
Gu Jia looked up at Xu Huanshan, with uncontrollable joy on his face. Since Xu Huanshan became the youngest professor at Tsingta University 6 years ago, they have always been together less and more apart. Although they talk on the phone every day, It just alleviates my missing a little bit.

If Xu Huanshan can take a few months to recuperate, Gu Jia plans to arrange the company's affairs, stay in the capital in the near future, never travel on business, spend some time with her husband, and focus on her family.

"Really, I won't lie to you this time!"

Xu Huanshan looked at Gu Jia dotingly. At this time, Gu Jia looked like a little girl, especially cute. Xu Huanshan couldn't help but reach out and scratch Gu Jia's tall and straight nose.

"I hate it, be careful, you'll flatten my nose!"

Gu Jia coquettishly punched Xu Huanshan's chest, then reached out and touched the bridge of her nose, looking silly and cute.

Xu Huanshan looked at his charming and lovely wife, and the desire in his heart could no longer be suppressed. He picked up his wife from the waist, rushed into the house like the wind, kicked the door shut with his feet, and rushed straight to the bedroom.

"Ah! Are you crazy?"

Gu Jia exclaimed, and a suppressed and expectant voice came from the room.

"Are you crazy? I haven't seen you for months!"

The boudoir talk between husband and wife became more and more explicit, making people extremely embarrassed to hear it. If Gu's father hadn't packed up the things at home and was not in the new house at this time, he would probably have been extremely embarrassed.

The next morning, the sun sent a ray of warm and soft sunlight through the curtains, and it shone on the face of Xu Huanshan, who was sleeping. He opened his eyes in a daze, and reached out to hold Gu Jia beside him in his arms. , looking at his wife who kept looking at him affectionately with her big eyes open.

"When did you wake up and why didn't you wake me up?"

"I just woke up for a while, I don't want to disturb you!"

Gu Jia's eyes were full of tenderness. She found that her feelings for Xu Huanshan had become deeper and deeper since her marriage, even to the point of dependence. She thought of Xu Huanshan every moment, even if he was right in front of her, in her heart. I still miss you, maybe this is deep love.

"So my wife has been staring at me like this since she woke up. It seems that my charm is still the same as before, and I can make beautiful Gu so obsessed!"

Xu Huanshan was so narcissistic that he and his wife were joking about husband and wife. He used some strength in his arms to hug Gu Jia tightly again, as if he wanted to squeeze Gu Jia into his body, and they would never be separated from each other. .

"I just love looking at you, I can never get enough of you!"

At this time, Gu Jia didn't show any restraint, expressing her dependence and love for her husband, just like a little girl in love, without any trace of her former strength and competitiveness.

"Me too!"

Xu Huanshan moved and kissed Gu Jia's eyes. He knew that the woman in front of him had completely given her heart to him, so he would protect this love well.

The two stayed warm for a while in the early morning. The sun became more and more dazzling, and Xu Huanshan urged Gu Jia to get up.

"It's getting late, you should go to work!"

"I don't want to go, I want to be at home with you!"

Gu Jia was lying in Xu Huanshan's arms, reluctant to leave and extremely nostalgic. The warm embrace made people obsessed. The career ambition that was so important in the past was nothing compared to the embrace at this time.

"That's not possible. My wife is the breadwinner of the family, and I'm a freeloader. What will I do if my wife stops working?"

Xu Huanshan coaxed his wife in his arms, speaking softly without caring about face.

"Then you have to reward me so that I can have the motivation to support the family and continue to let you eat soft rice!"

Gu Jia didn't open her eyes and smiled lazily. Her husband's little joke made her extremely happy. She knew that her husband had not forgotten her efforts.

"As you command, my rich wife!"

Xu Huanshan teased his wife playfully, stretched out his hand to lift Gu Jia's chin, and kissed her red lips fiercely.

Feeling her husband's love, Gu Jia couldn't help but stretched out her arms and hugged her husband's neck tightly, enjoying her husband's favor selflessly.

"Is this okay?"

Xu Huanshan looked at his panting wife and asked with a smile. The passionate kiss between the two made Gu Jia unable to answer and just panted.

Gu Jia calmed down her breathing and looked at her smiling husband, feeling a little shy. The couple's long absence made Gu Jia a little indulgent and infatuated.

"If you do this, I won't want to leave you anymore!"

"Okay, I don't have anything to do today, so I'll go to the company with you, okay?"

Seeing that Gu Jia was acting like a child who didn't want to go to school, Xu Huanshan had no choice but to use his trump card.


Gu Jia immediately sat up, holding Xu Huanshan's arm tightly with both hands, and confirmed to him.

"Really! I'm not lying to you!"

Xu Huanshan replied gently.

"Then let's get up quickly. Sister Chen has just been here and has already prepared breakfast. Let's set off after eating!"

Gu Jia left and started to dress up, and kept urging her husband to wash up.

After enjoying a simple and nutritious breakfast, the two went downstairs to wait for the driver and prepare to go to the company.


The tire scratched the ground, leaving a shallow mark, and stopped steadily in front of Xu Huanshan and the others.

A young man in a suit got out of the car, quickly opened the rear door, let Gu Jia and the others in, and then returned to the driver's seat.

"Professor Xu, do you have a day off today?"

Chen Xu is Chen Yu's younger brother. He used to be idle and often get into trouble. After Zhong Xiaoqin's introduction, he is now Gu Jia's driver. He is considered to be extremely serious, flexible and knows how to solve problems. Gu Jia trusts him quite a bit.

Xu Huanshan looked at Chen Xu who was so respectful that he didn't even dare to take a breath, and knew why.

In order to protect the safety of Xu Huanshan and his family, the military conducted investigations on people who had frequent contact with them. As their driver, Chen Xu was naturally monitored by the military. In order to protect Gu Jia's safety, Chen Xu Chen Xu also received certain military training, was assigned a position in the army, and signed a confidentiality agreement. Although Gu Jia didn't know it clearly, she also found that Chen Xu had become a lot more reliable and his personality had also changed, so he I have special trust in Chen Xu.

It was precisely because of this incident that Chen Xu knew the tip of the iceberg of Xu Huanshan's identity and had great respect for Xu Huanshan. He knew that Xu Huanshan was extremely important and was a national treasure. He could not make any mistakes while driving. He was also extremely careful, observing the surroundings for fear of any surprises.

"I'll be taking some time off recently, and I'll often accompany your sister Jia around the company!"

Xu Huanshan looked at Chen Xu, who was nervously observing the movements around him, and nodded. It seemed that the army had a solution. Chen Xu, a troublemaker who could not be controlled by his family, had such an astonishing change just by letting the military train one party.

"Don't be nervous, there are people around who will be responsible for my safety, you just need to drive with peace of mind!"

Xu Huanshan saw that Chen Xu was too nervous, so he had to reveal some arrangements to Chen Xu and ask him to relax a little. Otherwise, how long would he be able to reach the company at such a slow speed?

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