I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 350 The monk who begged for alms in the palace

Dadu of the Yuan Dynasty, also known as Khan Bali City, was built around the Daning Palace of the Jin Dynasty. The imperial city was located in the center of the south of the outer city and was a flat rectangle. In the central part of the city, there is the Taiyechi Imperial Garden area running from north to south, and in the west is the palace complex consisting of Xingsheng Palace, Longfu Palace, and Tai Palace. The eastern part is the palace city, most of which coincides with the current Forbidden City and is slightly to the north. The Daming Hall in the front dynasty and the Yanchun Pavilion in the back dynasty adopt the "Gong"-shaped platform base popular in the Song Dynasty. The central axis of Dadu in the Yuan Dynasty started from Lizheng in the outer city, passed through the north-south road that ran through the palace city, and ended at the central pavilion of Datianshou Wanning Temple in the center of Dadu. It was the same as the central axis of Beijing in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Yuan Dadu also paid attention to promoting the development of commerce in its planning, and had a developed water supply and drainage system and complete military defense and internal supervision facilities. It was a famous metropolis in the world.

In front of the Ruyang Prince's Mansion.

Yuan Hui looked at the mansion. Chahan Timur, the king of Ruyang, was deeply Chinese and good at literature. He had taken part in the imperial examination and passed the examination, so he named himself "Li Chahan" in Han Dynasty. He was the number one military officer in the Yuan Dynasty after repeatedly fighting against various rebel armies. He had great military exploits, so the Ruyang Prince's Mansion was extremely impressive.

"Little monk, Shaolin disciple Yuan Hui has come to beg for alms, and I would like to invite you to meet me!"

Yuan Hui knew that the masters of the six major sects were arrested by the Ruyang Palace, and that Zhao Min and Wang Baobao were the specific executors, so after arriving in Dadu, they immediately came to the Ruyang Palace.

Yuan Hui's mental power was so strong that he easily locked onto King Ruyang and sent her words to his ears.

King Ruyang's concierge saw Yuan Hui standing in front of the palace gate and walking out of the ear room inside the palace gate. She was actually wearing silk and satin, which was extremely luxurious and comparable to that of a small landowner. She walked as if she didn't recognize her relatives. Arriving in front of Yuan Hui, he looked at Yuan Hui's clothes carefully.

Yuan Hui was a penniless poor monk in this life. He had no need for money when he was in Shaolin. This time, he didn't have to worry about it during the trip. Even later, he was eating from Zhao Min and others, so although the monk's robe he was wearing was not The tattered clothes at the beginning were nothing more than a monk's robe made of ordinary cotton, looking poor.

As the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister's door, the concierge of Ruyang Prince's Mansion may not look like a slave, but he has a great air of arrogance. He is used to seeing dignitaries coming and going, and he has developed a sharp eye, which can tell the identity and identity of others at a glance. Due to his status, Yuan Hui was very shabbily dressed and did not look like the eminent monk from Wan'an Temple outside the city, so he was extremely rude to Yuan Hui.

"Where did the wild monk come from? He didn't ask where this was, but you can come here!"

The porter's eyes were pointed to the sky, and he was extremely arrogant. He yelled at Yuan Hui, took out a few coins from his arms, threw them in front of Yuan Hui, and rolled them down at Yuan Hui's feet.

"I'm also happy today. I'll reward you with a few copper coins. Take them to buy some food. Get out of here!"

The concierge waved his hand impatiently and drove Yuan Hui away, with a look of disgust on his face, as if he was sending away a beggar.

Yuan Hui wasn't angry either. He bent down and picked up the copper plate that rolled down on the ground, and put it in his hand. He was just a monk who came to ask for alms. He was somewhat similar to a beggar, so he gladly accepted the reward from the concierge without any hesitation. A hint of monkish temperament.

When the concierge saw Yuan Hui picking up the copper plate, the disgust in his eyes deepened, "You stinking beggar!"

Yuan Hui looked at the concierge with a smile, not angry at all. Letting the concierge scold him was a kind of practice. Besides, who is Yuan Hui? He is a master of heavenly beings and a living Buddha. If he and When this concierge made a noise, he was really being praised too much.

"Minmin, did you hear any sounds?"

King Ruyang was having a meal with his children when he heard Yuan Hui's voice. He put down the ivory chopsticks in his hands and looked up to see that there was nothing strange among the people. He couldn't help but curiously asked Zhao Min.

"Father, what's the sound?"

Zhao Min and Wang Baobao both looked up at King Ruyang who was in charge, wondering why he would ask such a question.

"I just remembered the voice of a Shaolin monk in my ears! Maybe I didn't get a good rest last night and I was hallucinating!"

Seeing that neither of them heard anything, the King of Ruyang thought that it was because of his old age, coupled with the rebel uprisings in various places, and the long days of hard work, so he had hallucinations, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seemed that the passage of time was really going on. Forgive me.

"Shaolin Monk!"

Zhao Min put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands and exclaimed.

"The name of the Dharma is Yuan Hui?"

There was a hint of surprise and expectation in Zhao Min's eyes, and he tried his best to pretend to be calm as he asked King Ruyang.

"Do you know this Yuan Hui?"

King Ruyang's expression changed. It seemed that he was not hallucinating, but meeting an expert. However, the other person was a Shaolin disciple, an enemy rather than a friend, and he was afraid that the person coming was not good.

"This time my daughter went to Mingjiao and met him. He is an extraordinary monk from Shaolin, one of the two masters of heaven and man in the world today!"

Zhao Min quickly told Yuan Hui's strength in order to avoid conflicts.

"When did a heavenly master appear in Shaolin?"

King Ruyang frowned and felt a little bitter. Originally, Zhang Sanfeng caused a big fuss in Dadu ten years ago because of the Vajra Gate incident. At that time, the high priest of the Shamanism and the 30,000 imperial guards, who were the national preceptors, intervened to stop it. In the end, the result was that However, the high priest was beheaded by Zhang Sanfeng, and all 30,000 imperial guards were defeated, without the ability to fight back. The Mongolian royal court was shocked and understood the terror of the masters of heaven and man.

Now another heavenly master has emerged among the Han people. It seems that the Great Yuan Dynasty is really about to end. Although King Ruyang is worried, he does not want to be alone. He is also a scholar and knows filial piety and loyalty. He As a Mongolian noble, how could he escape? The worst he could do would be to die for the country.

"In this case, please call all worshipers to come and meet this living Buddha with me!"

Living Buddha was originally an honorific title for practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism, and later the owner of the Potala Palace. Shaolin, as the headquarters of Zen Buddhism, would not call him this, but Yuan Hui was a master of heaven and man after all, so calling him Living Buddha is worthy of his name.

"Father, you can't do it. The masters of heaven and humans are invincible. You can't defeat Yuan Hui. So in order to show your sincerity, it's better for the three of us to go!"

Zhao Min stretched out his hand to stop King Ruyang from summoning worshipers, and spoke out his proposal.

King Ruyang thought of Zhang Sanfeng's majesty and evil spirit ten years ago, and he was still frightened now. The master of heaven and man has become extraordinary and can be called a land god and a living Buddha.

King Ruyang is also a heroic figure, with great ambitions and no fear of life and death. He nodded in agreement.

"Let's go, today we, father and son, will go together to meet this living Buddha!"

King Ruyang pushed the bowl and chopsticks away, stood up, and strode forward in high spirits.

"The child is following behind!"

Wang Baobao and Zhao Min also got up and followed. Here I want to focus on Wang Baobao. In the original world, Wang Baobao's performance was inconspicuous, but he was not a small character.

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