I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 3338 Two good brothers, two gods showing off their scheming

In the star realm, as the war subsided, the civilized scrolls and the natural barriers composed of various plants, together with the illusory red moon, gradually faded away, returning to nowhere.

The Lord of Storms, the Eternal Blazing Sun, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom first repaired the defense of the Kingdom of God, and then became quiet, once again guarding the initial barrier to prevent the power of the alien gods from polluting the real world.

In the ancient and dilapidated palace, the dome has disappeared and most of the walls have collapsed, leaving only traces of the battle.

The translucent dark cloak highlighted the mask and transformed into Klein's body. He pressed the vague mask on his face with one hand, and placed his other hand on his lower abdomen. His back was slightly arched, as if he was suffering indescribable pain.

After being promoted to the Sequence 0 Fool, the Blessing Infinite Heavenly Lord was further revived in Klein's body. He was covered in a black cloak, and slippery and evil tentacles protruded from the inside of the cloak, dancing in the void. At the same time, countless crazy The murmurs kept ringing in his ears, tearing and impacting his spirit. This is the normal state of the gods. The higher the sequence, the greater the impact. Only by establishing enough anchors can one be oneself and make oneself status stabilized.

Among the ranks of true gods, there is not much difference in the strength of the gods. Whoever is in a more stable state will have a lighter mental burden and exert more powerful power. This is why the gods established churches and actively spread their faith. reason.

For Klein, the will of Fusheng Xuanhuang Tianzun can never be completely killed, even if it can be worn away a little bit, but its spirit will always exist in the extraordinary characteristics. As long as his state is unstable, he will be revived at any time and captured. His body returns again.

"What I need most now is to stabilize my state, spread my faith, and weaken the influence of Tianzun's will on me!"

Klein's face was a bit ugly. If Ilsi hadn't left a seal in his body to help seal the two Heavenly Lords' wills, he would never have been able to successfully attack and become the Sequence 0 Fool. He would have been swallowed up by the Heavenly Lords' wills long ago and become It is the container for the resurrection of the Lord of Mysteries.

Klein's eyes swept around, looking at the mess on the ground. His figure gradually became a bit illusory. Gray-white mist filled the air and enveloped it. After a breath, the mist dissipated and there was no one.

In Origin Castle, Klein sat on a high-backed chair that symbolized the Fool, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the long bronze table. He concentrated on maintaining his own stability, and initially suppressed the influence of Tianzun's will on him. Only then did I begin to become familiar with and feel my own status and authority.

The authority of the fool is to fool. This authority not only includes history, time, destiny, change and secret authority, but is also a symbol of blindness and ignorance in the spiritual realm. The simplest application of this authority is to lower the enemy's IQ.

Just when Klein wanted to learn more about his authority, Source Castle shook slightly, and a figure quietly appeared in Source Castle, sitting on a high-backed chair that symbolized justice, with smooth and bright blond hair. Wearing a crown that symbolizes power and status on her head, and a gorgeous and noble palace dress on her body, her green eyes are like the purest gems, clear and clear, and her pupils clearly reflect Klein's tall figure. Her beautiful nose and plump rosy lips are like the most perfect girl in a painter's painting, but she also carries a bit of imperial majesty, cold and glamorous.

The crimson nature in Audrey's body shone with dazzling spiritual light, and a crimson flag condensed behind him. It moved automatically without wind and made a hunting sound, making the surrounding gray-white mist become agitated. His eyes calmly stared at it. Klein, wrapped in a black cloak, has a clear and sweet voice, like the most beautiful music, touching the heart.

"Mr. Fool, what should I call you?"

"Cline Moretti, Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, Dwayne Dantès, you have so many identities and names, it even shocked me!"

Audrey's teasing and dissatisfaction made Klein a little embarrassed. He stopped tapping the long bronze table with his right hand and touched the tip of his nose. His vision was wandering and he did not dare to look directly into those pure green eyes. He coughed dryly and felt relieved. After checking the atmosphere, he explained.

"I have no choice. I didn't know anything about the mysterious world at the beginning, so I could only hide my true identity and protect my own safety!"

Audrey snorted softly, raising her head slightly, showing a bit of pride. She understood Klein's approach, but she felt a little embarrassed. She respected Mr. Fool like a god at the beginning, and guessed about his identity, but now it seems that It's my own imagination.

"But now this guy has been promoted to become the Fool of Sequence 0, and he has also fooled history and embedded his identity information in the fog of past history. I am not wrong!"

Audrey was very good at comforting herself. As soon as her thoughts changed, she found a reasonable excuse, and the trace of shame in her heart dissipated instantly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this! Klein, congratulations on raising the throne high and being promoted to become a Sequence 0 Fool!"

"Congratulations! Didn't you also get promoted to Red?"

A faint smile appeared on Klein's face, and a trace of envy flashed in his black eyes. He went through all kinds of hardships, step by step, and finally ascended to the throne of God. But the girl in front of her easily became the king of Loen, and then was successfully promoted to become a Sequence 0 god without anyone stopping her.

"I also want to have a good brother!"

Klein sighed from the bottom of his heart, and envied Audrey for having a brother like Ilsi.

After Audrey and Klein talked for a long time, Audrey left Sefirah Castle and returned to her own Red Kingdom, leaving only a lonely figure in deep thought.

Suddenly, the gray-white mist rippled again, and Amon appeared in Sefirah Castle. He wore a black pointed hat on his head, and the familiar crystal lens on his right eye socket was still shining brightly. He sat in front of the bronze long table.

Klein's face showed shock. Amon actually broke through the defense of Sefirah Castle and invaded the gray fog space directly without his consent.

Amon's body was wrapped in a black classical robe, and a deep shadow gathered behind him. His eyes were no longer calm and cunning as before, but dark and cold. His smile seemed a little crazy, and his eyes were staring at Klein, like a beast seeing its prey, full of aggression.

"Are you surprised?"

Amon reached out to support the crystal lens, his sight began to move, looking around the surrounding environment, and continued.

"Is this the gathering place of the Tarot Club? The atmosphere is good!"

"How did you get in?"

Klein mobilized the authority of Sefirah Castle, wanting to expel Amon from the gray fog space, but found that he could not do it because the other party also had control over Sefirah Castle, and was not weaker than Him.

Amon seemed to have noticed Klein's secret actions, with a half-smile on his face, leaning forward, full of oppression, and speaking in a somewhat crazy tone.

"Don't be surprised, I let go of the suppression of the will of the Lord of Mystery in my body!"

"He is the master of Sefirah Castle, I am now equal to Him, so I can naturally enter here!"

Amon showed a smug smile on his face, the darkness in his eyes deepened a little, his eyes were fixed on Klein, and he said angrily.

"It's very risky to do this. Even I don't dare to try it easily, but you grow so fast that I have to do it."

"But the effect is pretty good!"

Before he finished speaking, Amon's slippery and cold tentacles stretched out from under his robe. He took the initiative to let the will of the Lord of Mystery revive in his body, which made him fall into a semi-crazy state. He was in a desperate situation and had to survive. This was very dangerous.

Klein pretended to listen to Amon's words, but in fact he had already begun to try to leave Sefirah Castle. His real body had just reached the edge of Sefirah Castle, and a crystal-polished lens blocked the front.

"Do you think I would leave such an obvious loophole? We can both prevent each other from leaving Sefirah Castle, so we must decide the winner!"

Amon leaned back, holding the crystal lens with his right hand, and a faint smile appeared on his face. The shadow behind him began to emerge with countless mysterious symbols, and symbols such as parasitism, time, and fate appeared from them.

Klein knew that he could not escape this battle, and his face showed a cold expression. He unfolded his own Kingdom of Fools. Between the changes of light and shadow, the magnificent palace, the bronze long table, and the high-backed chairs all disappeared, and an ancient castle emerged.

Amon stood in the long corridor of the castle, sensing the various changes in Sefirah Castle, and could only see the limited scene within his sight.

This corridor was extremely gloomy and dark, and it seemed that there was no end at both ends. There was an elegant silver candlestick every long distance, and the light on the candlestick was dim and dim. There were closed dark mahogany doors on both sides of the corridor, which seemed to connect different rooms. All the rooms were very quiet, without any sound, and no one knew what secrets were hidden.


Amon showed a crazy smile on his face. As the Sequence 0 error of the thief's path, He was the most powerful decryptor in the world, able to find loopholes in everything. He did not try to break the Kingdom of Fools with brute force.

"Each door is connected and reorganized with different things. If you force it to break, who knows what surprises you will encounter. I will not underestimate you again!"

Klein has been promoted to the Fool of Sequence 0. Amon no longer dares to underestimate his ability and intelligence, and regards him as a real opponent.

After the rules of the Kingdom of God stabilize, the master of the Kingdom of God will also be restricted by the rules. Klein must be hiding behind a door and has no way to leave here.

Amon glanced over and frowned slightly. He couldn't be sure which door Klein was hiding behind. He walked to the nearest dark red wooden door and drew a circle on the door with his fingers. The stars gathered to form a window, and the scene behind the door was unobstructed.

Amon relied on the wrong authority to forcibly create a loophole, which allowed him to see the scene behind the door without triggering the trap.

Amon looked inside the door. There were no tables, chairs, carpets or other furniture, but a blue sea. If he opened this door, he would leave Sefirah Castle directly.

After this experience, Klein would definitely be on guard. It would be almost impossible for Amon to easily enter Sefirah Castle again.

It was for this reason that Amon was so cautious. If he could not defeat Klein while he was just promoted to Sequence 0 Fool and his state was still unstable, he would never have the chance to seize Sefirah Castle again.

Amon retracted his gaze, closed the window on the door, walked to the next door, drew a circle again, and looked at the scene inside the door through the window.

Klein couldn't stop Amon from making loopholes, but he also responded. It was dark behind the door, and he couldn't see anything clearly, which made Amon feel helpless.

He reached out and adjusted the crystal lens on his eye sockets. The shadow behind him began to distort, and countless symbols gathered and turned into a clone.

"Go in and take a look!"

"Why don't you go in yourself? You'll just let me die!"

The clone glared at Amon with dissatisfaction, and started to complain, but still put his hand on the door handle, ready to open the door, enter and find out.

As soon as he turned the door handle, the clone's expression became dull, and he sat on the ground with a silly grin, and drooled faintly from the corners of his mouth.

"Fooling the authority!"

Amon's original body nodded slightly, looked at the silly-smiling clone on the ground, rolled his eyes, and the other party immediately turned into a transparent and crystal-clear time worm with twelve links on his body.

Amon did not take the time worm back. He rubbed two fingers of his right hand together, and a flame flew out from between his fingers and landed on the time worm, burning it directly into ashes.

This time worm was affected by the authority of the Fool. If it was taken back into his body, Amon would inevitably suffer the same effect, forcibly reducing his intelligence and making his thinking simple, which would put him in a disadvantageous situation.

After Amon finished all this, he looked up at the densely packed doors and had a headache. He didn't care about the loss of a time worm, but if each door required the sacrifice of an avatar, even if he had become a god, he couldn't bear it. The loss of more avatars would make his state even more out of control.

"It seems that I need to change my method!"

A bright light flashed on Amon's crystal lens, and countless symbols, patterns, and logos on the surface of the lens stood out, swimming quickly, or interweaving, or reorganizing, or changing. After the two attempts just now, Amon had grasped some of the rules of the Fool's Kingdom and began to analyze and crack the rules of the Kingdom of God.

Suddenly, the symbols, patterns, and logos stopped moving and formed a picture. Behind a door, several slippery and cold tentacles flew out from under Klein's black cloak. He sat on a high-back chair with a cold face, staring at the entrance.

Amon showed a smug look on his face, grinning, and appeared in this room in a flash.

Klein's body collapsed suddenly, and his breath began to weaken. A Fool card appeared in Amon's sight.

This Fool card corresponds to the aggregation ability. It comes from the blasphemy card made by Emperor Roselle himself. The figure of Roselle Gustav is drawn on the card. He wears a gorgeous headdress on his head, colorful clothes, carrying a cane and luggage, and his eyes are full of longing.

Klein used the ability of the paper man substitute to graft his breath onto the Fool card, deceiving Amon, the cunning god of fraud.

As the Fool card appeared, the space of the room began to shrink, revealing its original appearance. It was an iron cigarette box with slight corrosion marks.

Klein suddenly appeared, the Kingdom of Fools began to collapse, and the magnificent palace reappeared. He held the iron cigarette box and tried to close it completely. He did not expect to seal Amon so easily, but he could buy him some time to make him more fully prepared.

Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind Klein to his right eye socket and put a crystal-polished lens on Klein's right eye socket, and at the same time, a hearty laugh came into his ears.


Amon's figure was quickly outlined in the void, wearing a pointed soft hat, with a crazy and treacherous smile on his face, and the darkness in his eyes was clearly visible.

"Klein, you lost! What made you have the illusion that I didn't use my clone?"

Before he finished speaking, Klein's body began to flatten, and a paper man fell to the ground. Klein also remained cautious and careful, and did not expose his true body.

Amon looked down at the paper man substitute, chuckled, and seemed not surprised. He touched the crystal lens and looked up at the dark shadows at the other end of the palace.

Klein, wearing a black hat on his head, walked out of the shadows uncontrollably. He stretched his right hand into the void, took out a crystal lens, and pressed it towards his right eye socket little by little. His facial features were distorted, and his expression was resistant, but he still couldn't stop his actions.

The smile on Amon's face became more and more crazy, and the darkness in his eyes overflowed and spread to the crystal lens. He stared at the controlled Klein with a cold gaze and sneered.

"You can use the paper man to replace yourself, and the paper man can also replace you! When the paper man is parasitized, it is equivalent to you being parasitized!"

"Nothing is perfect, and there are loopholes! Extraordinary abilities are no exception and cannot be applied to any environment!"

Amon is the error of Sequence 0, and he knows the loopholes of all things in the world best. He used the connection between the paper man substitute and the original body to actively create a loophole and affect Klein's original body through the paper man.

Before he finished speaking, Klein's body collapsed and turned into countless transparent and twisted worms, swimming in all directions, with a few time worms mixed in.

Klein used a fooling effect on these time worms, confusing their cognition and making them unable to parasitize these tiny spirit worms.

Changes occurred again in Sefirah Castle. Klein opened the Fool's Kingdom again. The space around Amon changed constantly. When He came to His senses, He was already in a room with a thick yellow carpet and a crystal chandelier hanging.

Klein and Amon fought wits and courage in Sefirah Castle, each using their own tricks. Above the gray fog, Ilsi Hall blocked a huge light and shadow. His handsome face showed a warm smile, and his brown eyes under the gold-rimmed glasses flashed with brilliance. He said in a deep voice.

"The ancient sun god, the fight between them, we outsiders should not interfere!"

Adam was surrounded by dazzling light. Behind the huge light and shadow, a shadow emerged. A huge cross emerged, with a giant tied to it. He was shrouded in darkness and his appearance could not be seen clearly. He looked at Ilsi in front of him with a gloomy face. As his thoughts turned, he nodded and agreed to Ilsi's proposal.


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