Yuan Hui didn't expect that she would be slapped in the face so quickly. She had just said goodbye to Zhao Min and turned around to come to her house.

"The young monk's uncles are all in your hands. I hope the princess can ensure their safety!"

Yuan Hui did not ask Zhao Min to release the Shaolin monks. On the one hand, the arrest of the Shaolin monks was a good opportunity for Shaolin and Mingjiao to ease their relationship, which would help them share the same hatred and fight against the Yuan Dynasty. On the other hand, she did not want to embarrass Zhao Min. Zhao Min can only ensure the safety of the Shaolin monks, but if he releases the Shaolin monks, he will be held accountable.

"Are you begging me?"

Zhao Min looked at Yuan Hui with a smile. Seeing Yuan Hui bow her head in front of her made her feel very accomplished.

Although Yuan Hui is a monk now, she is also a proud person. It is difficult for him to bow his head, so he retaliates hard against Zhao Min.

"I remember I won a bet from you. Can I make a request that doesn't violate your principles?"

Yuan Hui looked at Zhao Min with a smile, like a cunning fox.

Zhao Min bit his teeth and felt a little annoyed. This monk was really hateful. Is it so difficult for him to lower his head just once?

"I won't agree because it violates my principles!"

Zhao Min unreasonably rejected Fang Hui's request. Of course, being unreasonable is a woman's prerogative.

Yuan Hui looked at the cheating Zhao Min and was a little reluctant, but she still endured it. Even if he didn't understand emotions, he still knew that when a woman is angry and unreasonable, a man should shut up and not refute her, otherwise it will only add fuel to the fire. Make things worse.

Zhao Min looked at Yuan Hui who was speechless, and felt a little happy in his heart. This monk at least knew how to give way to him, and was not without any affection.

There was a long silence, and Yuan Hui did not dare to add fuel to the fire. Zhao Min enjoyed Yuan Hui's rare tolerance for herself.

"You still have some conscience!"

After a long silence, Zhao Min finally came to his senses. Looking at Fang Hui who was restless in front of him, he spoke first.

Yuan Hui breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The atmosphere just now made him feel a little nervous. He didn't know how to face the silent Zhao Min. Now that Zhao Min had finally calmed down a bit, Yuan Hui quickly stood up and started to leave, not wanting to meet alone again. To Zhao Min.

"Since the princess does not agree, the young monk will take his leave first!"

Yuan Hui's purpose of coming here has not been achieved, but Yuan Hui is not worried. Things in the world are not always smooth sailing. At worst, he can rescue the monks in Shaolin, and Kongxing and others will not be harmed.

The sweetness that Zhao Min had just aroused seemed to disappear in an instant. Could it be that this man was only looking for her because of his classmates? If he didn't agree, he left so ruthlessly, and was not willing to spend more time with her? Did you make him so annoying?

Zhao Min did not respond to Fang Hui's farewell. He was only sad and did not turn around to look at Fang Hui who was leaving in a hurry.

Yuan Hui walked toward the door with chaotic steps, not daring to stop. But just as she reached the door, Zhao Min's voice came from behind, sadly.

"I will ensure the safety of all the eminent monks in Shaolin, don't worry!"

Zhao Min still agreed to Yuan Hui's initial request. She understood that the face of a heavenly master was enough to ensure the safety of the Shaolin monks. Now Dayuan did not dare to offend the second heavenly being.

Yuan Hui paused, turned around, and clasped her hands together.

"The young monk thanked the princess, so our bet will be settled!"

Zhao Min turned around suddenly, looked at Yuan Hui at the door, with tears in his eyes, and shouted loudly.

"I don't agree. I, Zhao Min, am willing and I don't need you to waste this bet!"

Yuan Hui was stunned, looking at Zhao Min's tears, something seemed to surge in his heart, making his mouth dry.

"What are you doing?"

"You owe me a life, and I owe you a bet. I don't care what you owe me, but I will always owe you the bet, because only in this way will you come to see me for this bet. I won't It will make you get rid of me so easily!"

Zhao Min wiped away her tears and vented her temper to Yuan Hui very aggressively, and more importantly, expressed her affection.

Yuan Hui was moved in her heart. How could he not know Zhao Min's affection? But he was a monk after all, and a passerby in this world. He would leave in three years, so how could he dare to get into love debt.

"Princess, are you always so direct? And the young monk is not a good man!"

"We Mongolian women, unlike your Han daughters, will boldly pursue it if they like it. It is human nature to be shy when a man loves a woman. As for whether you are a beloved person, that is for me to judge!"

Zhao Min smiled brightly at Yuan Hui, with wet tears still lingering on her cheeks, and the pear blossoms were covered with rain, which was unforgettable.

Yuan Hui raised her eyes and glanced at Wannian, which deeply imprinted Zhao Min in her heart, and she bowed and clasped her hands together.

"Thank you so much, little monk, Princess."

Yuan Hui stopped staying and disappeared from Zhao Min's eyes.

Zhao Min stared blankly outside the room, as if Yuan Hui's figure was still here. She understood that Yuan Hui was not the Buddha after all, but she was still moved. This is a woman's intuition, and she has a unique sense of the psychological changes of her sweetheart. A smile emerged from his eyes.

"Where can you run? Don't say you are not a Buddha. Even if you are a Buddha, I will let you fall into the world of mortals!"

Outside Ruyang Prince's Mansion, Yuan Hui stood still and looked at Ruyang Prince's Mansion. She didn't know what she was thinking and stood there for a long time.

At the back of Wudang Mountain and in front of the thatched cottage, Yuan Hui and Zhang Sanfeng sat opposite each other, holding teacups in their hands.

"Zhenzhen Zhang, the time has come. We are just waiting for Zhang Wuji to rescue the masters of the six major sects. Together, we will kill Dayuan's national destiny. The victory is quick and must not be delayed any longer!"

"I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Zhang Sanfeng has been waiting for this day for a long time. Unlike Yuan Hui, he was born in the Southern Song Dynasty and experienced the fall of the Central Plains and the suffering of the Han family, so his obsession with overthrowing the Yuan Dynasty is no less than that of Yuan Hui.

"But Master, you also want to take action?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little confused.

"I also hope that the real person will not hesitate to point out the secret technique of cutting luck!"

Yuan Hui saluted Zhang Sanfeng, hoping that Zhang Sanfeng could teach her how to cut off the fate of the country.

"Master, you're welcome!"

Zhang Sanfeng quickly leaned forward to stop him. Although the luck-cutting method is a secret technique, not many people are willing to learn it. Even those who have learned this secret technique are reluctant to use it in their lives. They really think that the luck of a country is easy to bully. , even if a master of heaven and man is backlashed by the world, his time in the world will be reduced, but if a master of non-celestial being is backlashed by the fate of the country, it will basically bring disaster to three generations, and he will not end well.

"Master should know the backlash of this secret technique, why do you want to take action?"

Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled. After all, this was not a good thing, but more of a chore.

According to the original agreement, it was Zhang Sanfeng who took action to cut off the fate of the country. For some reason, Yuan Hui suddenly proposed to take action together.

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