"Teacher Kai, are you okay?" To ensure that Shukaku would not go berserk again during this period, Neji carried the unconscious Gaara in one hand and came to Kai's side.

"It's okay, who is this?" Kai asked, looking at Gaara in Neci's hand.

"The Jinchūriki of Sunagakure Village, the One-Tailed Shukaku must have broken through the seal just now, causing the Jinchūriki to go berserk!" Neji explained as he placed Gaara next to Kai.

"Jinchūriki? Another unfortunate child!" Kai couldn't hide the sympathy on his face and spoke in a low voice.

"I think it's time for us to leave. The ninjas from Suna Ninja Village are about to arrive. It should be for him!" Neji noticed a group of ninjas coming from the distance. They should be people from Suna Ninja Village.

"I may not be able to leave on my own, Neji, I'm sorry to bother you!" Kai's whole body is now weak, and the Eight Gate Dungeon is a forbidden physical technique, which has too many side effects on the caster.

"I'll carry you!" Neji squatted in front of Kai and carried Kai on his back. He quickly left the place and rushed towards the Country of Fire.

. . . . . .

"Teacher Kai, we need to recuperate in this town for a while now. Your body has been greatly damaged. If you don't adjust the treatment in time, you will be left with great hidden dangers." Neji looked at the wind in front of him. I visited a small town on the border of China and discussed with Kai my next plan.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Kai is very open-minded. He himself knows the side effects of Eight Gate Dunjia best. If Ningji hadn't given him a piece of information about chakra improving physical activity and ninjutsu a few years ago, , his current physical injuries are at least several times more serious, and may even affect his own strength. How can he be like now with only some physical injuries? It will take a period of recuperation to completely offset the impact of the Eight Gate Dunjia on himself.

Ningji and Kai have not gone deep into the hinterland of the Fire Country, but have just arrived at the border town of the Fire Country. The environment here is much worse than that in the hinterland of the Fire Country. The land is barren and more like the environment of the Wind Country, so The business in the town is not prosperous, and there are not even regular shops. The residents in the town live a relatively difficult life. Most of their faces are yellow, hungry, and stooped.

"Looking at the situation in this town, it's difficult to find a hotel. We can only find one family to stay overnight." Neji looked at the poor town and looked at Kai helplessly.

"Well, but ordinary people may not let us stay overnight. After all, ordinary people will probably stay away from ninjas." Although Kai said dejected words, there was a smile on his face. He was used to ordinary people treating ninjas. attitude, it has become commonplace.

"Excuse me, we are ninjas from Konoha. We are here for the first time. We hope to stay here for the night. I don't know if it is possible. We will pay a certain amount of compensation." Neci knocked on the door of a small house and looked at the people behind the door. Half of the face leaked out, asking.

"Bang!" The crisp sound of closing the door directly shut out Neji and Kai. It seemed that the people in the town were not close to ninjas, and even feared and resisted ninjas.

Neji could only change another house and continue to knock on the door and ask.

"Hello, we are ninjas from Konoha. Can we stay at your house for a few days?"

Knocking on the door again and again and being rejected again and again, even though Neji was calm and calm, he couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. He didn't expect that ordinary people would be so afraid and disgusted with ninjas. Everyone would avoid snakes and scorpions when they heard that they were ninjas.

"Neji, don't be discouraged. You can't shrink from youth!" Kai still didn't feel discouraged. He had expected this situation from the beginning.

"Teacher Kai, are ninjas really so scary to ordinary people?" Although Neci has read a lot of books, the authors of these books are ninjas. There has never been a book about ordinary people, and this time it is not It was Neji's first contact with the world outside Konoha. He never thought that the distance between ninjas and ordinary people would be so far.

"Ningji, ninjas have mastered powerful power that ordinary people cannot possess. There is a huge difference in status between ordinary people and ninjas. Moreover, some ninjas will kill ordinary people wantonly, and even wars between ninjas will affect many ordinary people, causing huge consequences. The casualties are even more serious. In every war in the ninja world, although many ninjas will die, countless ordinary people will die. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, ninjas represent misfortune and will only bring pain and death. "Kai looked sad, no longer as relaxed as before.

"Do ninjas represent misfortune? They only bring pain and misfortune!" Neji was a little confused, with some disapproval on his face. But he didn't know how to object to this view, which seemed wrong to Neji.

"Ninjas may really represent misfortune. They not only bring misfortune to ordinary people, but also bring misfortune to their relatives and friends. They are even the product of misfortune. To put it bluntly, ninjas exist for killing and fighting. It is itself a weapon and tool for killing, so the requirements of a ninja cannot be dragged down by emotions, everything must be focused on the mission!" Kai looked at Neji in front of him and told the heavy and cruel truth.

"But I don't agree with these rules. Kakashi and I both believe that the meaning of ninjas should be to protect happiness, not just for tasks. We have always believed that ninjas should be calm and make careful judgments! Those who break the rules and iron laws of the ninja world , we all call him a waste. However, those who do not know how to value their companions are the worst kind of waste, even worse than waste!" Kai's expression changed, and his face took on color. It was obvious that Kakashi was interested in Kai. It is said that they are not only lifelong rivals, but also friends and confidants, and like-minded fellow travelers.

I believe this is not only true for Gai, but also for Kakashi.

Kakashi's life is full of misfortunes. Kakashi, who has been abandoned by gentleness all his life, is gentle to all things. And the watermelon head wearing green tights in front of Neji was the last tenderness left to Kakashi in the world.

"Ningji, you have the power to change the world, but you lack the motivation to change the world. I don't know what will happen to you in the future, but I hope you can use your power carefully. Even if you can't protect others, I hope you won't. Bringing greater pain and misfortune to the world." Kai looked at Neji expectantly, hoping that Neji would give him the answer he expected.

"Although I can understand what Teacher Kai said, I have never experienced these pains after all, but I will use my power carefully and will never bring greater pain and misfortune to the world." Neji never thought carefully. Although he also knew that Payne and others in the original work were all trying to change the status quo of the ninja world and end the pain and misfortune, he was basically attracted by the gorgeous ninjutsu and passionate battles, and never Feel the misfortune and pain with empathy.

"I believe you!!" A smile broke out on Kai's face. He believed that sooner or later Neji would meet the being he wanted to protect, understand the meaning of protection, and inherit the will of fire.

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