I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 338 The curtain opens

"Zhenzhen Zhang, the purpose of our visit this time is to..."

Master Miejie is definitely also a hot-tempered person and will get straight to the point.

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but look at Miejie, and then at Yuan Hui. Are all the monks nowadays so irritable? They are all like firecrackers, firing off at the drop of a hat. What's going on in this world? Aren't the original monks not able to retaliate when scolded or hit? Or I'm in seclusion in the back mountain, and I can't keep up with the times. I don't think my temper was like this back then. It shouldn't be. Well, I’m older and can’t remember clearly.

Memories of his youth flashed through Zhang Sanfeng's mind, and he comforted himself with deception. Seeing that Miejie wanted to continue talking, he waved his hand to interrupt Miejie's words.

"Master Yuanhui, you have told me everything. I agree that the Wudang Sect and other sects will advance and retreat together. You can just discuss it with Yuanqiao!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't want to continue communicating with Kong Wen and others, so he picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

Everyone was a sensible person. Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was serving tea to see off the guests, and that the purpose of Miejie and others had been achieved, they stopped staying and walked directly down the mountain. After all, Kongwen and Mie Mie are both Zhang Sanfeng's juniors, and Zhang Sanfeng is a master of heaven and man. They are also uncomfortable in front of Zhang Sanfeng and do not want to stay longer.

When Kong Wen and others left, they all looked at Yuan Hui who was motionless. Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng had no objection, they could only let Yuan Hui stay where she was and left with a lot of questions.

"Why don't you leave?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Yuan Hui who was staying here and said with some curiosity.

"I don't have time, so you need to be prepared to cut off Dayuan's national destiny as soon as possible within three years. I will also speed up the pace to weaken Dayuan's strength as much as possible, and try to alleviate the final backlash of your luck as much as possible. , let you stay in this world for a while longer!"

Yuan Hui's expression was solemn. At this time, she was completely without the usual relaxation, and she discussed the plan with Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng did not answer Yuan Hui directly, but walked a few steps, looked at Wudang Mountain, looked at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, and then spoke leisurely.

"I have been on this mountain for decades, and it's time to say goodbye!"

Zhang Sanfeng's face is full of memories and sighs. This place holds too many memories for him, including the fear of escaping from Shaolin Temple, the joy of meeting Miss Guo Er, the sadness of not being able to love, and the sadness of hearing that the beautiful lady died young. He is also determined to forget his feelings and enter Taoism. This place carries Zhang Sanfeng's life's emotions and memories. If Yuan Hui hadn't reminded him that he needs to fulfill his promise today, he would not be able to remember these memories of the past. Zhang Sanfeng was lonely and lonely. He was from the previous era. The survivors and his contemporaries are all gone, even his descendants have become old and decrepit. At this time, he has no familiar people, only the Wudang Clan, and only the Wudang Clan is left. There are only a few apprentices left. But now these are about to leave him.

Yuan Hui can understand Zhang Sanfeng's loneliness. After all, he and Zhang Sanfeng have similar feelings. The difference is that he wanders in different worlds, while Zhang Sanfeng clings to an era, different experiences, and the same loneliness.

"I will try my best to buy you more time!"

Yuan Hui looked at Zhang Sanfeng who was lamenting his memories, but she still made her own promise. After all, she was the one who dragged Zhang Sanfeng into this anti-Yuan quagmire. He could have stayed in this world freely until he was 150 years old, and then She left this world with peace of mind. Now that her time in the world has been reduced by several decades, she needs to start over in a strange world. This makes Yuan Hui feel somewhat guilty. Yuan Hui is such a person. She can use any means to deal with her enemies, but when she treats her enemies My friend, even the slightest debt will be difficult for him to accept.

Zhang Sanfeng can be regarded as Yuan Hui's only friend in this world. Although this is the second time the two have met, they are like-minded Taoist friends and can communicate with each other on an equal footing. No matter how close others are, they are not fellow travelers. Just a passerby in life.

"Then I have to thank you very much!"

Zhang Sanfeng got rid of the nostalgia for the past, smiled freely, and waved the sleeves of his Taoist robe. At this time, he once again became the world's most recognized person, another living master after Bodhidharma. , with a majestic and heroic spirit, he cannot be troubled by anything, he is calm and gentle, and the past does not linger in his mind.


Yuan Hui looked deeply at Zhang Sanfeng, said goodbye, and took a step forward to leave Wudang Mountain. He needed to start his own arrangements. The wave of the times was about to begin, and the rise of heroes was about to begin.

Yuan Hui wanted to play the sad music of the end of the Yuan Dynasty and seek justice for the tragic fate of the Han family for hundreds of years. He seemed to have seen that the sun and moon in his heart were about to illuminate the earth and spread their light to the world.

. . . . . . . .

In just one month, masters from all the major sects have already rushed towards Kunlun Mountain. In the process, each sect has experienced a hard battle. Although the Mingjiao is fragmented, the top leaders are working independently and have no contact with each other. There are endless battles between them, but as the existence that carries the banner of anti-Yuan, the strength of the Mingjiao cannot be underestimated, and its intelligence far exceeds that of the major factions.

All branches and departments of Mingjiao have received the news that the six major sects are besieging Guangmingding, and they have sacrificed their lives to intercept the masters of the six major sects in order to protect their own beliefs and protect Guangmingding, the general helm of Mingjiao. As long as the holy fire is still burning, they have faith and can defeat all enemies, so they are determined not to let the six major factions attack Guangmingding.

Even though Yin Tianzheng, the White-browed Eagle King who was prospering in the Jiangnan area and established the Tianying Sect, abandoned his family and career and rushed to Guangmingding with all his strength, he came to protect the Ming Sect.

It can be said that if it were not for Yang Dingtian's sudden and unexpected death, the Mingjiao's strength would definitely far exceed that of any sect, and it would have caused indelible damage to Dayuan's rule. There is no need for Yuan Hui to go to such trouble to arrange a secret hand, constantly trying to weaken Dayuan's strength, and even drag Zhang Sanfeng into the water.

Yuan Hui did not act with the masters of the six major sects at this time, but quietly slipped into Guangmingding alone and came to Ruijin Banner's station.

"Xiaoba, how many years have we known each other?"

Yuan Hui looked at the long-faced man in front of her and sighed in her heart. The little cowherd back then was now an outstanding general.

This man has a horse-like face, which is extremely long and narrow, and his appearance is extremely ugly, but a manly man does not rely on his appearance to make a living, so this does not matter. Moreover, although this man is ugly in appearance, he has an amazing momentum. He is good at battlefield conquests. His killing aura is extremely amazing. He is also tall and tall, giving people a majestic and heroic aura, which is definitely not comparable to that of a handsome scholar.

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