I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 387 Get rich suddenly

Gu Jia looked at the bank card in his hand carefully and found that this bank card was opened by himself and used to give Xu Huanshan some pocket money every month, so he was a little bit dumbfounded.

"Isn't this the card I used to give you pocket money before? How much money does this have?"

Gu Jia thought that her husband didn't know how much money the company would need to transform, so she didn't have any hope and handed the bank card to Xu Huanshan again.

"It's not much. You give me 50,000 yuan a month, and my own salary adds up to about 18 million."

"This is not enough, but you are quite capable of saving! You actually have so much private money!"

Gu Jia didn't expect that her husband had accumulated so much pocket money over the years.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet?"

Xu Huanshan looked at his wife's teasing eyes and couldn't help but feel anxious. This was too contemptuous. How could he only have so little private money.

"Oh? You still have private money, so tell me, I'm all ears!"

Gu Jia couldn't help laughing as she watched her husband playing tricks.

"There are also some patent fees and state bonuses, but I have transferred most of the patents to the state, so there are not many. The two together are about 40 million!"

Xu Huanshan thought about the technological breakthroughs he had made over the years. He had almost never retained any patents and had transferred them all to the country for free.

Although the state has issued some bonuses, they are nothing compared to the value of Xu Huanshan's patents. Of course, these are all done voluntarily by Xu Huanshan, and it is precisely because of Xu Huanshan's selfless transfer that such a high value can be achieved. The treatment is almost unique.

"so much?"

Gu Jia was a little surprised. She never knew that her husband had so much private money. She always thought that her husband's income was very low, but so much money almost caught up with everything she had earned over the years.

"Is it so profitable to do scientific research now?"

Gu Jicai asked fascinatedly, with the light of money shining in his eyes, staring straight at Xu Huanshan.

"What are you thinking about? Little money lover!"

Xu Huanshan smiled silently and said that his wife is so cute. She actually thinks that scientific research will make money. How is this possible? Most scientific research is done for ideals, and few people make money because of scientific research, unless it is for corporate investment. Research.

Gu Jia bit Xu Huanshan's arm in dissatisfaction and quietly took back the bank card that had just been returned to Xu Huanshan.

Xu Huanshan looked at his cheating wife and couldn't help but laugh angrily. Was he blind? Could he not see her obvious actions?

"Don't you want it? Don't you look down on this little money?"

Xu Huanshan was unreasonable, with a very proud look on his face, and kept questioning his wife.

"I'm keeping it for you. After all, men can't have money. If they have money, they will become bad easily."

"It's not like I won't give it to you. If you need money for something in the future, I'll just give it to you!"

At this time, Gu Jia was like a parent trying to coax their children into receiving red envelopes, and was fooling Xu Huanshan.

Xu Huanshan looked at his wife who seemed to be coaxing a fool, and was really speechless. For money, Gu Jiake really used any means, even using such childish methods.

"I'm not done yet!"

Xu Huanshan didn't care about his wife's actions. He didn't need money anyway. All his food, clothing, housing and transportation were guaranteed. His money itself was to protect his bottom line, and he would have to give it to Gu Jia sooner or later.


Gu Jia couldn't care less at this time. She was secretly happy in her heart and clutched her bank card tightly in her hand. With this money, she could investigate the project and switch to a new business.

"Of course!"

"Because I didn't have much money, I invested it in the stock market and speculated in futures!"

Xu Huanshan originally wanted to keep a sum of money in his hand to ensure his future life. He is proficient in finance and has a super brain. In overclocking mode, he can easily perform a large number of calculations in his mind. It cannot be said that It is 100% profitable, but there is also an 80% or 90% chance of making a profit.

Xu Huanshan had only been in the stock market for a while, but the chips in his hands had already doubled countless times. This made Xu Huanshan, who had some expectations for the stock market, completely lose interest in challenging the stock market and withdrew from the stock market. come out.

"You speculate in futures, don't you know how risky it is to take things?"

Gu Jia was completely shocked at this time. She didn't expect that her husband, who had always been very honest, would actually choose such a heart-beating project to invest. You know how many people have lost their money and even their families because of futures speculation.

"I only worked for a few months and then quit!"

"That's good, the futures risk is too great!"

Gu Jia held her chest. She was shocked by Xu Huanshan's words just now. She was a little frightened and her heartbeat was really fast.

"Speculating in futures is so boring and devoid of any challenge!"

Xu Huanshan sighed helplessly. For him, most things in the world are not challenging to him now. Only the unknown in the scientific world can arouse his interest and make him full of fun, so Only then would he devote himself to scientific research.


Gu Jia was extremely surprised. She felt that she and her husband were talking on the same page and were not on the same channel at all. Were they talking about the same thing?

"In just a few months, I made billions, and I have no sense of accomplishment at all!"

Xu Huanshan's Versailles speech made Gu Jia stunned and her eyes were wandering.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Huanshan looked at Gu Jia, who was already stunned, and immediately waved his hand in front of her eyes. Gu Jia wouldn't be directly hysterical like Fan Jin who passed the exam.

Xu Huanshan was wondering if he should give it a try and slapped Gu Jia to wake him up. Gu Jia suddenly grabbed Xu Huanshan's arm and bit him hard.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

Xu Huanshan broke away and put his arm in front of his eyes. He looked at the clearly visible teeth marks on his forearm and then looked at his grinning wife. He felt baffled.

"Does it hurt?"

Gu Jia looked at Xu Huanshan eagerly, wanting to confirm her husband's feelings.

"Of course it hurts!"

Xu Huanshan replied impatiently, how could it not hurt? He was almost bitten and bled.

"Great, it looks like it's not a dream!"

Gu Jia got the answer she wanted, and immediately kissed the bank card in her hand hard twice. Holding the bank card, she rolled over on the bed and wrapped herself in a quilt.

Xu Huanshan looked dotingly at his wife who was having fun, and finally felt that his months of hard work had not been in vain. Being able to make his wife happy is Xu Huanshan's greatest sense of accomplishment.

"I'm rich, lots and lots of money!"

"I don't want to be a strong woman anymore. I want to be a wealthy wife. I don't want to work anymore. I want to spend and shop. I want to buy jewelry, clothes, and many, many things!"

Gu Jia wantonly vented her inner excitement of getting rich and loudly announced her shopping plans.

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