperate posture and quickly stopped him.

"Why is there no one who can worry about it? Xiao Li is even more mischievous than Mr. Kai!" Neci directly turned on the chakra mode and instantly came to Xiao Li's side.

"So fast!" Surprise flashed across Xiao Li's face, and his eyes were full of worry. The enemy was stronger than imagined. I hope Tiantian can return to Konoha safely.

"Soft Fist!" Neci quickly flashed around Xiao Li's body, his hands constantly touching Xiao Li's meridians, forming a series of afterimages.

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