"Chief, someone is threatening to harass Target No. 2, please give me instructions!"

Bai Zhan walked up to the old man and stood in front of him, saluted him with a military salute, and immediately reported the latest situation to the old man.

"who is it?"

The old man stopped writing, raised his head, and stared at Bai Zhan with oppressive eyes.

Target No. 2 is the wife of Target No. 1. No. 1 has made so many contributions to the country, remains anonymous, works hard at night, and has paid so much for the prosperity of the motherland. Yet there are still people who dare to threaten and harass the other party. My wife, if this matter is not dealt with seriously, I and all the soldiers in the military region will be embarrassed to face the No. 1 target.

"A small businessman, who designed the target company, has gone bankrupt as a threat, and has made unreasonable ideas about the target!"

There was a sneer on Bai Zhan's lips. This was really asking for death. He didn't even bother to urinate and look like himself. He actually dared to make such a request.

"Audacious and lawless!"

The old man threw the pen in his hand directly, and the angry old man stood up directly. What was unexpected was that the old man was so tall, 190cm tall, with a straight back and an iron-blooded temperament. You can see The old man is also a soldier who has experienced life and death on the battlefield many times. He has an evil spirit that ordinary people do not have.

"It's outrageous and cannot be tolerated!"

The old man looked like an angry lion, with half of the white hair on his head standing up, and he kept pacing around the table.


The old man seemed to be unable to bear the anger in his heart, so he slapped his palm on the table and looked back at Bai Zhan coldly.

"What are you still doing here? Let's deal with it quickly! If this matter is not handled properly, do you still have the nerve to ask for the latest equipment?"

The old man vented all his anger on Bai Zhan, and poor Bai Zhan became a punching bag.

There was a rare hint of embarrassment and grievance on Bai Zhan's expressionless face. He was not the guy who had taken advantage of someone else's heart, he was too innocent.

"Why are you still aggrieved?"

The old man saw the expression on Bai Zhan's face and became even more angry. He pointed at Bai Zhan's nose and yelled loudly.

"Let me tell you, the Air Force and Navy are watching us eagerly, waiting for us to make a mistake. If they find out about this, they won't laugh like crazy, and they will immediately run to show their courtesy!"

"They think beautifully!"

When Bai Zhan heard this, he immediately became anxious and cursed loudly, like a shrew, without any cold expression anymore.

"I got the latest news. Professor Xu has successfully developed the Thunder fighter. We are just waiting for the final debugging. If we can be the first to equip this fighter this time, we will be three points behind when the Air Force sees it in the future. I can’t be proud anymore, so I have to stand aside!”

"Is the research and development really successful?"

Bai Zhan asked in surprise. He knew about the Thunder Fighter, but the latest stealth supersonic nuclear-powered fighter proposed by Professor Xu was the real air supremacy.

If their special brigade were not responsible for protecting Professor Xu, he would not have the right to know such top-secret information.

"Don't you understand Professor Xu's abilities?"

There was wonder and admiration in the old man's eyes, but he was glad that Professor Xu was from his own country. This kind of shocking genius would definitely be a disaster for the motherland if he were born abroad, but he would be the greatest luck if he was born in his own country. and treasure.

"As long as you can handle things perfectly this time, I can win the opportunity to equip the Thunder fighter first! Just wait and soar in the sky!"

The old man seemed to be thinking about the scene of meeting the old man from the Air Force in the future, and couldn't help but laugh.

Bai Zhan seemed to be thinking about the wonderful future, and showed a stiff smile.

"But if you can't handle it well, just go to the desert and eat sand."

The old man put away his fantasy and looked at the dumbfounded Bai Zhan. He was so angry that he directly reached out and slapped Bai Zhan on the shoulder, threatening him fiercely.

"Promise to complete the mission, I will send people to arrest the other party immediately!"

Bai Zhan's whole body trembled. He knew that his leader meant what he said, and he did not want to go to the desert. He immediately saluted a military salute with anger, turned around, and was about to mobilize manpower to carry out the arrest operation.

"Come back here!"

Bai Zhan obediently returned to the old man and looked at him doubtfully.

"Pah! You idiot!"

The old man looked at the honest and honest Bai Zhan, picked up the book on the table and gave it to Bai Zhan's head.

"If you do this, Professor Xu's identity will be at risk of being leaked, which is not feasible!"

The old man knew that his men were good at fighting, but he was too simple and crude in handling this kind of thing, and could easily do bad things.

"Let's do this. I'll let our bad boy do it and you cooperate with him. But Professor Xu's identity is kept secret from him!"

The old man thought about it silently, touched his white hair, and then spoke to Bai Zhan.


"Where are you? I have a task for you. I asked Bai Zhan to find you. If you finish the task, I will come back to celebrate your success! There is only one request, and it cannot violate the principles of the law."

The old man put down his cell phone and thought of the playboy in his family. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Mr. Wan's fate. His bad boy was a self-taught master of crooked things and would definitely make the other person's life worse than death.

"You should keep an eye on him. All methods must be legal, because there can't be any stain on Professor Xu. Do you understand?"


Bai Zhan immediately understood what the old man meant. It is true that Professor Xu's status is special and there cannot be any mistakes. Therefore, all methods must comply with the laws and regulations, and Professor Xu must not be smeared with dust.

"Brother Bai, why would my old man want to deal with such a little person!"

Wang Hua and Bai Zhan have known each other for a long time and know each other's abilities. Although he does not do his job properly, he respects the soldiers very much due to family reasons.

"I can't say that, you know the rules!"

Bai Zhan actually admires Wang Hua quite a lot. Although the chief has always said that he is a playboy, that is because father and son are enemies, so it is difficult to objectively evaluate his son.

As the country's leading entrepreneur, Wang Hua is in charge of a large group with a market value of more than one trillion yuan. He is definitely among the best, and he cannot be qualified just by relying on his family connections.

"Okay, I understand!"

Wang Hua was born in a military family and naturally knew the principle of confidentiality, so he didn't go into details as long as he completed the old man's mission.

"If you do this well, it will be good for you in the future!"

Bai Zhan thought about it and reminded Wang Hua that with Professor Xu's ability, it would be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a favor from him.

This chapter was published first but was banned, and was later unblocked.

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